Head out the window or not?

when backing onto a bay (for example), do you stick your head out the window to reverse or solely use the mirrors? the reason i am asking is down to the pictures in this months T & D (which are not new) showing a merc concept truck with a central seating position. offering me that to drive would result in a central finger position. no thanks

Head out the window job for me.

voted mirrors but sometimes stick me head out unless its raining then its mirrors if its into a low bright sun then may take a look out of window

Done both in the past.

Virtually impossible to reverse onto bays on mirrors alone when they’ve those bloody orange halogens on the bay side of the building.

usually look out the window a bit with lots of mirrors. Though i did find it hard on the competition last month when one of the rules was the drivers window had to stay up for the duration… and ever since i try and do it this way. :open_mouth:

head out window until im nearly on bay then mirrors to finish off , so use both

mirrors most of the way then head out to see distance from the unloading bay
(maybe a different sort of bay than most though)

Bit of both and I’ve also got a dropside with a huge rear window in my cab so sometimes I just turn round.

bit of both so cannot vote :sunglasses:


bit of both so cannot vote :sunglasses:


Same here.


bit of both so cannot vote :sunglasses:


Same here.

same here :wink:

As above use both methods.

Same here, use both mirrors and head out of the window.

oh and the screen for the reversing camera :smiley:

Keep your options open - make use of both

I take a ‘mental’ picture and then trust to luck.

Rarely works. :unamused: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

I dont know about any one else but i dont think i could manage without sticking my head out of the window, the mirror just doesnt give that sense of distance plus i end up squint if i try use just the mirrors. :wink:

This week it seems to have been …

reverse a bit on mirrors

stick head out - swear

straighten up a bit with mirrors

stick head out - swear

etc etc.

I think I’m a bit tired, I was up at 2am on monday, didn’t get to “crash” until 10pm !

Normally it’s a bit of both depending on where I’m at. Head out for the first corner, then mirrors for straight stuff.

now that im a totally experieced driver i now make sure window is down before the head goes out :laughing:

just thought i i some time,s open the door so cannot vote

now that im a totally experieced driver i now make sure window is down before the head goes out :laughing:

FPMSL!!! …Yep done that one :blush: :laughing:

Also cannot vote as both for me too

plus at night dark yard or going into a building or under a canopy mirrors are useless, Have also opened door but try to avoid that as i know im probably stupid enought to fall out :blush:

relating to another thread it would be handy if your cruise control worked in reverse as you could then be your own banksman and G.O.A.L. without losing any precious seconds… :laughing: