So 25000 troops to Ukraine ?
I recon they might just last 24 hours after they get off the train .
I think the Russians might just know where they are dont you?
The same will happen to these troops as happened to the “wonder weapon” called challenger tanks.
They were annihilated.
They are not fighting a few civilians with AK47s as in Afghanistan or Iraq they are taking on an army with battle hardened troops, second to none weapons and in unfamiliar terrain.
It will be a massacre.
Possibly…as part of a peace keeping force…
I don’t think anyone is suggesting sending European troops to fight alongside Ukraine tomorrow.
Russia however has brought in N.Korean troops to fight because they are …ummm…because Russia is a vastly superior force and will easily anni…?
Russia is currently financially and militarily embarrassed. Trump is making a huge error (if he wants Putain defeated) by talking to him as a potential friend.
But then again…who assumes that Trump really does want Russia out?
Russia has already told NATO there will be no “peacekeepers” in Ukraine.
No ifs no buts
Russian economy is growing at 6% per year and if you call what is happening in Ukraine a military “embarrasment” what can one say?
As for N.Korean troops in Kursk a bit of evidence would be nice.
If they do, by unlucky chance, succeed in killing a few Russians we could logically expect a declaration of War and find a few long range missile hits added to the road works carnage here.If we really ■■■■ them off they might just go straight to the nuke option on the basis of zb around find out what are we gonna do about it.
More like this Communist POS dictator is setting up our forces for a deliberate double cross by forcing their surrender in the Ukrainian wastelands.Why wouldn’t he.
Can’t find 6% per annum anywhere.
Top one a jewish think tank bottom one a jewish controlled propaganda arm of a corrupt government
Nothing more to say.
Remember when the bbc reported that the Russians were taking computer “chips” out of washing machines for their missiles and fighter aircraft ?
Or even further back when Iraq was building a “super gun” that could fire shells from Bhagdad to London?
Give me a break man.
The Tsentr exercises suggest that those NK forces might be as much, if not more, Chinese as NK.
So at best a pro Islamic, pro China, Communist PM, sending our forces into a distant open killing field, with no hope, let alone guarantee, of supplies or exit strategy.With an imported hostile enemy army within.
At worse we get nuked.
Don’t think there’s any advantage to Israel, in a pro Islamic, Communist Brit dictator, taking out/surrendering our forces, over an inevitably doomed misadventure v an unknown joint Russian/Chinese/NK/Iranian force, in the Ukrainian wastelands.
The jews like Victoria Newland and Tony Blinken amongst others installed a pro jewish regime in Ukraine after the colour revolution. This ended with Zelensky (another jew) in charge and shelling and murdering ethnic Russians in the Donbass area of eastern Ukraine. The jews hate Putin and Russia because when he came to power, instead of being their loyal puppet, he rounded up the jewish oligarchs who robbed Russia when the USSR collapsed and gave them an ultimatum. Hand the money back to the Russian state or jail for life. Thats why so many of these parasites fled to London to buy football clubs etc. Where do you think Poreshenko (the chocolate king) got his “empire” from ? How did he become president ? Follow the money and look who you are not allowed to critisize.
What a nasty rant…
But the last line is worth repeating.
The richest man in Russia is Putin.
The man who it is most dangerous to criticise is Putin.
Now who do you think are the bad guys in all of this?