I am looking for photo's from the company Frans Maas

Wen i start duty by Frans Maas Groningen we had no loadingdocks. We load, unload and shift the groupage in the open air from the trailer to trailer. We drivers help the lager workers to put the plane back up the trailer to get quickly on the trip.

The side open.

Finnish with loaudig.


groupage in the open air.

Shifting from one place to the adder. Pallettruck driver Geert Hoekstra.

Loading an ex army jeep.

To haevy for the pallettruck.

Shifting the groupage in the rain.

Also loading long groupage. Pallettruckdriver the lager chieff Henk Hoekstra.

Finnish working, the next day agen new trailers to load off unload.

Regards, Bert Wolters

Here sam old photos from the Wilhelminakade were Frans Maas Groningen starterd in 1963.

Backside off the office and of the side off the lager.

Shifting and loading Becks groupage from Oldenburg on an littel truck for delivering in the area.

Checking the groupage from Germany by Lau Kits.

Driving the pallettruck driver Jan Brandsma, standing, Kees Kooi, lager chieff at the Wilhelminakade, Mister Jansen and Lau Kits.

To haevy on the front side.

Trobbels with the goods.

Who must clean it?

The strongerst man off Frans Maas.

Shifting the pallets off goods.

Unloadig the groupage from Germany by Henk Hoekstra. Later chieff lager at the Duinkerkenstraat at Groningen.

Henk Hoekstra checking the goods.

You see lager work in the sixties is not ferry chance as in 2008 You must still check the groupage. Now you can do ik with a barcode.

Regards, Bert Wolters

In the midden 80’s Frans Maas Groningen works still outside in the open air to shift, load and onload the groupage cargo.

Henk Hoekstra, chief lager gifts pallet instructions.

A.D.R. goods in the oldest lager

The garage.

Working in the garage.

Pallet truck new in the paint.


Groupage cargo

Cargo off steel.

Damage by steel on the trailer.

Shifting trailers by Maarten Hendriks.

Henk Hoekstra, chief lager.

Coffie break, by the lager workers.

End off duty, time four a bear.

The office before the rebuilding.

Starting off the building from the new lager with loadingdocks.

Constructions off the new lager.

After the rebuilding off the lager we drivers get better times. More work from groupage to the north off Germany, Danmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and in that time formely East-Germany. When the German wall was gone we get trips to Wismar, Rosstock, Maagdeburg, Leipzig and same times to Berlin.

Regards, Bert Wolters

In 1989 was the newbuildings lager raeddy. We as drivers get it better. Now we setteld the trailers for the ramp.

Trailers standing for the ramp and loadingdocks.

The new lager by night.

Left the garage, office and planning on the fist floor, then the new lager.

Frontside off the lager.

Backside off the lager.

Garage and office on the fist floor.

Lager and garage.

Airphoto Frans Maas Groningen, 1989.

In 1989 we starterd to drive electronics for Normende, SABA and Thomson. Four this work we get new DAF 800 trucks. This work was in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemborg. Fist day up and second day back with littel parts off groupage four Scandinavia. In the beginning young drivers did this work. The driver sliep in an hotel. If day ware back in Groningen the driver sliep at home.

DAF 800 truck.

In 1991 the trucks war rebuild to an topsleeper.

DAF 800 as topsleeper.

DAF 45 topsleeper.

DAF 45 topsleeper, driver Richard Smeltekop.

Regards, Bert Wolters

After the party from 100 years Frans Maas in 1990 we get in the end off that year, to replace four the 7 olderst DAF 2800 ATI tractors, 7 new DAF 95 330 ATI tractors.

DAF 95 330 ATI, driver Klaas Bolland.
Klaas Bolland drived the most off the times groupage to Bremen and Hamburg. Returnd groupage off trailers from the ferry ports Travemünde, Lübeck and Kiel to Groningen off straid on delivery.

DAF 95 330 ATI, driver myself, loading by Frans Maas Losgistics at Bergen op Zoom.

DAF 95 330 ATI, driver myself onloading groupage from Italy in Sweden in the area off Avista.

DAF 95 330 ATI, driver Dirk van den Zaag, at resting in Germany.

DAF 95 330 ATI, Driver Henk Luinstra at Groningen.

DAF 95 330 ATI, driver Roelof Rodenhuis, coffeebraek on the B75.

In 1991 Frans Maas started an joint fensher with SeaLand America four delivering from sea containers in the Netherlands. We dided for abbout 1 year. Four us wash it not so good work. To must rest owers and no driving owers.

DAF 95 330 ATI, loading sea containers in the port off Rotterdam.

DAF 95 330 ATI tractor, back home on the yard.

Onloading off the ferry from the Sena Line in Oslo, Norway.

Regards, Bert Wolters.

In the early 90’s Frans Maas Groningen started groupage and linehalls to Warschauw in Poland. Samtimes we go on to Waschauw but most off the times we chance trailers at Franfurt am Oder.

Frans Maas Groningen early 90’s

Waiting at Groningen for documents.

3 trucks waiting for Poland to get the documents.

To go on work you must chance cars.

Chance trailers at Lübeck.

In that time also Frans Maas Groningen started groupage trips to Estland, letland, Litouwen and Rusia. Thoose trailers we chance at Lübeck. The trailers for Russia go fist to Finland and then to St. Petersburg in Russia.

Waiting at the costumplace at Travemünde.

Driver Piet Nicolai at Travemüde.

Rest at Travemünde.

On an saterday trip to chance trailers at the ferryports. Drivers: Louis Dijkstra and kids, Harry Nanniga and Gerrit Horseling.

Driver Harry Nanninga.

Driver Roloef Rodenhuis at rest.

The next 4 weeks i will be on hollyday. When i be back i go on with the story.
Regards, Bert Wolters

Hi Bert found a pic of these two Schavemaker trucks in another Scania 143 that I bought hat was from that company.

Regards Pat

hi bert, i dont know if these are of interest,i saw them when in russia, and took them for yourself and also my brother

Hi Bert found a pic of these two Schavemaker trucks in another Scania 143 that I bought hat was from that company.

Regards Pat

Hello Pat.

After 5 weeks off hollyday with the caravan in France and Holland back on the the site. To morro back at work, in the nith shift. Thanks four the photos off ex Dutch tractors. I now the company Schavemaker. It’s still on the road in the Netherlands.

Regards, Bert Wolters

hi bert, i dont know if these are of interest,i saw them when in russia, and took them for yourself and also my brother

Hello Euromat,

Thanks four the Russian photos. Day are special. You see ex Dutch tractor with an Russia no. plate and and Frans Maas trailer. You never now off this trailer is driving four Frans Maas/DSV off it is stolen. In the past we had trailers stolen in Germany and we now that day were in Polen and Russia. But day never came back.

Bay the next pohoto you can think the same. You see the letters Frans Maas are painted.

If you have more photos like this. I will pleased to see them.

Regards, Bert Wolters

Bert Wolters:

hi bert, i dont know if these are of interest,i saw them when in russia, and took them for yourself and also my brother

Hello Euromat,

Bay the next pohoto you can think the same. You see the letters Frans Maas are painted.

Regards, Bert Wolters

hi bert, i dont know if these are of interest,i saw them when in russia, and took them for yourself and also my brother

Hello Euromat,

If you have more photos like this. I will pleased to see them.

Regards, Bert Wolters


In 1992 Frans Maas Groningen get 2 new Mercedes EPS Powerliner Eurocap 1834 tractors. The old Mercedes tractors ar sold.

Mercedes EPS Powerliner Eurocap 1834 tractor.

Mercedes EPS Powerliner Eurocap 1834 tractor.

On the way solo to Travemünde.

Driver Gerrit Horseling on the way with the “NECKERMANN”

Me with the “NECKERMANN” on the way to Copenhage.

Mercedes Powerliner EPS Eurocap 1834 at Frans Maas Logistick at Bergen op Zoom.

The young truckwash boy Edwin Atema.

Regards, Bert Wolters

Also in 1992 we get 4 new DAF 95 360 ATI tractors for replacement off the olderst DAF 2800 tractor, the 2 fist DAF 95 310 tractors and the fist DAF 95 Spacecab tractor.

We see here an photo off the DAF 95 360 ATI tractor with an trailer from Teamtrans from Helsinki, Finland.

Teamtrans A/B is in te ealy 90’s taken over by Frans Maas and get the name Frans Maas Finland A/B at Helsinki.

Frans Maas Finland A/B, Helsinki

The most off the times we change the trailers for Finland in the ferryport Lübeck, samtimes in Travemünde.
In the end off the 90’s we get in the summer self drive to Finland. On saterday we go up to Sweden to Stockholm and sonday in the afternoon we get the ferry Stockholm - Turku then unloading mondaymorning groupage by Frans Maas Helsinki. Samtimes we chance trailers at the Russian border four Sint Petersburg.

Edwin Atema washing trucks after the trip on friday and saterday.

In 1994 me on the way to Stockholm.

Photos taken over from an film wat was maken by me in 1994.

Regards, Bert Wolters

More phtos from the same films.

On my way to Tonder in Danmark, unloading there, chance trailers by Frans Maas Vojens and then back to Groningen.

Next trip to Copenhage.

On the ferry between Puttgarden and Rodby.

Unloading groupage by Frans Maas Glostrup and in the area off Copenhage. Loading for the port off Antwerpen by Fairplay Shipping A/S Danmark and groupage for Frans Maas Kontich in Belgium.

Unloading in Belgium and loading bricks in Ruppe, Belgium four Detmold.

Unloading bricks in Detmold.

DAF 95 310 ATI on his way in Germany between Bremen and Hamburg.

Sleeping in the bosh.

Regards, Bert Wolters

In 1992 Frans Maas Groningen replacement the DAF 800 topsleepers for DAF 2300 motortrucks with offsetunits. This was happend for the groupage transport in the Nethertlands, Belgium and Luxemburg. Special the electronics delivery from SABA, Normende and Thompson.

DAF 800 replaced for new motortrucks.

Chassis off DAF 2300 motortruck.

DAF 2300 motortruck with offsetunit.

Weekend rest at Groningen.

Weekend rest at Frans Maas Venlo on the Sloterbeekstraat. This was possible if you go up on friday to Luxemburg, unloading there, came back to Venlo for the weekend. Saterdaymorning with the train to home and mondaymorning back as passagier by an other truck off the company to start loading in the south off the Netherlands.

Police controll.

Sam off the fleet in the early 90’s.

Regards, Bert Wolters

In the same time in 1992 and 1993 Frans Maas Venlo get new trucks and tractors.

DAF 1900 truck with offset unit.

In the beginning 90’s Frans Maas Venlo starterd fashion groupage to the shops in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Luxemburg. Up with fashion and back with groupage to Venlo.

DAF 1100 truck with offsetunit.

The DAF 1100 replaced the FORD truck.

FORD Cargo © Gert Poelman

End off duty and 4 sale. © Gert Poelman

Later also the DAF 45 with offsetunits came.

DAF 45 with offsetunit.

Offsetunits for fashion and groupage at Frans Maas Venlo, Slooterbeekstraat.

For the longdistends goupage transport also new motortrucks with offsetunits.

DAF 95 330 ATI motortruck.

And sam new tractors.

DAF 95 330 ATI tractor.

DAF 330 tractor.

Regards, Bert Wolters




Hello Chalkey,

Can you put thooses photos on the side. It wil like me great to see them and to shere them with the adders.

Regards, Bert Wolters.

New tractors from Frans Maas Venlo.

DAF 95 330 ATI.

DAF 95 330 ATI.

Frans Maas driver Jack van Nienhuis from Venlo 40 yaers off duty by the company.

Truckwash at Venlo, friday and saterday, on the end off the working week.

Trailers from Central Trailer Rental

DAF 95 310 ATI.

Regards, Bert Wolters

In the early 90’s was at Groningen plenty off work. Plenty off electronic groupage to the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg. This electronic groupage came every day from Celle and Isehagen near Hannover in Germany in linehall transport to Frans Maas Groningen. From the lager in Groningen it go’s to Belgium, Luxemburg and the Netherlands by truck. Also was er more other groupage. At thoose years plenty off work in the lager.

Electonics in the lager.

More electronics in the lager.

The next day everything starts agen. Electronics, more electronics.

In every corner electronis.

In the garage also electronics.

More electronics in the garage.

Long groupage.

Were can i put it?


Groupage outside.

More groupage outside.

Then the time is coming to start loading in the trailers.

To start loading in the offset units.

Unloading, shiffting and loading.


Checking by lagerchief Henk Hoekstra.

End off the day/ nigth finnish loadig. Tomorrow it starts agen.

In the nigth finnish working.

Regards, Bert Wolters