A good week? Bloody hell NO!
This week I have realised that only truck drivers are being persecuted and any other sector of the British work-force can screw the job up, whether is causes danger to other people or not and nothing is said or done about it. Let me explain.
Sunday 9am.
Call in at Mums to see what shopping she needs (she has dementia, mildish, but had previously given most of her money away to local ‘friends’ who now don’t bother to be friends because she no longer has access to the money), as I walk in she wobbles and crashes onto the floor. Help her up, sit her down and keep my eye on her for an hour and she seems OK. Go do her shopping as quick as poss, come back to find her on floor in toilet. Help her to get back to a chair and phone doctor. Weekend service takes me to a city 40 miles away and ■■■■■■ on phone has never heard of area she lives in and goes through 5 similar named places in Birmingham and moans because I don’t know the name of her doctor, only her surgery because the old ones have retired and i don’t know who replaced which.
Doctor comes 2 hrs later, diagnoses ear infection leaves some pills and is off. Seems I’m here for the day then.put her to bed, cancel planned weeks work and regretted being a non-drinker!
She looks like a corpse, worse than yesterday and call her doc again. He eventually calls back, not happy at having to come out as she was fully examined yesterday.Bad move, I remind him he examined my Grandad 19 yrs ago and diagnosed a pulled muscle while we were worried he was having a heat attack. As he was getting in his car, grandad died of his pulled muscle and he came back, tutting, to a dead man 2 minutes later, so he decides maybe it’s worth a call. Didn’t have the guts to come himself, sent a young lad, he thought water infection and away he goes leaving prescription. Call Social and ask if her carers hours can be raised as she’s needing more assistance even before the problem she has at the moment but all staff are busy and mums case handler is on maternity leave, will call back.
She’s in bed all day.
Planned to get her up as I don’t want her to lose mobility. She’s up, dressed and alert at 8 so I’m relieved all is well and get to do one of the jobs for that day, dyno some new bikes.
8 am call, mum’s spent the night on the floor. Cancel work, rush back and spend day picking her up. Spend day trying to get some assistance from all the organizations that are here to help in these situations, namely GP, Social Services, age concern, help the aged, CIT (crisis intervention team but more likely Complete Imbeciles and Tossers) and picking mum up, about 5 times so far. The more she falls, thee more she seems intent on wandering about. it’s pitiful and I’m starting to have some pretty desperate thoughts about putting her and myself out of our misery with one swift blow! Promised visits and someone coming and get call back from Mondays social services but not fast response team from today’s call. All promised help don’t arrive and all they want is to give her a panic button in case she falls. I explain it will need a truck battery as she’s now been on the floor about 8 times today, but still not one of these organization, who are paid to do this job, attends while I, who isn’t paid to do it, does their job for them. 10 pm call from Social worker who explains it’s too late to do anything now and I lose it totally and tell her they are a complete and utter bunch of [zb] who don’t give a [zb] about the people they are supposed to help. Stupid cow calls back as mums on the floor again demanding an apology, not a wise move as I tell her to go [zb] herself and to expect an official complaint tomorrow.
Mums a bit better and soon the house is like New St Station. People now decide to come and help after I ring a give them all the biggest bollocking they have ever received. Even some I haven’t rung are sent, community Physio etc, district nurse etc.
Now, had the care been provided from Truck drivers, it would have been checked, recorded, monitored and regulated beyond belief.
Why aren’t these lot.