How many here

NOTE this is a bit of research for possible article for the printed media, your comments may be used in print, if you do not wish to be quoted please do not post in this thread

The fuel protesters website claims they have 10,000 people ready to go this weekend at oil refineries and storage facilities… I am trying to gauge just how much interest there actually is in this.

So who here

Is taking part in this weekends fuel protests?

Have you even heard they are happening?

If you are taking part are you doing on your own or with your boss’s blessing?

I’ve heard that protests are planned for this Saturday, however I’m not aware of what is happening in this part of the country. We have a large fuel depot not far from where I work.

I won’t be joining any fuel protest this weekend, unless an operator books me to drive his vehicle for the day. (I’m agency).

It is the operator’s responsibility not the driver.

Also, I doubt it will make any difference whether there is a protest or not. Fuel is more expensive now than when the last protests happened, but I’ve seen no evidence of traffic going slower to save fuel like they did during the fuel crisis of the early/mid-seventies and the 50 mph limit was introduced to conserve fuel. Congestion is increasing almost as quickly as fuel price rises, suggesting more fuel is being sold and the price isn’t yet at a level to start reducing useage. The government is is dire financial starits, so ever increasing tax revenue from fuel is to their advantage. Only when that revenue starts to fall because fuel is too expensive to buy is there a need for the government to reduce the tax to maintain revenue.

I got the email from the organisation involved as I signed up to their mailing list a while ago.

Everything is all very vague and I am aware when its happening, but not where. There seems to be very little actually planned.

I would suggest that the 10,000 figure is simply who they have on their mailing list and have signed up for information. Its only small groups of friends that I know who are planning on going to the protests, all organised amongst themselves with no logistical support from any larger organisation.

I shan’t be going as I really don’t think its been well organised enough to have any impact.


Talking to the wife of a local haulier today she said he is not taking part because most of the disruption (if any) will be to the public who are busy Xmas shopping. This is not likely to endear our industry to the public and we will be unlikely to win much support.

Personally, I drive for a small company who would be badly hit by any direct action by its drivers. Although I agree with the need for something to make the government and oil companies take notice, I don’t believe that the planned action will achieve it. It needs the big companies to take action since they would have the biggest clout, or for all companies to support their drivers in a one day “strike”. Unfortunately, not all companies can or will do so.

Talking to the wife of a local haulier today she said he is not taking part because most of the disruption (if any) will be to the public who are busy Xmas shopping. This is not likely to endear our industry to the public and we will be unlikely to win much support.

Personally, I drive for a small company who would be badly hit by any direct action by its drivers. Although I agree with the need for something to make the government and oil companies take notice, I don’t believe that the planned action will achieve it. It needs the big companies to take action since they would have the biggest clout, or for all companies to support their drivers in a one day “strike”. Unfortunately, not all companies can or will do so.

thats the problem no one wants to join but their the first one’s to start moaning when the price goes up & the driver has to suffer (no we can’t give you pay rise fuels bills gone up again)the only way is for everyone to stick together like the froggy’s do till then we’ll just carry on moaning & lining mr browns pockets.

I believe these types of protests are counter-productive.
As gardun said, we already have a shaky reputation with joe-public. The ‘normal’ citizen out there will just shake a head sideways and wonder which dodgy gene-pool we came from.

I wouldn’t bother knawing through the straps to get out of bed for this one.


the only way is for everyone to stick together like the froggy’s do

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Pop Larkin:
I won’t be joining any fuel protest this weekend, unless an operator books me to drive his vehicle for the day. (I’m agency).

It is the operator’s responsibility not the driver.

Also, I doubt it will make any difference whether there is a protest or not. Fuel is more expensive now than when the last protests happened, but I’ve seen no evidence of traffic going slower to save fuel like they did during the fuel crisis of the early/mid-seventies and the 50 mph limit was introduced to conserve fuel. Congestion is increasing almost as quickly as fuel price rises, suggesting more fuel is being sold and the price isn’t yet at a level to start reducing useage. The government is is dire financial starits, so ever increasing tax revenue from fuel is to their advantage. Only when that revenue starts to fall because fuel is too expensive to buy is there a need for the government to reduce the tax to maintain revenue.

Actually,everyone has a vested interest in trying to bring the cost of fuel down.Maybe you’ll be singing a different tune when all the “Operators”,start ignoring the extortionate rates Agencies charge,and turn to our Eastern European brethren for their Drivers.Our customers will only pay so much,before turning to Continental hauliers to haul their freight.
Congestion is increasing because everybody and their brother is driving further and further to work,trying to earn more to pay the ever-increasing cost of living in this country.And this government in dire straits?.Don’t make me laugh!Politicians have plenty of OUR TAX REVENUES to spend on any ego trip they can think of,invariably overseas,which does nothing to benefit any of US,but but increases their own puffed up sense of importance.
As far as I recall,no-one went slower in the Seventies through choice,we all did it because of the lower speed limits…

don’t know any definite details yet, might go but even if any protests were successful I doubt I’d any better off as I’m certain my customers would all want a rate reduction if they thought diesel was much cheaper :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

never mind the fuel lets protest about the long hours they introduce digi tachos for greater survailance and that stupid wtd and its silly poa s for so called safety well lets have 36 hours drive 4 hours other work thats it for the week every week with no loss of earnings they keep harpping on about tired drivers etc welllets have our industry into 2008 with working hours that compare with the rest of the coutry bring on jimmy hoffer

I’ve not heard a word, nor am i or would i go.

All I have heard is a date (saturday) and a time (10am)
As for a venue

“At a refinery or storage depot near you”
I’m sorry but that is a bit too vague for me. I wouldn’t want to go and find nobody else there!!!

I won’t have anything to do with it!

This industry has too many problems and just protesting over one issue seems pointless. Everyday I read on this forum about the problems drivers have to face and its those collective problems we should be protesting about.



the only way is for everyone to stick together like the froggy’s do

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

How come this old chestnut always comes up whenever people start talking about transport drivers showing their muscles?
The last nationwide blockades here were at least 6 years ago when I was still driving and they were only token affairs. My boss told us to work normally, previously he had kept us in the yard or worked out specific avoidance routes, because he knew the score that time. This was because the police and gendarmes had made it plain that any disrupting drivers would have their licences confiscated and face prosecution. When I approached a roundabout near Brive I was asked by a ‘blockader’ with a gendarme by his side if I would park up for 10 minutes to show solidarity. This I did readily, in fact I gave them 15 and put the tacho on break while I chatted with the small group of gendarmes and drivers around the brazier - all very gentlemanly. :wink: :laughing:

My answer to the questions are yes, I have heard about it through these postings, and no, I wouldn’t join in if I was still working in the UK.

My boss told us to work normally, previously he had kept us in the yard or worked out specific avoidance routes, .

& i bet he was complaining about the price of fuel while you were all inthe yard.


All I have heard is a date (saturday) and a time (10am)
As for a venue

“At a refinery or storage depot near you”
I’m sorry but that is a bit too vague for me. I wouldn’t want to go and find nobody else there!!!

plymouth is probably nearest to you :wink: unless you want to go to bodmin but you’ll probably be on your own :wink:


Denis F:

All I have heard is a date (saturday) and a time (10am)
As for a venue

“At a refinery or storage depot near you”
I’m sorry but that is a bit too vague for me. I wouldn’t want to go and find nobody else there!!!

plymouth is probably nearest to you :wink: unless you want to go to bodmin but you’ll probably be on your own :wink:


No I wouldn’t cos I have no intention of going :laughing:


the only way is for everyone to stick together like the froggy’s do

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Even Comical Motor used that crap in an article this week. It is about on par with the Sun during a heatwave.

Phew, what a scorcher :stuck_out_tongue:

I shall be in the pub watching policemen beat the crap out of fuel protestors :smiley: