HGV Road User Charge for Foreign Vehicles

I wasn’t aware of the HGV Road User Charge having a launch date yet, but apparently this leaflet is being given out in Dover.

Its the government having a laugh, just look at the date it starts April Fools Day :laughing: but glad to say its here at last.

only about 20 years to late. better late than never . now all they got to do is enforce it as well as the Germans do theirs

Up to £10 per day? How does that compare with Euroland?

the flying foden:
only about 20 years to late. better late than never . now all they got to do is enforce it as well as the Germans do theirs

Absolutely! :sunglasses:

Its the government having a laugh, just look at the date it starts April Fools Day :laughing: but glad to say its here at last.

It would be good if VED was scrapped for UK vehicles, but they will still be liable for it plus this new road user levy!!


Its the government having a laugh, just look at the date it starts April Fools Day :laughing: but glad to say its here at last.

It would be good if VED was scrapped for UK vehicles, but they will still be liable for it plus this new road user levy!!

The £1000 per year charge will be discounted on UK VED so the UK hauliers will not pay any more than they do at the moment.

That was the plan, looks like they are only charging foreign hgv’s to start with.

northgate-ispublicservices.c … r-Operator—0114—(Final).pdf

Didn’t the government say when this idea was first sounded out that British hauliers would have to pay so much themselves to use the roads of this country also, however they would be able to claim it back through lower tax on fuel and insurance premiums?? If this is the case then you can see those that run this country pulling a fast one and WILL actually make UK hauliers pay some sort of levy to use our own roads :unamused:

it’s about bloody time,everybody takes the ■■■■ out of the uk.

Didn’t the government say when this idea was first sounded out that British hauliers would have to pay so much themselves to use the roads of this country also, however they would be able to claim it back through lower tax on fuel and insurance premiums?? If this is the case then you can see those that run this country pulling a fast one and WILL actually make UK hauliers pay some sort of levy to use our own roads :unamused:


£10 a day I hope YOU can all afford it. Europe road haulage industry does NOT carry costs it passes them on which end up being paid by the end user YOU,ME,US trust you are all happy paying for
our European buddies to come here, on their behalf I say a big Thank You.Get real.

The £1000 per year charge will be discounted on UK VED so the UK hauliers will not pay any more than they do at the moment.

I’m not quite sure how that will work, my VED is only £700 per year.

The charge according to the document is between £85 and £1000. It will vary on vehicle weight / axles etc;
UK vehicles will pay 2 elements - the LRUC applicable (showing level playing field for UK and EU vehicles) + RFL which will be reduced by the amount paid in LRUC.
Apparently it has to be done this way to ensure EU has visibility of the system been fairly applied.

Its been shelved in France, for at least a year.
In Brittany, they had three gantrys ready for the euro tax. The Bretons burnt 2 down. They put a police guard on the third, they must have fallen asleep, because they zapped it as well… :wink:

They could have made it much easier.
Why didn’t they just join the Euro vignette system and join with The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark and Sweden.
If the UK did that, Then other countries might have joined creating a european road tax system.

They could have made it much easier.
Why didn’t they just join the Euro vignette system and join with The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark and Sweden.
If the UK did that, Then other countries might have joined creating a european road tax system.

No chance, Germany was always determined to create its own system, Siemens, Kienzle, everything to do with tachograph technology was born in Germany, all of the MAUT technology is German-born, Germany just shapes political policy to fit their manufacturers’ requirements, nothing has changed since the days of I G Farben and Zyklon B gas.

In Brittany, they had three gantrys ready for the euro tax. The Bretons burnt 2 down. They put a police guard on the third, they must have fallen asleep, because they zapped it as well… :wink:

Where was that?


300 quid on the spot fine if caught not paying,if you can’t pay the vehicle gets impounded.

Harry Monk:

The £1000 per year charge will be discounted on UK VED so the UK hauliers will not pay any more than they do at the moment.

I’m not quite sure how that will work, my VED is only £700 per year.

April 2014 ved+road levy rates https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/256046/hgv-ved-april-2014.pdf


Harry Monk:

The £1000 per year charge will be discounted on UK VED so the UK hauliers will not pay any more than they do at the moment.

I’m not quite sure how that will work, my VED is only £700 per year.

April 2014 ved+road levy rates https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/256046/hgv-ved-april-2014.pdf

Great ! Looks like it’s going to cost me twice as much !