Hgv payrise

The big pay rise across the board isn’t going to happen, until and unless the unlimited supply of cheap labour from across the water dries up, and the people we elect with mind boggling regularity have no intention of that supply drying up for their paymasters to use, including the current govt of the day whatever they might say, faithfully reported in glowing terms by the media who are in the same trough with them.

There is a way out of low wages for those who want out, and that’s specialising into work that’s either hard graft or skilled in some way or preferably both, if you chuck some muck and bullets and the odd bit of getting hurt into the mix the supply of suitable reliable can-do applicants diminishes rapidly.
These jobs they can’t just stick a bum on a seat, especially if the job depends on precise and accurate communication.
Not all areas support these admittedly rare jobs, there have always been wage depressed areas and that will always be the case.

There will always be jobs paying rubbish, there will always be jobs paying more but requiring that bit more effort and care and committment, you takes your choice, the private jobs market has always been like that, the public sector and massive private companies sometimes less so where incompetents and professional sick notes are often better regarded than reliable people who work hard, and in theory cos they do the bare minimum when bothered to attend and only put a few hours a year in are better paid to boot, you couldn’t invent this country and be taken seriously.

Slightly off topic .but watch this documentary about the banks and you may then see that ,wages etc are all controlled to keep you in your place.


It is set up to favour the few .it needs to change

Sorry to OP .but this is a very interesting cab watch

Cov; You haven’t wasted your money fella. The trick is to earn your stripes for a couple of years. Once you have some experience under your belt, doors can creak open :wink:

I have finally got myself on a good class 1 number, but you have to sift through the dung to get there. A clean licence, along with some experience and a good attitude will get you a good job.

Patience young Jedi Padawan…

I think this is pretty spot on. I think there is sometimes this attitude of I’ve got my licence now gimme gimme gimme top money, and I do personally think that’s the attitude of whoever started the petition. But as EagerBeaver says you’ve gotta work up to it and show your worth and it won’t happen overnight. Its almost like you have to earn your better paying job…

If we ever do get a Brexit both camps have already committed to increased immigration from the sub continent.

Payrise? Just wait until the EE’s leave and the Subconti’s show up and work for 3 quid an hour.

As with everything else, if you want more money, you need to specialise. Competing for a job that is a dime a dozen with thousands of others will never get you above inflation payrises or above average pay.