Hgv payrise

As I tried to point out, IF costs go up (wages for example) the rates charged (in theory) will no doubt have to go up so that the employer still makes a profit. Then costs and rate increases roll down the line to the end consumer. Once 1 sector gets a pay rise generally speaking everyone wants a piece of the action, which is why I made the original point.

If you guys up North get that 15 quid an hour, we down South won’t be far behind with a petition for 40 quid an hour.

I’m wondering what the petitioner is hoping to achieve. It’s hardly likely that any Government would bring in legislation requiring a minimum wage for HGV drivers, since road transport is part of a free market economy. Employers obviously are paying enough to get bums on seats, however derisory that amount may seem, so why would Government feel the need to legislate against the law of supply and demand to address a problem which doesn’t actually exist?

If you guys up North get that 15 quid an hour, we down South won’t be far behind with a petition for 40 quid an hour.

“Must maintain the differential don’tya know…” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

during my time if I was limited to the same wage as some of the idiots I had to work alongside I left, as they never seem to learn, but the mediocre ones get dragged down to the lower level, not all jobs have enough money in them to pay anything other than perhaps a living wage, the better paying jobs are there for you to aspire to and try to achieve.



Harry Monk:
Why do people start these idiotic petitions?

I wonder if certain external factors play a part?

Are they Imperial pints?

metric. :grimacing: 4.1 metres apparently. :sunglasses:

Pointless petition, capitalism doesn’t work like that… :unamused:
The best we can hope for is that the government doesn’t lift a finger to help the industry bosses that keep crying to them that there’s a driver shortage, as there clearly isn’t if wages stay static…

Two things you should know about petitions:

1, no one takes any notice of them

2, that’s it.

Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk

We should all be grateful for the generous £8.50 - £9.50 an hour that many driving jobs currently pay :confused: , How many will still be driving for a living if wages are still at this level in 10 / 15 years time ?

I agree with you ROB, but its a similar situation when working for a company, who pays their drivers reasonably well, has all the right equipment ( changes it every 3 years ) yet will pay an agency way over the top, so they do the same job as me, yet earn twice as much, and often for less work, thats how business works.
On the petition, you havnt a hope in hell of the government intefering in wage structures, unless a company is paying below the minimum wage, so all in all its a lost cause…you would be better off trying to get the haulage industry to set up a unionised scheme, then hold the government to ransom…but we all know how far that will go dont we.

it doesn’t matter what any firm pays there drivers any more as the drivers will still do the job
if the money went down to 7 quid an hour most of the morons would still do the job
the bosses make good money out of there trucks the only problem they have is trying to find morons who will do the job for as little as possible there are more than 1 or 2 wallys on here who would work for a quid an hour just so long as the cab is a modern one the name plate in the window type of moron is the classic type who will work for bugger all


Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

Agree with Harry. It will never happen, even if we go total Brexit .

Imagine this: being paid £15per hour straight through. Wow…you’d be on £600 by Wednesday, without trying!

A few hours sat in an RDC or sat on a bay waiting to find out wether or not the warehouse can be bothered to unload the goods from your truck that they ordered!

If it happened…happy days! Otherwise it’s an “Aerosmith moment”!! Dream
On. ( Song title by said group)!!!

it doesn’t matter what any firm pays there drivers any more as the drivers will still do the job
if the money went down to 7 quid an hour most of the morons would still do the job
the bosses make good money out of there trucks the only problem they have is trying to find morons who will do the job for as little as possible there are more than 1 or 2 wallys on here who would work for a quid an hour just so long as the cab is a modern one the name plate in the window type of moron is the classic type who will work for bugger all

So there you have it folks, according to Pete’s infinite wisdom and philosophy, if you have a nameplate in your cab you are …quote.:…‘‘A moron who will work for bugger all’’ …ok.

:neutral_face: …No still can’t see the connection, your logic never fails to baffle me Pete mate.

Also do you actually know ANYONE who would work for a quid an hour.


it doesn’t matter what any firm pays there drivers any more as the drivers will still do the job
if the money went down to 7 quid an hour most of the morons would still do the job
the bosses make good money out of there trucks the only problem they have is trying to find morons who will do the job for as little as possible there are more than 1 or 2 wallys on here who would work for a quid an hour just so long as the cab is a modern one the name plate in the window type of moron is the classic type who will work for bugger all

So there you have it folks, according to Pete’s infinite wisdom and philosophy, if you have a nameplate in your cab you are …quote.:…‘‘A moron who will work for bugger all’’ …ok.

:neutral_face: …No still can’t see the connection, your logic never fails to baffle me Pete mate.

Also do you actually know ANYONE who would work for a quid an hour.

Uber drivers, Hairdressers, Market Stall Holders, Benefit Claimants…

In the case of the latter - imagine the amount of in-work benefits you could get if you were getting paid £30 for your 30 hour week with a non-working other half and a couple of kids at home, rent paid by housing benefit and all?



it doesn’t matter what any firm pays there drivers any more as the drivers will still do the job
if the money went down to 7 quid an hour most of the morons would still do the job
the bosses make good money out of there trucks the only problem they have is trying to find morons who will do the job for as little as possible there are more than 1 or 2 wallys on here who would work for a quid an hour just so long as the cab is a modern one the name plate in the window type of moron is the classic type who will work for bugger all

So there you have it folks, according to Pete’s infinite wisdom and philosophy, if you have a nameplate in your cab you are …quote.:…‘‘A moron who will work for bugger all’’ …ok.

:neutral_face: …No still can’t see the connection, your logic never fails to baffle me Pete mate.

Also do you actually know ANYONE who would work for a quid an hour.

Uber drivers, Hairdressers, Market Stall Holders, Benefit Claimants…

In the case of the latter - imagine the amount of in-work benefits you could get if you were getting paid £30 for your 30 hour week with a non-working other half and a couple of kids at home, rent paid by housing benefit and all?

Tbh mate I was referring to the transport/trucking fraternity. :neutral_face:

We should all be grateful for the generous £8.50 - £9.50 an hour that many driving jobs currently pay :confused: , How many will still be driving for a living if wages are still at this level in 10 / 15 years time ?

Plenty still driving, but none of them living. As wages fall behind, the “better” drivers mop up the better work, and leave all the dross to those who cannot get their foot in the door otherwise, eg. halfway house drivers, long-term unemployed, 9 points on licence types.


it doesn’t matter what any firm pays there drivers any more as the drivers will still do the job
if the money went down to 7 quid an hour most of the morons would still do the job
the bosses make good money out of there trucks the only problem they have is trying to find morons who will do the job for as little as possible there are more than 1 or 2 wallys on here who would work for a quid an hour just so long as the cab is a modern one the name plate in the window type of moron is the classic type who will work for bugger all

So there you have it folks, according to Pete’s infinite wisdom and philosophy, if you have a nameplate in your cab you are …quote.:…‘‘A moron who will work for bugger all’’ …ok.

:neutral_face: …No still can’t see the connection, your logic never fails to baffle me Pete mate.

Also do you actually know ANYONE who would work for a quid an hour.

I personally wouldnt have a nameplate but i bought my 2 year old FH from the original owner and he had his name sign written on the bottom of the cab door in fancy italics, ive tried in vain to remove it but need some heavier grade compound, i dont really want to wear the paint through so ill have to put up with having ‘Sascha’ on there for a bit longer… :wink:

I have been conned into the driver shortage BS :imp: ,Wasted £3k .
I was thinking of looking at how much a used tractor unit is ,and setting up a ltd company ,then thought of contacting small out fits to try get work sub contracting,Its so bad

I can not see this petition doing any good while agencies hold all the cards in trucking,the agencies have destroyed the hourly rate drivers get ,and charge the companies what they like .that is what the petition should be ,stop agencies ■■■■■■ drivers earnings .And give the drivers a right to see what the agencies are charging for the guy working for them !

I have been conned into the driver shortage BS :imp: ,Wasted £3k .
I was thinking of looking at how much a used tractor unit is ,and setting up a ltd company ,then thought of contacting small out fits to try get work sub contracting,Its so bad

I can not see this petition doing any good while agencies hold all the cards in trucking,the agencies have destroyed the hourly rate drivers get ,and charge the companies what they like .that is what the petition should be ,stop agencies ■■■■■■ drivers earnings .And give the drivers a right to see what the agencies are charging for the guy working for them !

How much do you think the agency makes from a driver on £10 per hour?

How much do you think ?