HSF Logistics Thurrock services

What is it with HSF at Thurrock?
Pulled on here at 0100 this morning and there are dozens of their trailers parked all over the place, and dozens of their units taking up other spaces as well. How do they get away with leaving trailers in one spot and units another? Is this their UK base?
It’s not as if there is acres of free space even at weekends.
Just asking.

Must have been kicked out of trans marck…

Is it my memory failing again, or didn’t MSA’s levy a charge at one time for changeovers.

That seems the solution here, bring in a charge for every time a trailer is dropped, ANPR spying equipment recording the reg number of the tractor unit each time, operators that don’t pay up simply banned.

Maybe they have an arrangement and account there, who knows?.
Same story at Crewe t/s, there’s an Irish fridge outfit that take up many spaces there with their trailers…regular income (maybe paid in advance) = good business acumen. :bulb:
Do you really think they give a ■■■■ in real terms about drivers looking for an overnight park instead??

Is it my memory failing again, or didn’t MSA’s levy a charge at one time for changeovers.

That seems the solution here, bring in a charge for every time a trailer is dropped, ANPR spying equipment recording the reg number of the tractor unit each time, operators that don’t pay up simply banned.

All on polish plates at moment,be ro-bg soon. There’s a couple UK registered think they from Tilbury or Harwich.

Incidentally I asked why it was now £35 for parking, to be told this was to pay for security.
That’s a laugh!


Jesus wept.


Jesus wept.

I wouldn’t pay (half of) that…on principle. :unamused:

£35 = good business acumen :bulb:

Regards. John.

Neither would I, however the Company do, I guess it’s cheaper than 350 litres of diesel and replacing cut fuel lines and a sender unit! Which is what happened around here when I didn’t use the MSA.
Crazy !

old 67:
£35 = good business acumen :bulb:

Regards. John.

How so in the context of parking in a place more susceptible to theft than others?

Just agreeing with this bit in your previous post "…regular income (maybe paid in advance) = good business acumen. :bulb: " :wink: Is charging as much as you can get away with, ( e.g. £35 ) , not also demonstrating " good business acumen " ?

Regards. John.

old 67:
Just agreeing with this bit in your previous post "…regular income (maybe paid in advance) = good business acumen. :bulb: " :wink: Is charging as much as you can get away with, ( e.g. £35 ) , not also demonstrating " good business acumen " ?

Regards. John.

Yeh but I would imagine that for guaranteed 7 day per wk parking for x no of trucks for an agreed period of time, would carry some element of discount rather than the price the likes of you and me would pay for parking on random nights.


old 67:
Just agreeing with this bit in your previous post "…regular income (maybe paid in advance) = good business acumen. :bulb: " :wink: Is charging as much as you can get away with, ( e.g. £35 ) , not also demonstrating " good business acumen " ?

Regards. John.

Yeh but I would imagine that for guaranteed 7 day per wk parking for x no of trucks for an agreed period of time, would carry some element of discount rather than the price the likes of you and me would pay for parking on random nights.

Ah…yes…ok. Thanks for the explanation Rob. Personally, I couldn’t give a flying [zb] whether a company supplying me with a service had " good business acumen " or not :question:

Regards. John.

old 67:


old 67:
Just agreeing with this bit in your previous post "…regular income (maybe paid in advance) = good business acumen. :bulb: " :wink: Is charging as much as you can get away with, ( e.g. £35 ) , not also demonstrating " good business acumen " ?

Regards. John.

Yeh but I would imagine that for guaranteed 7 day per wk parking for x no of trucks for an agreed period of time, would carry some element of discount rather than the price the likes of you and me would pay for parking on random nights.

Ah…yes…ok. Thanks for the explanation Rob. Personally, I couldn’t give a flying [zb] whether a company supplying me with a service had " good business acumen " or not :question:

Regards. John.

:open_mouth: Errrr right, ok then :neutral_face:
So why bring it up?
(No need to answer btw, not really bothered. :wink: :smiley: )

I’ll leave it then, seeing as you have invited me not to answer. Not sure about the " not bothered bit " though. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Regards. John.


Jesus wept.

Have to add, that this is the price that includes a £10 meal voucher .

Makes sense to go for the higher tariff (actually it’s £35.50)

Parking on its own is £34.00

Incidentally I asked why it was now £35 for parking, to be told this was to pay for security.
That’s a laugh!

You should definitely get this in writing , then when your trailer gets slashed and stuff gets nicked, you can ask them for their insurance company details as surely, they will be responsible as the “said security” that you are paying for obviously isn’t working !!!

You could also point them in the direction of the Moto web site, under the Thurrock heading

Car Park: Free (up to 2hrs)
Parking prices:
Car Park: £15.00 (2-24hrs)
HGV with food voucher: £35.50 with overnight security
(food voucher value: £10.00)
HGV without food voucher: £34.00 with overnight security
Caravans / Motorhomes: £34.00

because that’s what is publicized for all to see in black and white under “Parking”

As a p.s. the fact that they actually publicize this on their web site, could they be held responsible ■■?

pierrot 14:

Incidentally I asked why it was now £35 for parking, to be told this was to pay for security.
That’s a laugh!

You should definitely get this in writing , then when your trailer gets slashed and stuff gets nicked, you can ask them for their insurance company details as surely, they will be responsible as the “said security” that you are paying for obviously isn’t working !!!

You could also point them in the direction of the Moto web site, under the Thurrock heading

Car Park: Free (up to 2hrs)
Parking prices:
Car Park: £15.00 (2-24hrs)
HGV with food voucher: £35.50 with overnight security
(food voucher value: £10.00)
HGV without food voucher: £34.00 with overnight security
Caravans / Motorhomes: £34.00

because that’s what is publicized for all to see in black and white under “Parking”

As a p.s. the fact that they actually publicize this on their web site, could they be held responsible ■■?

On the face of it I’d say Yes.
But you can sure as hell be sure that those type of rip off sly assed merchants will have their arses WELL covered. :bulb: …so more than likely… No.


Jesus wept.

I think truck parking for any services very low profitable business.if they taked 34 pound minus food vouchers expenses minus Vat plus another business tax,rent,light ,cleaning .After all this it is good if for company left 10-15 pound per night or about 1000 from all parked truck.In 12 month company can earn may be just 200k-300k.But this asfalt surface was builded and was spending million of pound.If services can be good profitable that company build and build new place.If nobody build that no profit there.