How much nite out money

Born Idle:
We also get all tolls paid back in cash as long as we have a receipt.

Must be a bit of a bummer if you have to go through the Dartford Tunnel. :wink:

Premier inn room with breakfast, plus £20 to put on the card for food and beers in the evening

ford or ansa :wink:

£25 + £2 a day meal allowance, parking paid too but tend to stay at customers premises for free


Harry Monk:
The amount currently allowable for a night-out is £26.18 tax-free, and there is also a £2 per day tax-free meal allowance which can be claimed for each day worked, I claim the full amount as is it’s always better to deal in tax-free income rather than taxable income, regardless of what it is called or what it ends up being spent on.

I can’t see why all firms don’t understand and legally make the most of taxation law myself, it is to the benefit of both themselves and their drivers. After all, when you buy a Mars Bar, you don’t offer to pay the shopkeeper 40% VAT on it rather than 20%. :wink:

Harry… do you have to provide any proof of purchase for the meal allowance?

me thinks harry talks a load of crap. he says 2 pound per day tax free meal allowance but he will know best. :smiley:
the green machine pay 15 per day tax free so maybe they know something that harry the owner driver doesn’t

me thinks harry talks a load of crap. he says 2 pound per day tax free meal allowance but he will know best. :smiley:
the green machine pay 15 per day tax free so maybe they know something that harry the owner driver doesn’t

I just follow HMRC guidelines and leave it to others to talk crap, green456. :wink:



Harry Monk:
The green machine pay 15 per day tax free so maybe they know something that harry the owner driver doesn’t

stobrats up the tax free meal allowance every other year :imp: to con THEIR DRIVERS :smiling_imp: into thinking they’re getting a pay rise! :unamused: and they fall for it too! :open_mouth:

Current place pays 25 a night out. No meal allowance and all tolls and parking paid. Regardless of meal voucher.

He also pays a clean lorry bonus of 30 quid.

£18 + £2 meal allowance

£30.00, which is taxed
Parking paid

In our recent pay negations £26 night out money was asked for and agreed too by the company,BUT they said if they gave you the £26 n/ o money ( currently £22.50 I think :question: ) they would reduce the meal allowance from £15 to £10 :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:
Meaning if I’ve got £22.50 p/ n out rate right a tramper would be £1.50 per day worse off and a day shift/ night shift driver £5 per day( £25 p.w) worse off.
We will givethtwith one hand and takethMORE away with the other springs too mind.
No idea about outcome as I believe there still negotiating( waiting to be told what there getting)


£30 + Parking

Is that Euro work money?

No, UK only, if we do any Euro we get a float and just take receipts back plus we still get our night out money, It took me Twenty years to get a job here.

I used to get £25 tax free plus parking including meal voucher if available.



£30 + Parking

Is that Euro work money?

No, UK only, if we do any Euro we get a float and just take receipts back plus we still get our night out money, It took me Twenty years to get a job here.

Nice one!

£10 but i get to sleep in a premier inn and have a company credit card for food/entertainment.


Premier inn room with breakfast, plus £20 to put on the card for food and beers in the evening

Id like a job with these sort of perks…:laughing:


£10 but i get to sleep in a premier inn and have a company credit card for food/entertainment.


Premier inn room with breakfast, plus £20 to put on the card for food and beers in the evening

Id like a job with these sort of perks…:laughing:

I very rarely do a night out these days, most of the others only do one, some do two, but mainly if covering holidays. We only have day cabs. Not much point in having sleepers to just use once a week, also means we can carry less (majority of our fleet is 7.5s)

By the time he’s got his discounts, probably works out cheaper too. At least he knows the lads will be well rested and showered before facing customers.

Don’t get anything in my back pocket though.

. At least he knows the lads will be well rested and showered before facing customers.

Don’t get anything in my back pocket though.

Thats a shame. I like the idea of a nice bed, clean shower & hot food…:slight_smile:

The beds are ok, just wish the pubs were a bit more pub like, bit formal for my liking and it’s not proper home cooked food.

Beggars can’t be choosers though



Harry Monk:
The amount currently allowable for a night-out is £26.18 tax-free, and there is also a £2 per day tax-free meal allowance which can be claimed for each day worked, I claim the full amount as is it’s always better to deal in tax-free income rather than taxable income, regardless of what it is called or what it ends up being spent on.

I can’t see why all firms don’t understand and legally make the most of taxation law myself, it is to the benefit of both themselves and their drivers. After all, when you buy a Mars Bar, you don’t offer to pay the shopkeeper 40% VAT on it rather than 20%. :wink:

Harry… do you have to provide any proof of purchase for the meal allowance?

me thinks harry talks a load of crap. he says 2 pound per day tax free meal allowance but he will know best. :smiley:
the green machine pay 15 per day tax free so maybe they know something that harry the owner driver doesn’t

He does not talk crap. It is what amount is agreed with the local tax office. Ours used to be £2/day but the boss managed to get a rise to £2.50/day about 10 years ago. They will not go above this and if he pays more the extra will be taxable.




Harry Monk:
The amount currently allowable for a night-out is £26.18 tax-free, and there is also a £2 per day tax-free meal allowance which can be claimed for each day worked, I claim the full amount as is it’s always better to deal in tax-free income rather than taxable income, regardless of what it is called or what it ends up being spent on.

I can’t see why all firms don’t understand and legally make the most of taxation law myself, it is to the benefit of both themselves and their drivers. After all, when you buy a Mars Bar, you don’t offer to pay the shopkeeper 40% VAT on it rather than 20%. :wink:

Harry… do you have to provide any proof of purchase for the meal allowance?

me thinks harry talks a load of crap. he says 2 pound per day tax free meal allowance but he will know best. :smiley:
the green machine pay 15 per day tax free so maybe they know something that harry the owner driver doesn’t

He does not talk crap. It is what amount is agreed with the local tax office. Ours used to be £2/day but the boss managed to get a rise to £2.50/day about 10 years ago. They will not go above this and if he pays more the extra will be taxable.

The £2.00 per day meal allowance was an agreement in the 1980’s between the RHA/FTA and the Tax man for mobile workers, rather like tax free ‘night out money’. This amount has never increased as you can now (as a company) apply directly to HMRC for a dispensation rate equating to the £5.00 breakfast, £5.00 short day, £10.00 long day tax free meal allowances, the only difference is you have to provide receipts (or other proof) for amounts up to the dispensation rate. I think all the companies paying their driver £5.00/£10.00/£15.00 per day in meal allowances without providing receipts will be in trouble if HMRC come knocking on the door !
Judging by posts on here there are lots of drivers getting these allowances without proving they have actually spent a penny ! Remember you can only claim an expense if you have spent the money in the first place.
You do not need receipts if claiming for the old agreement of £2.00

How do you claim that two quid? Is it available to everyone, even night workers?