Head out the window or not?

Usually only mirrors. You still see some twits with the door open… :stuck_out_tongue:

now that im a totally experieced driver i now make sure window is down before the head goes out :laughing:

Seen this on test - reverse exercise, window down, head out for blind spot. Controlled stop, window up and headbutting window when doing blind spot. Sorry… but it is funny :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

the reason i am asking is down to the pictures in this months T & D (which are not new) showing a merc concept truck with a central seating position.

this is why both is not an option. can everyone who cant vote now vote please? :smiley:

No I can’t, you did not say we had to be driving the new merc concept truck, the poll was “head out of the window or not”

There is no option for both which many people use and there is no option for reverse camera screen which is also quite common.

put those options in and I will vote.

if you use the argument you have just posted then you will have to remove the “head out of the window” option cos you cannot do that either on the merc concept

if you use the argument you have just posted then you will have to remove the “head out of the window” option cos you cannot do that either on the merc concept

Unless there is some kind of giraffe/driver mutant cross being developed? :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

So the whole poll is pointless as there is only one choice you can make in relation to a yes for the concept Merc - mirrors.

On the other hand a both option would prove the point that the new concept wouldn’t be readily accepted by most drivers as the majority of responders to the thread seem to be saying both.

Mirrors = yes for concept Merc

Window = no for concept Merc

Both = no for concept Merc.

I guess you could vote window when you use both but that means the poll results won’t give an accurate picture.

How the hell do you get your head out of the window on a blindside reverse?

By eating extra Shredded Wheat before you go in Pop. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

I’m a “both” so can’t vote either. :cry:

Pop Larkin:
How the hell do you get your head out of the window on a blindside reverse?

The same way you pay tolls in France in a right ■■■■■■ …

I also use both so can’t really vote as no given options apply.

I’ve seen some drivers who have their head up their own arse too.

I voted mirrors but am prone to the odd ‘Ace Ventura’ impression now and then. :smiley:

I’ve seen some drivers who have their head up their own arse too.

Guilty again. But it is a very ample arse, in my defense… :blush: :blush: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

I use my phone !


The comment about paying the tolls in France made me smile. I remember last year pulling up at a toll both and wondering why no one was taking my money when I heard a sligthly camp french vioce say " I’m over here" wouldn’t mind but I was on a motorbike :blush: :blush: :blush: :smiley: :smiley: Can’t help being an idiot it’s one of the things I do well.

The comment about paying the tolls in France made me smile. I remember last year pulling up at a toll both and wondering why no one was taking my money when I heard a sligthly camp french vioce say " I’m over here" wouldn’t mind but I was on a motorbike :blush: :blush: :blush: :smiley: :smiley: Can’t help being an idiot it’s one of the things I do well.

My first thought was …‘he’s got he wrong thread’. My second was, he’s got the wrong forum!!! Just where do you think you have posted !!!

or solely use the mirrors?

is this why some people cant find addresses? there appears to be a distinct inability to read here :unamused:

head out window until im nearly on bay then mirrors to finish off , so use both



or solely use the mirrors?

is this why some people cant find addresses? there appears to be a distinct inability to read here :unamused:

if you read what SEVERAL posters have said, they cannot vote in your poll because they do not solely use the mirrors or solely stick their head out of the window


Since you don’t have a “both” option they cannot vote

You state that “there appears to be a distinct inability to read here”
Your inability to read other people’s answers stating the above
:unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

mirros are ok if you are in a straight line but if you have to back in on an angle then head out of the window until you are straight then go to mirrors :stuck_out_tongue:


which would be the first option since only the second states ‘solely’ :unamused: