HGV drivers to get increase in overnight subsistence rates

The Road Haulage Association welcomes the news that Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs is to increase the Drivers’ Overnight Subsistence Allowance for the drivers of heavy goods vehicles.

“The drivers’ allowance has been the subject of a series of lengthy and detailed talks that began with HMRC since last year”, d RHA Employment Services Manager, Peter Butler told first4auto.

The full story and details can be found here:- RHA
Hope this post is of some use to you.

Ummmmmm, 80p increase, that’ll help with errrrrrr, ■■■■ all.

Can the company claim your night out money back of the taxman. Only asking cause am going to bring this up with the gaffer, and his standard answer is the job wont stand the increase`.

we only get 19 pound overnight money think we must be one the lowest in the industry…

Ummmmmm, 80p increase, that’ll help with errrrrrr, [zb] all.

what he said

yorkshire terrier:
we only get 19 pound overnight money think we must be one the lowest in the industry…

universal recycling drivers get 17, and they have to park up for 14 hours

Can the company claim your night out money back of the taxman. Only asking cause am going to bring this up with the gaffer, and his standard answer is the job wont stand the increase`.

Yes it is a tax deductible expense. It is no matter if they pay £10 or £100 - it is just that once you get paid over the allowance set by HMRC you pay income tax on the amount over that figure.

The new rates are as follows:
Without sleeper cab — £34.90 — an increase of £1.05
With sleeper cab £26.20 — an increase of .80p

Notes to editors:
All operators should be aware that although this is the maximum tax free allowance for drivers - receipts must still be produced.

How do you do the above then :unamused:

The new rates are as follows:
Without sleeper cab — £34.90 — an increase of £1.05
With sleeper cab £26.20 — an increase of .80p

Notes to editors:
All operators should be aware that although this is the maximum tax free allowance for drivers - receipts must still be produced.

How do you do the above then :unamused:

I would have to pay for parking as proof of night out, hand in receipts end of week be in bank monday.

The new rates are as follows:
Without sleeper cab — £34.90 — an increase of £1.05
With sleeper cab £26.20 — an increase of .80p

Notes to editors:
All operators should be aware that although this is the maximum tax free allowance for drivers - receipts must still be produced.

How do you do the above then :unamused:

Wage slips.

The subsistence is not parking money, from what I’ve read it’s to subside the inconvenience of a night out. The figures quoted are not set in stone they can be upped with an arrangement with the local tax office. Any amount paid over the set (or locally agreed) limits require documentary evidence. CLICKY


Can the company claim your night out money back of the taxman. Only asking cause am going to bring this up with the gaffer, and his standard answer is the job wont stand the increase`.

Yes it is a tax deductible expense. It is no matter if they pay £10 or £100 - it is just that once you get paid over the allowance set by HMRC you pay income tax on the amount over that figure.

As Conor says it’s tax deductible, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t cost your boss, it comes out of the firms profit, so the firm makes less profit so then pays less tax. So what they pay you for a night out they’ll get back around 20%.

You are lucky to get anything LOL
I only know of one company that pay’s ‘Layover’ or as you put it ‘Night out subsistance’ in this country.
Our company will issue a $100.00 comcheck if we are stuck out for a 34 hour re-set somewhere but they don’t actually tell us if that’s a payment or just an advance to help out ?
I can spend 5 nights in my truck and get nothing for it.

The subsistence is not parking money, from what I’ve read it’s to subside the inconvenience of a night out. The figures quoted are not set in stone they can be upped with an arrangement with the local tax office. Any amount paid over the set (or locally agreed) limits require documentary evidence. CLICKY

Would agree with you on that, but not all employers pay for parking as well as night out money, I for one would not park on a lay by with a curtainsider full , for my personal safety and if I choose to use my night out subsistence that way then that’s my choice my safety is paramount to my well being. If I have no load on, the doors are open and I am on a lay-by.

Pat Hasler:
You are lucky to get anything LOL
I only know of one company that pay’s ‘Layover’ or as you put it ‘Night out subsistance’ in this country.
Our company will issue a $100.00 comcheck if we are stuck out for a 34 hour re-set somewhere but they don’t actually tell us if that’s a payment or just an advance to help out ?
I can spend 5 nights in my truck and get nothing for it.

At least you have a decent bit of space and have access to good services.

It’s still of benefit to both the driver and the employer if the employer pays the maximum allowable night out money.

£100 a day wages and £26 night out money is worth more to the driver than £110 a day wages and £16 night out money and it costs the employer less in employer NI contributions.

The new rates are as follows:
Without sleeper cab — £34.90 — an increase of £1.05
With sleeper cab £26.20 — an increase of .80p

Notes to editors:
All operators should be aware that although this is the maximum tax free allowance for drivers - receipts must still be produced.

How do you do the above then :unamused:

Complete rubbish. it’s an agreed rate. No receipts required. :unamused:

Would agree with you on that, but not all employers pay for parking as well as night out money

Joy of working agency is I used to pay for parking regardless of the hauliers policy, get reimbursed by the agency in my next week’s wages and then they had all the hassle of getting it out of the haulier.


Pat Hasler:
You are lucky to get anything LOL
I only know of one company that pay’s ‘Layover’ or as you put it ‘Night out subsistance’ in this country.
Our company will issue a $100.00 comcheck if we are stuck out for a 34 hour re-set somewhere but they don’t actually tell us if that’s a payment or just an advance to help out ?
I can spend 5 nights in my truck and get nothing for it.

At least you have a decent bit of space and have access to good services.

No he doesnt, he’s in a poxy small cab and always stuck in NYC or arguing with Vermont coppers!! :laughing: :laughing:

We dont get night out money here but in Canada (same in the US, Pat?) we get a huge tax return at the end of the year which is calculated by the number of nights away from home, among other things. Last month I got almost $4000 back for 2012 for example.

I get £25 for one night, £50 for 2, £80 for 3 and £120 for 4…all in cash!