How to give vosa the slip

This actually made me laugh! :laughing: :laughing:


Says video isn’t available in this country (Uk)

I can see it fine, the commentary and the end is brilliant :laughing:

Also, 105 on a dual carriageway, tut tut

Says video isn’t available in this country (Uk)

worked fine for me!



Worked for me too! Funny vid :wink:

Doesn’t work for me either

Can’t get it in holland neither

like it,very good

Doesn’t work for me

Seamus Richard Head.

Haha excellent :grimacing:

for those of you that cant get it due to regional restrictions…

try this proxy link … &f=norefer

That’s brilliant. Never been pulled, but stopped an Irish lorry in front of me last week on the way to Wishaw.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Are you posters still at school by chance ? Can’t believe I wasted time viewing that crap :unamused:

He only posted it because he knows accents like that in the vid get on my ■■■■.
Someone’s gonna dig up that other one with the guy talking about “touching himself” in an accent reminiscent of some ponce on Clapham common. Actually, if the boys in view are over 18, there’s no noncing to be done I guess… Steptoe can rest easy.
As for “school” - I don’t remember when I left, but it might explain why I’m doing this for a living instead of being a bwain thurgon. :blush:

I actually found it pretty funny, especially the written commentary on the screen. :smiley:

If any of you have issues watching vids on Youtube because you’re in the UK or whatever, download something called ZenMate, it gives you an extra button on your browser that you press before watching something ‘not allowed’ in the UK and changed your I.P. address until you switch it off again :wink:

LMFAO…very funny.

excellent :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: