Hovering cursor over thread title not working

hovering cursor over a thread title used to display the first X amount of text but does not now do so … is it me or has the site changed?

Yeah , Ive encountered the same problem since the TNUK network was off line for maintenance in the early hours of Wednesday. I thought these works were to improve the network . :confused: Also , the small square next to the last posters name now displays the words " View the latest post" instead of the
actual wording. This is a step backwards instead of progress . :frowning:

Only small gripes , but nevertheless, they are worth mentioning to those responsible.

Cheers , cattle wagon man.

And I thought it was my computer! But having changed computer and seen this thread, I’m glad it isn’t just me. Really annoying.

Thanks for the feedback chaps. :smiley:

Rikki and the Tech Team will be on the case now that you’ve let them know.

I’m using an iPhone whilst I’m away, and the previews are working normally for me, but I think they’re a PITA on an iPhone tbh.

Working fine on my lappy

Working fine on my lappy

must be (both) my lappys then :frowning: being a bit of a luddite I thought perhaps it was something I had done .

NOPE just says view topic …


Working fine on my lappy

must be (both) my lappys then :frowning: being a bit of a luddite I thought perhaps it was something I had done .

Not sure what you using but mine is a mac not sure if that make a difference or not might be a prob with windows in which case close curtains :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



Working fine on my lappy

must be (both) my lappys then :frowning: being a bit of a luddite I thought perhaps it was something I had done .

Not sure what you using but mine is a mac not sure if that make a difference or not might be a prob with windows in which case close curtains :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

is it a big Mac Ang cause you know it’ll make you fat like me :wink:

It works fine for me, in both Firefox 26 and Internet Explorer 10.

Not sure what to suggest really.

It works fine for me, in both Firefox 26 and Internet Explorer 10.

Not sure what to suggest really.

Yep back on now :wink: :wink: all fixed well done team…


It works fine for me, in both Firefox 26 and Internet Explorer 10.

Not sure what to suggest really.

Yep back on now :wink: :wink: all fixed well done team…

i stand corrected …if your using view new posts it don’t but if your checking from the index and main thread it does :frowning:

i stand corrected …if your using view new posts it don’t but if your checking from the index and main thread it does :frowning:

Agreed, browse to a forum from the index page and you get the tool-tip but not if you go to “new posts” or “active posts”.

How odd. It does work if your browsing a particular forum, but not in “view new posts”, which I what I use all the time.

Ah Ok, yes tried it that way and you are all correct.

Over to Rikki




Working fine on my lappy

must be (both) my lappys then :frowning: being a bit of a luddite I thought perhaps it was something I had done .

Not sure what you using but mine is a mac not sure if that make a difference or not might be a prob with windows in which case close curtains :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

is it a big Mac Ang cause you know it’ll make you fat like me :wink:

both on windows one win 7 on win 8 ( I use the old one more as I find win 8 a tad confusing esp with h.a.v.s. its a lot more sensitive to the touch )

Rikki and the Tech Team will be on the case now that you’ve let them know.

I see it is still the case, any feedback?


Rikki and the Tech Team will be on the case now that you’ve let them know.

I see it is still the case, any feedback?

Same here :frowning: :frowning:

Cheers (eventually :unamused: ) , cattle wagon man.


Rikki and the Tech Team will be on the case now that you’ve let them know.

I see it is still the case, any feedback?

Hi Héraultais,

I’m sure that Rikki and the Tech Team are now at least aware of the issue, but I’ve dug my lappy out to see what’s going on.

I can report that on my lappy the mouse hover does indeed reveal the post preview that ROG said he couldn’t see.

Maybe ROG’s mouse has turned into a rat!!

I’m sure that Rikki and the Tech Team are now at least aware of the issue, but I’ve dug my lappy out to see what’s going on.

I can report that on my lappy the mouse hover does indeed reveal the post preview that ROG said he couldn’t see.

Maybe ROG’s mouse has turned into a rat!!

It’s only when you go to “New posts” or “Active posts” that the preview isn’t showing.

If you go to a forum from the index page you get the preview.