How fast do you go on single carriageways?

I whatever speed I feel like according to the job, time, conditions & risks to my pocket & licence…!

40 for me, it’s a days wages & 5 years of telling your insurance that you’ve been a Naughty Boy, when you get caught, for the sake of saving a few minutes or maybe an hour, at the end of the day.

I keep right over to the left & I will pull into a lay by or go round a roundabout twice, if it builds up behind me. But not in the rush hour because no one will let you back out again.

I wouldn’t care what one Plod says about being alright to do 50 & keep the traffic flowing, there’s more than one Plod on the road & his mate mate might not be as accommodating.

They can’t nick you for doing the Legal Speed Limit & holding up the traffic but the can nick you for going over it, if they want to be funny about it I’m pretty sure that they can have you for doing 41 if they want (without taking the 10% extra into account) especially if you are involved in someone else’s accident.

I can’t see why they don’t allow us to do 50 on the wide stretches (like the Leighton Buzzard Bypass) I suppose they wouldn’t generate much revenue if they allowed it & Mrs ‘Sprog Fetch’ & the Safety Army wouldn’t be too happy if all those ‘Nasty Wasty’ Lorry’s were Thundering along at such ‘Dangerous’ speeds !

Think of the Nimby’s.

I’m pretty much in the 40 - 44 club, but hope I come across another truck doing 40 so we can get a bit of a convoy going. Obviously leaving a safe gap so the white knucklers can overtake me and pull in between us.
Back in the day when I was a young buck (before speed cameras and limiters)it was pretty much 60 when safe to do so (or sometimes when a little tricky to do so as well), but there was less hassle back then and there was usually plenty of warning if a smokey was about… Do we still do the flash and thumbs down signal now ?

I normally do around 40 to 45 on single roads anyway as it’s the law

Since when was 40 to 45 law :open_mouth:
I think you’ll find its 40 :unamused:
You cant say its law if it aint can you or we’ll say its a 15 hour day give or take 30 mins

Ive got a big willy.

56mph if it’s safe to do so.

56mph if it’s safe to do so.


Freight Dog:
Just curious, why do you do 44 not 45?

For the same reason I do 55mph on dual carriageways; it’s 10% over the speed limit.

Whatever the speed of the traffic in front is. And there is always traffic in front! If I’m behind a guy doing 40 then fairy snuff I’ll do that, if the guy in front is on his limiter I’ll leave a hoooge gap to him and match his speed.

I shouldn’t have to say this but I will for any lurking pedants ; the above applies dependant entirely on traffic density, road conditions, and anything else you may get upset about. :wink:

I travel at whatever speed the law allows me to. Simples :sunglasses:

It does make me laugh all this! The speed limit is 40 even if we agree to it or not! You never get anyone moaning about doin 30 in a 30 zone do we & there’s no difference at all even if you want to argue about built up areas n all that.

Usually potter along at 45 ish.
If (ime in a hurry speed up you frecer) is right up my harris ,i tend to back it off to 40.
Why do drivers think that if they sit close,the driver in front will speed up?

Because they are complete and utter morons. They would probably poop their pants if another driver pulled them up and confronted them.

In an industry where most laws and regulations are geared up against you, and where the rates of pay are penny pinched to where you are paid a minimal rate as the job is cut to ribbons, It amazes me that you still get these superstars playing into their employer’s hands by going like ■■■■ to meet a tight as arse holes schedule, when they could use maybe the one rule that works in our favour, that says BY LAW that you should not be doing this as the speed limit is 40MPH.
I was accused on another thread of hanging the job out as I agree with this law, and because I was paid by the hour :unamused:
I would ask you guys if it is raised to 50+ are you that naive to think that your bosses will say “Oh well at least they will get around the job easier now” do you not think that it will be seen rather as a good reason to increase your workload (for no extra :bulb: ) surely drivers cannot be all that thick :unamused:
So to answer the question 40, while pulling in lay bys to let the superstars through (unless they get agressive :smiling_imp: ) …and still completing my work load by using my experience. Hare and tortoise situation :bulb:

In an industry where most laws and regulations are geared up against you, and where the rates of pay are penny pinched to where you are paid a minimal rate as the job is cut to ribbons, It amazes me that you still get these superstars playing into their employer’s hands by going like [zb] to meet a tight as arse holes schedule, when they could use maybe the one rule that works in our favour, that says BY LAW that you should not be doing this as the speed limit is 40MPH.
I was accused on another thread of hanging the job out as I agree with this law, and because I was paid by the hour :unamused:
I would ask you guys if it is raised to 50+ are you that naive to think that your bosses will say “Oh well at least they will get around the job easier now” do you not think that it will be seen rather as a good reason to increase your workload (for no extra :bulb: ) surely drivers cannot be all that thick :unamused:
So to answer the question 40, while pulling in lay bys to let the superstars through (unless they get agressive :smiling_imp: ) …and still completing my work load by using my experience. Hare and tortoise situation :bulb:

You are of course entitled your tuppenceworth Roy, but quoting THE LAW in big shouty capital letters just makes you come across as a finger-waving do-gooder who, of course, will also sticky rigidly to all the speed limits in his car as well, right? :bulb: :wink:

Personally, the only time I rush about on the job is for my own needs, like trying to get done and get home before the rush hour traffic, but I’ll still go flat out on the singles where possible simply because driving at 40 bores me to tears and I’d rather get where I’m going and then get my head down for 30 mins. If that makes me a “superstar” then I’m good with that if that’s what you like to think! :smiley: I don’t get any more workload than the drivers that stick to 40 either.

I should perhaps add that I’m a night driver and spend most of my time on the rural roads of ■■■■■■■■ N Yorks and N Lincs where you are lucky to even see another vehicle in the dead of the night.

Ive got a big willy.

but not a big wallet :laughing: to pay for the fines :sunglasses: or speed awareness course :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: is it on the right hand side of your head? :wink:

I just don’t get the fact there is a argument on speeds on single carriages it is 40 mph I am not a goody two shoes it’s about keeping your license why chance 3points and a fine to keep some tosses happy in the office it is so easy to get points 3points can soon become 6 then try and get a job say on an oil company plus your car insurance will go up if like me you have been in a fatal accident they then check every thing imagine 6points for speeding ,fatal accident oh dear and don’t forget with a digi card they can check back months habitual speeder ? Oh dear on the A41 Chester to M6 cannock the Shell vehicles and Cullina drivers from Market Drayton only do 40 they are sacked if caught speeding so they don’t it does your head in following them but you can’t blame them I was told that Vosa or who ever go in the office and check if any one has been speeding undetected don’t quote me I was just told by someone. as quoted one cop might give you some leeway but the next one won’t the last tome I got caught speeding was 4-15 am single carriagway but 50 mph speed limit goody I thought stick to 48and I will be ok the flash lit up the night sky the camera could tell the difference between truck and car letter from Lincs police to my boss got a warning off him and 3pts so it’s simples stick to the limit if any one tries to push you ignore them at the end of the day it’s your license and points can stop you getting a better job

You tell us that you stick to the limits Dexterboy as it’s your licence then in the next breath tell us that it does your head in being stuck behind those doing the legal limit.

Which is it to be then?

I just don’t get the fact there is a argument on speeds on single carriages it is 40 mph I am not a goody two shoes it’s about keeping your license why chance 3points and a fine to keep some tosses happy in the office it is so easy to get points 3points can soon become 6 then try and get a job say on an oil company plus your car insurance will go up if like me you have been in a fatal accident they then check every thing imagine 6points for speeding ,fatal accident oh dear and don’t forget with a digi card they can check back months habitual speeder ? Oh dear on the A41 Chester to M6 cannock the Shell vehicles and Cullina drivers from Market Drayton only do 40 they are sacked if caught speeding so they don’t it does your head in following them but you can’t blame them I was told that Vosa or who ever go in the office and check if any one has been speeding undetected don’t quote me I was just told by someone. as quoted one cop might give you some leeway but the next one won’t the last tome I got caught speeding was 4-15 am single carriagway but 50 mph speed limit goody I thought stick to 48and I will be ok the flash lit up the night sky the camera could tell the difference between truck and car letter from Lincs police to my boss got a warning off him and 3pts so it’s simples stick to the limit if any one tries to push you ignore them at the end of the day it’s your license and points can stop you getting a better job

If you’re stupid enough to drive past a GATSO above the speed limit for your vehicle type then you deserve all you get. Only a thick [zb] would do that.

Regarding Culina I have done a few jobs for them and the vehicles (well most of them I think apart from some older ones) have microlise fitted so its 40 or your signing a form that shows youve been speading, I had one doing 54 in a 50 for 2 minutes.
Not sure if theres a totting up procedure for in house microlise infingements, if Bald Blokes about he will have more knowledge of this.

I normally do 45-50 depending on road However Monday last week I was talking to an irish guy in hollies who told me that one of our boys had been stopped by police on A75. and it makes a change that it wasn’t a paddy. Wednesday comes and I got a load to Castle Douglas, I stuck to 40mph all the way and saw two unmarked cops sat in laybys with speed guns out. Lesson learnt. Sorry if you were behind me Wednesday headin there and Thursday headin back and I held you up but I got no points out of it :smiley: :smiley: . Found out the guy got 100 pound fine and 3 points… :open_mouth: