"Heavy Haulage through the years"

Excellent. :grinning:

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Yes, with apologies to @5thwheel, didn’t mean to swear at you David. :wink: :rofl:

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I wonder if someone at Google, overcome by the current wave of “let’s not upset anyone at all”, has edited the translation.
Here is a more reliable source.
Mist | translate German to English - Cambridge Dictionary
The Rolls Royce Silver Sh-it does have a certain ring to it though.


I think I can see the problem we have here.
As the RR Silver Mist was an English name, I tranlsated the English word mist into German. The result was nabel.
However there is also a German word mist, which translates, as you say, into variations of muck.
Confusing. Either way we can see why RR decided on a change. :grin:

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Alright alright, no more “mucking” about, for Foden’s sake! :wink:

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France or Belgium perhaps nmp


France, WW1 at a guess?

Apart from being a haulage firm, Ziegler constructs their own trailers as well, this is their latest addition to their fleet, a spine trailer, especially designed to carry agricultural machinery, and has an empty weight shy of 16t… I understand the need to have an empty weight as low as possible, but I do wonder how much “strength” there is left after a couple of years of heavy usage with such ultralight trailers.

What is behind the semi-trailer?
Is that last axle part of it? Or is that a dolly of some sort? Or?

Thought the same-looks like a dolly to make the semi a drawbar-Carryfast will know! :grin:

Note the loading skids hanging underneath on chains, Buzzer

nice trailer Patrick

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Patrick Here’s one for you a Rogers trailer conversion

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At first I thought it was one of those things the Yanks have to spread the weight, forgotten the name of it at the moment, but then on looking closer I think it is a 5th wheel dolly to pull a 2nd trailer.


Take an hour and a half to check all the tyres. nmp

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I’d say it’s something like a small cannon. Nice picture!

Credit to Richard Says for the photos.

Heavy Haul Richard 2021 53555975620_ef1536005e_k

Heavy Haul Richard 52715190986_fae137bb2e_o
Heavy Haul Richard 52846195249_1e5a1e65b8_o

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Isn’t it called a booster?

Looks like it’s brand new and ready to take a load, as that looks like the Scheuerle premises.