How many here

& i bet he was complaining about the price of fuel while you were all inthe yard.

If he’s that worried about the price of fuel, he’ll take some form of action.

I don’t see why I should protest on behalf of my boss.

Pop Larkin:
Fuel is more expensive now than when the last protests happened, but I’ve seen no evidence of traffic going slower to save fuel like they did during the fuel crisis of the early/mid-seventies and the 50 mph limit was introduced to conserve fuel.

You haven’t?? Well I have seen a noticeable rise in the number of cars now sitting at 55 mph, usually in the middle lane of a motorway or on a clear dual carriageway. :angry: Until of course you try to overtake them in an artic and they suddenly decide to pull away but slow down again once you pull back in behind them. But that has been discussed on other threads.

As for the protests, I would certainly offer whatever support I can because I am sick and tired of being held to ransom by this (and previous) governments, who know fine that the car/truck is now a necessity, and we simply have to pay whatever it takes to fuel them up. As for all this nonsense about using the cash to pay for schools and hospitals… Yeh, sure; where are they? The money pays for the welfare state which started off as a good idea but is now a total shambles where 16 year old girls are better off getting pregnant than trying to find work. Could rant all day…
Oh, and merry christmas to you all. :smiley: Hope Santa by-passes 10 Downing Street.


The problem as I see it, with this type of action, is that the authorities (police etc) will not support it. When the French do this type of thing, they find the police are positive in backing them. UK drivers etc are likely to find themselves in legal hot water unlike their counterparts on the continent.

We live in a CAR orientated society where lorries are regarded as a necessary evil and until this changes, the hauliers and lorry drivers will ALWAYS be regarded as a SECOND consideration.

Fuel costs will continue to rise and the cost of that rise will get passed on to the public in one form or another, then the public ask for more wages to pay for those rises, then the Government slap more tax on to curb the use of the resource, then… etc, etc - thats life :exclamation:

We live in a CAR orientated society where lorries are regarded as a necessary evil and until this changes, the hauliers and lorry drivers will ALWAYS be regarded as a SECOND consideration.

So true Rog; I’ve always advocated the rigid observation of speed limits ( we all drive for Tesco for a day :wink: ) as the most effective way to protest about anything, be it hours, fuel prices or just the fact that we’re all fed up with being treated as you so rightly describe.

No doubt though the Sun et al will criticise us for that, too. :angry:


The problem as I see it, with this type of action, is that the authorities (police etc) will not support it. When the French do this type of thing, they find the police are positive in backing them.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The problem as I see it, with this type of action, is that the authorities (police etc) will not support it. When the French do this type of thing, they find the police are positive in backing them.

they will positively back them into a corner and remove their driving licences which is why they have done nothing for years. did you even read the post from spardo?

NOTE this is a bit of research for possible article for the printed media, your comments may be used in print, if you do not wish to be quoted please do not post in this thread

The fuel protesters website claims they have 10,000 people ready to go this weekend at oil refineries and storage facilities… I am trying to gauge just how much interest there actually is in this.

So who here

Is taking part in this weekends fuel protests?
Have you even heard they are happening?

If you are taking part are you doing on your own or with your boss’s blessing?

Yes,from Newspaper

and yes…

purfleet. :sunglasses:

and yes…

purfleet. :sunglasses:

At Purfleet in Essex, where a demonstration was due to be staged, a lone pensioner arrived to attack the Government’s tax policy
From the press asscociation

Didnt realise you were THAT old Terry :wink: :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

got a bus pass to prove it… :laughing: