Highways England is crippiling the economy

Hello peeps. I thought I’d share a blog post about the above subject. I’m gonna try hard to make someone listen to me so all your comments would be helpful. It’s become so bad its almost unbelievable.

lorry-driver.com/2015/04/hig … y.html?m=1

Cant see how it can be damaged any more, it’s already totally ■■■■■■ but no one dare say so !!

Do any of you actually talk to each other?

They don’t and that’s the problem. The website, both the new and old, showed no closures on the A1M last night, I turned onto the A1M to find J4-7 shut and doing a 15 minute diversion. Going up the A1 I was notified of the M18 J3-4 closed.

Previous night a similar story and I dodged a bullet. Going up to Lockerbie and the A1 was shut from J50 to Catterick. I chose to go M62, M61 (also with a closure), M6 route unlike some who went round the A1 closure only to find when they got to the A66 that it was closed westbound. No notifications at any point in the journey when the info about the A66 closure could’ve been of use.

Fortunately our company doesn’t run us tight so I had plenty of time but not everyone does.

Not fit for purpose.

Well if the Government got off their arse and stopped spending money on things that don’t concern us and charged years ago for other EU state vehicles there might have been more coffers in the pot.
We have military personal and equipment sitting idle they could be used so that on leaving the forces they have that skill ready in place.
Much like using HMF for boarder security etc.

More money?! They need less money not more! How much money is being ■■■■■■ away by all these closures!

i sent of an e-mail to the highways england refering to their misleading / no information on motorway closures during the night , got a reply from them 3 weeks later basically telling me tough ■■■■■ … i wdnt be holding my breath for any sort of apology / explanation from them luke lad…

For me the issue isn’t the road closures themselves, it’s the lack of information beforehand of them. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve come across a shut road without any warning. If I’d know in advance I’d have taken a different route.

Regularly go to Bournemouth on M3 at night and find all matrix signs on M25 tell a different story, closed 2-3 or 3-4 or 6-7, so I think go A3, M27 instead only to find A3 is closed. Bloody Highways Agency or whatever they’re called now haven’t got a clue.

best one was last month when they shut the m6 n-bound and there was no diversion for double deckers over 15ft 3inch , loonz parked us all up in forton services for 9 hrs , unreal

Conor…that A1 4-7 closure was on the OHM’s on M4 e/b just after j19! No good to me, I was only going back to j11 and got royally shafted down there! Maybe if they made the OHM’s bigger, the could put stuff on it like 'updated at _____ (insert time there), after the info, so we have a rough idea if it’s a recent message or a couple of weeks out of date!

Contact these two organisations who are separate from Highways England : Oversight of Highways England will come from the Office of Rail and Road, formerly Office of Rail Regulation, who will monitor the performance and efficiency of the company and Transport Focus who will act as the watchdog for road users.

The fact is the the country’s transport policy is based on a big road rationing and over regulation scam,to deliberately make road transport look less attractive v rail.Which with more Chinese money flowing in for rail investment can only get worse.The obvious conflict of interest in having a rail regulator over seeing the road transport sector just being part of that scam.

You need to wait until after the election and then contact whoever becomes the minister of transport.

Thanks for comments people. I’m gonna try and get You And Yours on Radio 4 to do a piece on it. They’ve talked about it on past and could do with a non Tesco item sometimes!

I’m gonna try and get You And Yours on Radio 4 to do a piece on it.

Considering that the BBC’s political ideology is more ‘Greens’ than UKIP that will probably go along the lines of the Green Party rep will just say that anything which deters the use of roads is a good thing.While the BBC ‘referee’ will just make sure that it is the Green Party view which prevails. :smiling_imp: :unamused: :laughing:

I was just thinking About this last night! I left Germany yesterday morning and had a clear run all the way to Calais, but as soon as I get off the boat in Dover I had to divert twice off the m20 alone because of road closures!!
It was just as well I had 45 mins to spare on the tacho to get to where i needed to go because usually I wouldn’t have that extra time.
It was also pure luck they hadn’t closed anymore motorways on my route because usually they do :imp:


I’m gonna try and get You And Yours on Radio 4 to do a piece on it.

Considering that the BBC’s political ideology is more ‘Greens’ than UKIP that will probably go along the lines of the Green Party rep will just say that anything which deters the use of roads is a good thing.While the BBC ‘referee’ will just make sure that it is the Green Party view which prevails. :smiling_imp: :unamused: :laughing:

You’ve never listened to You And Yours have you?

Or indeed Radio 4 by the sounds of it…

The cynic in me says that after next Thursday we won’t see so many roadworks - I think at the moment they’re going all out to convince us how the country is doing so well that they can afford all this work.



I’m gonna try and get You And Yours on Radio 4 to do a piece on it.

Considering that the BBC’s political ideology is more ‘Greens’ than UKIP that will probably go along the lines of the Green Party rep will just say that anything which deters the use of roads is a good thing.While the BBC ‘referee’ will just make sure that it is the Green Party view which prevails. :smiling_imp: :unamused: :laughing:

You’ve never listened to You And Yours have you?

Admittedly no.But I’ll await with interest,to hear anything on the BBC, which would support getting back to the type of over night journey times possible,before the country took up the current policy of artificially imposed road rationing and over regulated speed regime.Without the opposite view,which is all about throwing a spanner in the works of the country’s road system wherever possible,in order to make the use of roads ‘less attractive’,prevailing.