Hello from the M25

C-kay were the authorites aware you were carrying milk and not flamable liquid :question: just a thought that if you had broken down and you were in a fully laden petrol tanker you’d prob be rescued witin 3 minutes but because you were either empty or full of milk you were put futher down the ‘priority list’ :question: :confused:

Cruise Control:
C-kay were the authorites aware you were carrying milk and not flamable liquid :question: just a thought that if you had broken down and you were in a fully laden petrol tanker you’d prob be rescued witin 3 minutes but because you were either empty or full of milk you were put futher down the ‘priority list’ :question: :confused:

They were aware when they finally stopped to see if i was ok, but other than that, no-one was interested

Years ago [before ret]i broke down on the m6,been there quarter hour copper pulls up asks me the prob and how long id been there,was anyone coming to me when i said yes he told me if i was still there in 2hrs he would have me moved.
regards dave.

That’s what i was told by the T/O’s that stopped. They did say they would have it moved, but didn’t because the recovery truck was on it’s way by then

I remember seeing you on the M25 yesterday i was going the other way thinking to myself “why is that bloke taking pics of his broken down wagon” oh well im glad you got home safe mate and i think 6 hours sat on the side of the road is just stupid

That wasn’t you in the Symphony artic that blasted his airhorns at me was it?


Savage. When i went over the A12 to Arla’s i could see where they had shut the road off, it was just before the Hatfield Peveral junction. Do you know what happened down there?

The radio said a lorry hit the bridge, the news on the web said it was a lorry carrying a crane. Must have been a fairly big hit as they were taking a loooooong time doing the structural assessments.

Yeah i found out at work today. Apparently the driver has been arrested, so god knows what he did.


Savage. When i went over the A12 to Arla’s i could see where they had shut the road off, it was just before the Hatfield Peveral junction. Do you know what happened down there?

The radio said a lorry hit the bridge, the news on the web said it was a lorry carrying a crane. Must have been a fairly big hit as they were taking a loooooong time doing the structural assessments.


second man has been arrested as well now.

Apparently it was on the Slondon bound carriageway. Thought I’d been everywhere on the A12 but never been to Slondon before. :laughing:

Cruise Control:
C-kay were the authorites aware you were carrying milk :question: just a thought that if you had broken down but because you were either empty or full of milk you were put futher down the ‘priority list’ :question: :confused:

Oh god pls don’t start those conversations :open_mouth: , If it’s milk supposedly it will kill any anything in the watercourse ( probably including those londoners drinking water :smiling_imp: ) for miles around by deoxygenising it all.

We keep being told an empty tanker esp petrol or dodgy stuff is more dangerous than full for explosiveness :open_mouth:

Doesn’t take much for the BIB to want to shut a motorway and cause gridlock and even less for the water fairies :smiling_imp:

The Highways Agency would treat a milk tanker on the h/s as hazourdous as a petrol tanker because if it got struck and started leaking,the resulting incident would be as major as a petrol leak because of what milk does when it enters to waterstream.
C-Kay should not have been there that long.Unusual for Lanterns,from my experience.

he i nformed me the life expectancy of someone stranded on he the hard shoulder is on average, 11 minutes.

Well, that just shows what a load of crap HATOs talk. :wink:

MAN rescue must have been having a bad day yesterday,one of our agency lads broke down at Shepton Mallet at 20.15 in one of our hill hire MAN’s fully loaded with 5800 live chickens on board,full dash of red stop lights flashing up,fitter came out and couldnt sort it so called for a wrecker,it took until 03.20 for a wrecker to turn up!!! :open_mouth: ,he finally got back to Brackley at 0800 :unamused: now theyre’s a full on inquiry going on,so somebody’s for an arse kicking as were supposed to be priority when loaded with livestock :blush:

Harry Monk:

he i nformed me the life expectancy of someone stranded on he the hard shoulder is on average, 11 minutes.

Well, that just shows what a load of crap HATOs talk. :wink:

Prob true, :laughing: but you prob ain’t seen all the wrecks that have been helped helped along/off the H/S generally always by a heavy :grimacing:

We even have a nice new safety notice on the wall showing a T/O vehicle scraped by a heavy to remind us :grimacing:

Fat lot of good it is, we’ve seen it, it should be up above the p##s pots at the services more use than some of the other junk the H/A promote :blush:

manchestereveningnews.co.uk/ … rror_smash

And i was only looking at a piccy today of an MG that 2 people got out of on the H/S before the truck went over the top of it :grimacing:

If HATO want to have a whip-round, I will stand on the hard shoulder of any motorway they choose, in any location they choose, for ten hours for £500, and I will do that every day until the day I retire.

I’m sure it’s not a good idea to be broken down on the hard shoulder, and I have read of many cases where stranded motorists have been killed there, but to say your “average life expectancy is 11 minutes” is just typical of the pompous and supercilious nonsense these idiots talk.

They only exist as “job creation”, by a failing Government desperate to stop unemployment figures rising in the run-up to the election, and this is why we are spending £488,000,000 more every day than we raise in tax revenue.

After the election, whoever comes to power, they, as well as most of the VOSA idiots will get the chop.

C-Kay, given the weather & the fact it’s a day cab (no night heater i’d guess?) just be thankful it was a transmission fault. At least you could run the engine & keep the heater wound up.
5 hours without it would have been getting decidely chilly.

Harry Monk:

he i nformed me the life expectancy of someone stranded on he the hard shoulder is on average, 11 minutes.

Well, that just shows what a load of crap HATOs talk. :wink:

Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t , still ongoing :open_mouth: :cry:

news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/manc … 546747.stm

At least some truckers try and move over where possible :confused:

What to do if you break down

Motorway hard shoulders are dangerous places. It is illegal to stop on a hard shoulder except in an emergency. You should never stop there to read a map, go to the toilet or use a mobile phone - always drive to the next services or exit.

You should plan your journey in advance, making sure you have enough fuel before joining the motorway. If an emergency forces you to stop, then follow the Highways Agency’s top personal safety tips to stay safe:

  • Pull onto the hard shoulder and park as far left as possible, near an emergency roadside telephone if you can. Turn on your vehicle’s hazard warning lights
  • Leave your vehicle immediately via the left hand door. Make sure your passengers do the same. You should leave any animals in the vehicle, or keep them under proper control on the verge
    *** * Contact the Highways Agency via the emergency roadside telephone.****
    On the motorways, you will see them spaced at one mile intervals, with roadside markers displaying an arrow pointing you in the direction to the nearest phone
    . Always use these phones in preference to a mobile, as your location will be pinpointed on the operator’s screen so it will be easier to find you
  • To assist you when calling for help, there are large blue signs at the side of many motorways which allow you to tell the emergency services or Highways Agency where you are
  • Stay well away from the carriageway and hard shoulder while waiting for help to arrive. You should never attempt even the simplest of repairs
  • If you feel at risk from another person, return to your vehicle via the left hand door, fasten your seatbelt and lock all the doors. Leave your vehicle again as soon as you feel the risk has passed.

Before you rejoin the carriageway after a breakdown, build up speed on the hard shoulder and watch for a safe gap in the traffic.

If you have a disability which prevents you from following the above advice,***
the Highway Code advises that you should stay in the vehicle, switch on your hazard warning lights and display a ‘help’ pennant. If you have a mobile phone you should dial 999, advising the emergency services of your location, and making them aware that you have a disability.

Hope this helps…

If you have a disability which prevents you from following the above advice,***
the Highway Code advises that you should stay in the vehicle, switch on your hazard warning lights and display a ‘help’ pennant. If you have a mobile phone you should dial 999, advising the emergency services of your location, and making them aware that you have a disability.

Hope this helps…

Hopefully this commonsleader.gov.uk/output/Page2657.asp

Will sort that out so everyone gets treated equally :grimacing:

It’s getting ridiculous everyone wants to be different know to get preferential treatment :smiling_imp: