Hgv payrise

How much do you think ?

£3 max

How much do you think ?

I can tell you because I do maths.

NMW is £7.20. Another 91p for holiday pay, another 99p for employers NI once the employee has earned more than £156 in a week for a total upper cost of £9.10 to the agency to employ a driver who is on NMW. So if that agency is charging £10 they’re making £1.89 an hour for the first 21.6hrs the employee works a week and after that they’re making just 90p/hr.

If the driver is self employed they’ll be making £2/hr.

It would need the profit from 4 self employed drivers doing 50hrs a week just to meet the wage bill for one of the office staff who is being paid NMW. It would need the profit from 6 employed agency drivers doing 50hrs a week just to meet the wage bill for one of the office staff who is being paid NMW.

the agencies have destroyed the hourly rate drivers get ,and charge the companies what they like .that is what the petition should be ,stop agencies ■■■■■■ drivers earnings .And give the drivers a right to see what the agencies are charging for the guy working for them !

The agencies pay drivers higher rates than most employers do. They’re not charging what they like at all because there are far too many agencies chasing the same work.

Giving the drivers a right to see what the agency is charging is a waste of time because like you most drivers are stupid and think that what they get paid an hour is what it costs the agency to employ them and they have no idea of how many £100,000s it costs to run an agency office. You’re looking at a wage bill of over £100k just for an agency office with a manager, a couple of people on the driving desk/doing sales rep, someone running payroll part time and someone doing general admin/reception duty.


all those skills just to have to do a 40 mile round trip to work on a night trunk every night,( when it suits you),for whoever you deem suitable for you to work for, so you can live next door to a junkie?..oops…apologies,drug dealer .(apparantly theres a difference).
surely a complete waste of such a multitude of talents being a nightshift limper bum in a seat working from 1 shift till the next??
isnt n.a.s.a. hiring this week?..or even kfc?.. :unamused:

No matter what an agency is making Conor, they are all still scum! :imp:
Yes maybe we could do with a few just to facilitate those that want to work part time, but that’s not what we have in this industry, along with many others that are going this way. We have firms that run their whole operations via agency as they can pass the headache/responsibility of proper employment off to another with minimal expense. Then we have the TAX office complaining about the rise in self employed people and they are losing out because of it. And who do they plan to clamp down on? No not the structure that’s basically is forcing people into self employed status, they are going after the individuals instead! :unamused:

If it wasn’t tragic, it would be funny! :smiling_imp:

I have been conned into the driver shortage BS :imp: ,Wasted £3k .
I was thinking of looking at how much a used tractor unit is ,and setting up a ltd company ,then thought of contacting small out fits to try get work sub contracting,Its so bad

I can not see this petition doing any good while agencies hold all the cards in trucking,the agencies have destroyed the hourly rate drivers get ,and charge the companies what they like .that is what the petition should be ,stop agencies ■■■■■■ drivers earnings .And give the drivers a right to see what the agencies are charging for the guy working for them !

Tip: Fresh licence, over 25 but no 2 years experience to show?

There’s plenty of agencies who don’t check very hard that you’ve got such experience. As long as you passed properly, you can do being an “experienced driver” from day one.
I would strongly suggest getting some supermarket work for premium pay (especially at this time of the year) of which there’s work in all areas around the UK.

“Full Time Contracts” are harder to come by, so don’t hold your breath for them. :bulb:

We should all be grateful for the generous £8.50 - £9.50 an hour that many driving jobs currently pay :confused: , How many will still be driving for a living if wages are still at this level in 10 / 15 years time ?

9.50 an hour?


[Zb] me mate, I wouldn’t even set my alarm for that!!

Employers get what they pay for. Mine offered me £x. I, politely, pointed out that I had ■■ years experience, had done it - seen it and had the t-shirt to prove it and, if he wanted me to drive for him he had to pay £x+y.

He payed and he’s quite happy to accept that, as the adage goes; you get what you pay for!

Maybe if more people stood up for themselves, this bloody industry wouldn’t be in that state it’s in!


the agencies have destroyed the hourly rate drivers get ,and charge the companies what they like .that is what the petition should be ,stop agencies ■■■■■■ drivers earnings .And give the drivers a right to see what the agencies are charging for the guy working for them !

The agencies pay drivers higher rates than most employers do. They’re not charging what they like at all because there are far too many agencies chasing the same work.

Giving the drivers a right to see what the agency is charging is a waste of time because like you most drivers are stupid and think that what they get paid an hour is what it costs the agency to employ them and they have no idea of how many £100,000s it costs to run an agency office. You’re looking at a wage bill of over £100k just for an agency office with a manager, a couple of people on the driving desk/doing sales rep, someone running payroll part time and someone doing general admin/reception duty.

Who you calling stupid ,■■■■■■■ imbicile
100k to run an office from a frigin farm .what a ■■■■


I have been conned into the driver shortage BS :imp: ,Wasted £3k .
I was thinking of looking at how much a used tractor unit is ,and setting up a ltd company ,then thought of contacting small out fits to try get work sub contracting,Its so bad

I can not see this petition doing any good while agencies hold all the cards in trucking,the agencies have destroyed the hourly rate drivers get ,and charge the companies what they like .that is what the petition should be ,stop agencies ■■■■■■ drivers earnings .And give the drivers a right to see what the agencies are charging for the guy working for them !

Tip: Fresh licence, over 25 but no 2 years experience to show?

There’s plenty of agencies who don’t check very hard that you’ve got such experience. As long as you passed properly, you can do being an “experienced driver” from day one.
I would strongly suggest getting some supermarket work for premium pay (especially at this time of the year) of which there’s work in all areas around the UK.

“Full Time Contracts” are harder to come by, so don’t hold your breath for them. :bulb:

A responsible reply .
Thanks im way over 20

Who you calling stupid ,[zb] imbicile
100k to run an office from a frigin farm .what a [zb]

You’ll have to forgive Conor. While he does generally make reasonably good points, including the one about the overheads involved in running an agency, he is, shall we say, rather lacking in social skills. :wink:


all those skills just to have to do a 40 mile round trip to work on a night trunk every night,( when it suits you),for whoever you deem suitable for you to work for, so you can live next door to a junkie?..oops…apologies,drug dealer .(apparantly theres a difference).
surely a complete waste of such a multitude of talents being a nightshift limper bum in a seat working from 1 shift till the next??
isnt n.a.s.a. hiring this week?..or even kfc?.. :unamused:

Yep, work for who I want and when it suits me. Junkie was doing a stint in prison when we bought this house (the second one we own BTW so agencies haven’t been bad to me at least) so we didn’t know.

When I decide I’ve had enough I’ll go back to the electronics again like I did from 2008-2013 when I took 5 years off driving. At the moment driving suits me, when it no longer does at least I don’t have to worry I’m a one trick pony with no other options. :wink:

Who you calling stupid ,[zb] imbicile
100k to run an office from a frigin farm .what a [zb]

I didn’t call you a “[zb] imbicile”, I called you stupid and that’s something that you’ve just confirmed with your reply. Quite clearly you can’t take in what you read or even spell the insults correctly.

Last time I looked the majority of agencies had town and city centre offices. The £100k was just for the wage bill for five staff and it would be that if it was 5 staff working in an agency run from an office on a farm if any such agencies actually work from such places because I’ve never seen one other than an outbased site office. I strongly suggest you don’t buy a truck and go into business because it is plainly clear you don’t possess the intelligence to stand even a remote chance of making it work.

I didn’t call you a “[zb] imbicile”, I called you stupid and that’s something that you’ve just confirmed with your reply. Quite clearly you can’t take in what you read or even spell the insults correctly…

:laughing: :laughing: you should do after dinner speeches or better, funeral uligies. Be honest Conor, you do have a what the pc idiot world call a “different” approach socially dont you? You know, one that appears in medical books. Or is it not you, it’s the fault of all the other ■■■■■■■ s? :laughing:

Cov; You haven’t wasted your money fella. The trick is to earn your stripes for a couple of years. Once you have some experience under your belt, doors can creak open :wink:

I have finally got myself on a good class 1 number, but you have to sift through the dung to get there. A clean licence, along with some experience and a good attitude will get you a good job.

Patience young Jedi Padawan…

Yep, work for who I want and when it suits me. Junkie was doing a stint in prison when we bought this house (the second one we own BTW so agencies haven’t been bad to me at least) so we didn’t know.

When I decide I’ve had enough I’ll go back to the electronics again like I did from 2008-2013 when I took 5 years off driving. At the moment driving suits me, when it no longer does at least I don’t have to worry I’m a one trick pony with no other options. :wink:

so he is definately a junkie now and not a drug dealer like the last time…
my 2 mates are also in elecronics over here…1 of them has a tag,and the other one will bizzo your leccy meter for 20 quid…


your a one trick pony…■■? are you sure you spelt that correctly??.. :smiley: :smiley:

James the cat:

I didn’t call you a “[zb] imbicile”, I called you stupid and that’s something that you’ve just confirmed with your reply. Quite clearly you can’t take in what you read or even spell the insults correctly…

:laughing: :laughing: you should do after dinner speeches or better, funeral uligies. Be honest Conor, you do have a what the pc idiot world call a “different” approach socially dont you? You know, one that appears in medical books. Or is it not you, it’s the fault of all the other [zb] s? :laughing:

I’m amazed that Maplins used to let him serve customers! :open_mouth:

Imagine the scene: You’ve never driven for a supermarket before, either because you’ve not driven for anyone before or because you’ve only done general haulage in the past.
What do you notice or experience on day one?

“Risk Assessment Sheets” - Basically make the job idiot proof. These consist of “final approach instructions” and even stuff like “Pile of rubbish often in the yard getting in the way at point X, Janitor parks his car badly at point Y” type stuff.

No run more than about 2 hours out of base.

Lots of single drops, the taillift multi drops come later, as they tend to be more complicated, with inner london drops to contend with in my case, insert your own nearest “inner city” scenario to suit.

SO… The “rookie” will probably get a run to an out-of-town superstore on their first day, around 60-90 minutes out from base, and given instructions to do other things like collect rubbish, and run it in for recycling on the way back to base (or on site at the base itself)

What kind of “2 years prior experience required” would help you with doing that as a job? None really.
But it’s a great way to actually get that 2 years experience - if you think about it!
:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Cov; You haven’t wasted your money fella. The trick is to earn your stripes for a couple of years. Once you have some experience under your belt, doors can creak open :wink:

I have finally got myself on a good class 1 number, but you have to sift through the dung to get there. A clean licence, along with some experience and a good attitude will get you a good job.

Patience young Jedi Padawan…

I have been talking to an owner about tramping ,£100 -£20-£20 a day ,i fancy it …
The odd saturday ,out Monday to Friday .
Im just hoping it gets me in,And i should learn a fair bit ,fingers crossed .
Thanks pal


Who you calling stupid ,[zb] imbicile
100k to run an office from a frigin farm .what a [zb]

I didn’t call you a “[zb] imbicile”, I called you stupid and that’s something that you’ve just confirmed with your reply. Quite clearly you can’t take in what you read or even spell the insults correctly.

Last time I looked the majority of agencies had town and city centre offices. The £100k was just for the wage bill for five staff and it would be that if it was 5 staff working in an agency run from an office on a farm if any such agencies actually work from such places because I’ve never seen one other than an outbased site office. I strongly suggest you don’t buy a truck and go into business because it is plainly clear you don’t possess the intelligence to stand even a remote chance of making it work.

Edited ,sorry had no idea of his social problems
Best regards

Harry Monk:

Who you calling stupid ,[zb] imbicile
100k to run an office from a frigin farm .what a [zb]

You’ll have to forgive Conor. While he does generally make reasonably good points, including the one about the overheads involved in running an agency, he is, shall we say, rather lacking in social skills. :wink:

sorry chaps , i had no idea he has autism,or some other social disorder ,my middle lad ,suffers the same way.very clever at certain things ,but very rude at communicating .
Much patience needed .