Highway code or road rage

While the electric board were fitting a box across the road, the road was narrow so normally the silver Mercedes would have right of way. Not so today!

Just in front of the crewcab Transit on the first picture is a lane end and a space for deliveries to the shops and restaurants. So instead of Hangover man waiting there, he nosed up to the Merc and had a standoff for 10 minutes. In the last picture he looked like his blood pressure was up, probably caused by a dozen builders giving them a round of applause.







So what was the outcome then?..did the Power Ranger back up and give way like he’s meant to?

So what was the outcome then?..did the Power Ranger back up and give way like he’s meant to?

No. He sat there with his hand on his horn and the Merc driver backed up because there was a bus waiting to get through. it annoys folks so much on this narrow street

Are you only allowed to buy a Range Rover if you are a and have a private plate?

Are you only allowed to buy a Range Rover if you are a and have a private plate?

It seems that way going on the one’s I come up against :imp:

Thats why i drive a mercedes…because i too am polite…funny malc cos if you feel important…you act important…well supposed to be like that…same with a DAF i suppose…tin hats ready… :laughing: :laughing:

Wheel Nut:
While the electric board were fitting a box across the road, the road was narrow so normally the silver Mercedes would have right of way. Not so today!

Just in front of the crewcab Transit on the first picture is a lane end and a space for deliveries to the shops and restaurants. So instead of Hangover man waiting there, he nosed up to the Merc and had a standoff for 10 minutes. In the last picture he looked like his blood pressure was up, probably caused by a dozen builders giving them a round of applause.

I’d have sat there all day until he moved. Bus or no bus.

An old colleague of mine had a similar situation in a country lane years back. He used to drive a camper van.

After about 5 minutes of the other guy not backing up my mate got up and went in the back of the van, put the kettle on and and starts watching the TV. After about another 5 minutes the other driver comes knocking on the door - my mate sticks his head out the back window and asks how he can help! After some abuse he explains that he doesn’t mind sitting there all day if need be as he has TV, toilet, food, drink and a bed :slight_smile:

The other driver gave in and reversed!!


The number plate reflects the guys IQ …45 which is Naff all!

Did the driver turn round and give him a piece of his mind, Malc? :stuck_out_tongue:

Something similar happens all the time round here except it’s usually just a long line of parked cars etc with no gaps to get in if something comes the other way once you’ve started to run past them.It’s so much easier though in a place where they do most of their parking on the pavement. :smiley: :laughing:

maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=47.9 … 86.64,0,0

Are you only allowed to buy a Range Rover if you are a and have a private plate?

Yes and a account with Ocean finance, other driver should of sat there 'til the plod arrived and made the ■■■■■■■■ reverse.

if i was the merc driver i would have stayed my ground and [zb] him off :smiley: :smiley:

I seem to be the only one who thinks the RR driver might be in the right here? Much as I hate to say it cos they usually are tossers of the first degree although Merc drivers aint much better!

Are you only allowed to buy a Range Rover if you are a and have a private plate?

A black cab driver gave me that hand signal tonight! I had to google to find out he was offering me a cup of coffee. How friendly is that? :slight_smile:

The RR driver would’ve changed the rules of that game as soon as he got out of his car, I would’ve jumped straight out of mine and got right in his face and told him that he would have to kick ■■■■ out of me before my car went in reverse, I’ve found that works most of the time :smiling_imp: I’m not saying I’m a hard nut, I can’t fight me way out of a soggy paper bag with a stanley knife in each hand, but he’s not to know that :laughing:

In today’s society I think the apropriate course of action is to video proceedings on your mobile and hit 3 9s saying you’re being attacked, maybe a little off camera goading could get him all red in the face and aggressive, then back up, let him through and go straight to the local nick and show them the film, job done :wink:

Reminds me of a time I was following a range rover which met an oncoming car in similar circumstances, only the other car was a undercover police car, bloke in the rangie looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him up as the blues and twos came on :laughing: Cops ordered him to back up then got out and were giving him a right dressing down as I left :laughing: :laughing:

The RR driver would’ve changed the rules of that game as soon as he got out of his car, I would’ve jumped straight out of mine and got right in his face and told him that he would have to kick [zb] out of me before my car went in reverse, I’ve found that works most of the time :smiling_imp: I’m not saying I’m a hard nut, I can’t fight me way out of a soggy paper bag with a stanley knife in each hand, but he’s not to know that :laughing:

In today’s society I think the apropriate course of action is to video proceedings on your mobile and hit 3 9s saying you’re being attacked, maybe a little off camera goading could get him all red in the face and aggressive, then back up, let him through and go straight to the local nick and show them the film, job done :wink:

PMSFL. I have to be honest, I was expecting some comment about being a karate black belt which is the standard line that all drivers come out of when telling such tales. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks to me that the Range Rover was already committed and the Merc driver should of stopped to give way. I know that he has a right of way due to the obstruction to the right of him but looks to me that the Range rover was nearly finishing his over take of the parked vans.

But saying that, i wasn’t there so i don’t have the full picture.

Looks like the Merc driver is being difficult in my opinion. The RR has already passed at least 2 other parked vans before meeting the Merc, as already stated theres a place the Merc could have waited at just out of the camera shot but he felt the need to keep going forward and block the road.

He ^^^^^ Beat me to it.
