Hello from the M25

I apologise now if I’m causing a tailback from j25, been sitting here since 11.30am waiting to be rescued. As I came up the hill towards the junction, i changed down into 7th and had no drive at all. I tried 8th again, and nothing. Bythen I’d lost most of my speed so dropped to 6th, had nothing there either and just about managed to get onto the hard shoulder.

I’ve had one guy out from MAN who couldn’t fix it, so now i’m waitingfor a wrecker.

I’ve been here nearly 3 hours, and not one highways agency motor has gone past. A coach Has gone up in smoke on the otherside of the motorway, he’s been there about an hour now.

I’d like to thank the petrol tanker driver who went passed, dropping 2 great big lumps of metal, one which crashed into my trailer as I was outside having a ■■■ They look like reducers to me, let’s hope the git needs them at his next drop.

Can you tell I’m bored?

And I completely forgot to ask what I came on here for. What Do I do regarding my tacho. Do I leave it in until I get taken back to the yard, or take it out when the recovery vehicle gets here?

Leave it in.

Thank you very much :smiley:

I apologise now if I’m causing a tailback from j25, been sitting here since 11.30am waiting to be rescued. As I came up the hill towards the junction, i changed down into 7th and had no drive at all. I tried 8th again, and nothing. Bythen I’d lost most of my speed so dropped to 6th, had nothing there either and just about managed to get onto the hard shoulder.

I’ve had one guy out from MAN who couldn’t fix it, so now i’m waitingfor a wrecker.

I’ve been here nearly 3 hours, and not one highways agency motor has gone past. A coach Has gone up in smoke on the otherside of the motorway, he’s been there about an hour now.

I’d like to thank the petrol tanker driver who went passed, dropping 2 great big lumps of metal, one which crashed into my trailer as I was outside having a ■■■ They look like reducers to me, let’s hope the git needs them at his next drop.

Can you tell I’m bored?

Oh thank god for that, thats where they are - thought for a min ■■■■■■ had nabbed them :exclamation:

Leave it in.

On break mode - might be useful if it records at least 3 hours on break and you need a split daily rest


Leave it in.

On break mode - might be useful if it records at least 3 hours on break and you need a split daily rest

he works on UK domestic Rog

Well that was a fun day :confused:

Broke down at 11.30am, and have literally just walked in the door at home.

I spent 6 hours at the side of the poxy M25, was passed by numerous ‘trafiic officers’ who never bothered to see if i was ok or what was wrong, nor did they stop for the coach on the otherside of the carriage way.

One did finally stop at 4.15 pm, he was shocked and unimpressed that i hadn’t been seen to, after i informed him i’d been there for 5 hours. Apparently they aim to clear all breakdowns within 2 hours? and he i nformed me the life expectancy of someone stranded on he the hard shoulder is on average, 11 minutes. I am invincible :sunglasses: He took my name and number and said when he gets back to the office he’ll file a complaint and ask why i hadn’t been seen to.

Some dude from MAN arrived at 12.15 and gave the truck a once over, before deciding that he couldn’t fix it at the roadside.

My company arranged for a wrecker to come get me, and i was told that if the company who came out to me sent one, to tell them to ■■■■ off. The hours ticked by, and i then get a phone call from he company due to rescue me, saying they had had a computer failure, and no-one had any record of me and that they were supposed to come get me, until someone remembered. Then i was told that they had sub contracted it to someone else, so it would be another hour :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

and that was my day. Stuck on the M25, in snow and sleet, getting bits of metal chucked at me by passing tankers, being forgotten about and running out of coffee :frowning:

oh, and just to put some icing on the cake, the A12 was closed, wooo :smiley:

I’d have stopped to make sure you were ok but alas, I only patrol the M6. :wink:

The thought is there, thank you :sunglasses:

I’ve had one guy out from MAN who couldn’t fix it, so now i’m waitingfor a wrecker.
Can you tell I’m bored?

That’ll be your problem was it the “german” or wherever call centre, they left one of your comrades “in a foden” 5 hours before dragging it off friday night. He had 3 welfares whilst trying to avoid statutory removal.

But he was a proper professional old timer driver, unlike you he never ran out of coffee :laughing: :sunglasses:

I loaded at Witham at 1400 and got back to the yard in Danbury at 1830, admittedly under my own steam but 4 hours to do the Witham bypass was a bit of a ■■■■■■■ I was quite cool about it until the ■■■■■■■■■ on the radio reckoned it was taking 1hr 40 to get through it and I was past 3 hours. :unamused:

If you’d have called into the control room on the motorway phone, then they would have put pressure on your recovery company to get you recovered PDQ, or they’d be paying a hefty sum if the Highways Agency had to have it removed (it does focus their thoughts a bit!)
The only thing that I can say for you or the coach not getting visited is that there must have been some “live lane” incidents kicking off.
On Saturday last, within 30 minutes we had 15 live lane RTC’s just on one motorway, with persons injured & trapped, at the same time, on another motorway they were crashing like lemmings around the same location, and our Traffic Officers were having to dive over the barrier to save there lives as out of control vehicles headed for them.
Whilst you saw Traffic Officers passing you, you wouldn’t be aware of the big picture.
Next time phone it in on the motorway phone, we’ll do our best to make sure that you’re not sat there so long again.

Lookin at yer tank, yah coulda had a glass of milk, when yer coffe ran out; where theres’ a will theres’ a way.

I loaded at Witham at 1400 and got back to the yard in Danbury at 1830, admittedly under my own steam but 4 hours to do the Witham bypass was a bit of a ■■■■■■■ I was quite cool about it until the [zb] on the radio reckoned it was taking 1hr 40 to get through it and I was past 3 hours. :unamused:

Savage. When i went over the A12 to Arla’s i could see where they had shut the road off, it was just before the Hatfield Peveral junction. Do you know what happened down there?

If you’d have called into the control room on the motorway phone, then they would have put pressure on your recovery company to get you recovered PDQ, or they’d be paying a hefty sum if the Highways Agency had to have it removed (it does focus their thoughts a bit!)
The only thing that I can say for you or the coach not getting visited is that there must have been some “live lane” incidents kicking off.
On Saturday last, within 30 minutes we had 15 live lane RTC’s just on one motorway, with persons injured & trapped, at the same time, on another motorway they were crashing like lemmings around the same location, and our Traffic Officers were having to dive over the barrier to save there lives as out of control vehicles headed for them.
Whilst you saw Traffic Officers passing you, you wouldn’t be aware of the big picture
Next time phone it in on the motorway phone, we’ll do our best to make sure that you’re not sat there so long again.

From what i’ve been told, there was an accident between 22 and 23 at some point yesterday, so maybe they were dealing with that. As i said above, i was due to be picked up a lot sooner, but the recovery company forgot about me, that’s why i was there for so long. If i’d known i was going to be there for that amount of time i would have phoned from the motorway phone.

Still,all over now, and another new experience for me. That’s the first time i’ve ever broken down in any vehicle. I wonder if i can go another 11 years without another one :sunglasses:

Savage. When i went over the A12 to Arla’s i could see where they had shut the road off, it was just before the Hatfield Peveral junction. Do you know what happened down there?

The radio said a lorry hit the bridge, the news on the web said it was a lorry carrying a crane. Must have been a fairly big hit as they were taking a loooooong time doing the structural assessments.

Oh and I managed to get recovered on day 5 of my driving career. Quite a feat. :laughing:

I remember seeing you on the M25 yesterday i was going the other way thinking to myself “why is that bloke taking pics of his broken down wagon” oh well im glad you got home safe mate and i think 6 hours sat on the side of the road is just stupid

I’d have stopped to make sure you were ok too but i was on day off and i only cover juc 30 to 1b
As all ready said you should allways use the motoway phone then at least they know you are there then.

Years ago [before ret]i broke down on the m6,been there quarter hour copper pulls up asks me the prob and how long id been there,was anyone coming to me when i said yes he told me if i was still there in 2hrs he would have me moved.
regards dave.