Have you any irrational fears doing this job?

Apart from the tyre blowing fear that I highlighted at the start of this thread, I find I am a little obsessive about making double sure my truck is not rolling once the red lead is attached.

I suppose you’re wondering the circumstances which developed such a fear?

I don’t want to talk about it too much, I’m still in therapy, after several years.

Lets just say, fresh class one license, first night on the job for a new company, one lorry literally written off. Lots of comments by arriving drivers along the lines of “Didn’t you like that lorry or something?”

BuT i’M GeTtIng bEttEr TwItCh

Off topic, but as ferries mentioned, reminded me that I meant to ask,can fuel tankers (petrol/derv) use ferries from Continent to UK?

Off topic, but as ferries mentioned, reminded me that I meant to ask,can fuel tankers (petrol/derv) use ferries from Continent to UK?

Yes, The products can be carried on ferries but the reasons for doing so may be suspect. We have carried a lot of test fuel into the uk over the years

The blow-out while on the move worries me but not irrationally so.
Had a high-speed one and might have been lucky, but just kept the wheel wrestled straight until it felt steady enough to move over to safety and slowed down steady. Plume of smoke couldn’t have been much fun for those behind mind you.
And had a slow-speed one on a roundabout on the A40, the cab just suddenly listed over to the right quite heavily, and I drove it on another 3 truck lengths to clear the roundabout and a little island so anything exiting could pass safely. Again, mucho smoke and smell, and a tyre side-wall practically welded to the rim but nothing worse than slightly heavy steering to contend with, and a wonky bunk until the tyre man arrived…

Driving off with the rear tail-lift still down, because some plum has distracted you and you are in a hurry to be away. It is something I always double check now. One other thing is losing something out of the side of a curtain-sider due to a manky strap or two - hired tucks are notorious for that.

When i’m surrounded by other trucks on a motorway with all those experienced eyes on me , I wonder if i’m doing anything wrong !

i dotn really have any fears things happen 4 a reason be-known to us,

although sum numpty dropped a 30t, trailer too low the other day so after lowerin the suspension and gettin the rear of the unit under it and re- raising the suspension BANG !! n/s rear airbag popped i [zb] [zb]myself all the office people and yard staff were out lookin to see wa happend

auto censor dodges removed …Denis F

i dont hae any irrational fears about driving but something that really worrys me and i dont know why is driving on to the boat its just the noise the ramp makes :blush: :laughing: first time it happened i nearly jumped out the cab :frowning: :laughing: :laughing:

Have you any irrational fears doing this job?

Yeah, believing the hype then not finding any decent work, see other posts :slight_smile:

A friend of mine was on the M6 near Lymm truck stop when a super single exploded on him, it ripped the wheel arch off bending the brackets and blew the batteries to bits and the battery box. Lucky nobody was traveling next to him at the time.

I only have one fear and that is going over a bridge on the A1 south of Ferry bridge services the barrier is tiny and the thought of getting blown over there scare`s the living daylights out of me other than that nothing

I always had a fear of a nearside steer axle tyre blowing while crossing a bridge, and being thrown sharply to the left and through the crash barrier.

Then one day I did have a blowout, half-way across the Severn Bridge. The truck never veered an inch- I didn’t even feel it through the steering wheel- just heard the explosion.

So that was good, as it helped but a fear to rest.

I will not jump start a vehicle as years ago I was jump starting a truck and the battery exploded and I lost an eye and piece of my cheek…

First connect always Pluspol with Red Cable,and no Sparks when You connect -Pol with Black Cable.
If You do it the other Way round You will have Sparks by putting on the Plus Poles (Red Cable),and Gas of Battery may ignite.
Also stay away with open Fire from Batteries.

Sorry,I know this is an old post but I`m really bored…

My biggest fear is going over the Friarton bridge on the A90 at Perth. It`s a huuuuuuuuuuuge drop and a tiny wee barrier. I straddle the two lanes if its windy and have sweaty palms until I get to the other side.

Going to see if there are any other interesting old threads…or I might just go to bed! :smiley:

Nite Nite :arrow_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_right:

Sorry,I know this is an old post but I`m really bored…

My biggest fear is going over the Friarton bridge on the A90 at Perth. It`s a huuuuuuuuuuuge drop and a tiny wee barrier. I straddle the two lanes if its windy and have sweaty palms until I get to the other side.

Going to see if there are any other interesting old threads…or I might just go to bed! :smiley:

Nite Nite :arrow_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_right:

Totally agree with this, I have nearly ■■■■ myself a few times going over there

Sorry,I know this is an old post but I`m really bored…

My biggest fear is going over the Friarton bridge on the A90 at Perth. It`s a huuuuuuuuuuuge drop and a tiny wee barrier. I straddle the two lanes if its windy and have sweaty palms until I get to the other side.

Going to see if there are any other interesting old threads…or I might just go to bed! :smiley:

Nite Nite :arrow_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_right:

yep that bridge is a nasty one. i remmeber being in an 18 tonner and basically it was that windy that the truck wouldnt go past 25mph over it.

I keep thinking that one day I`ll get blown over and end up in the new fishing pond that they have just finished under the bridge! :open_mouth:

I don’t drive anymore, but always used to hate driving an empty artic in the wet. I used to do it so steady and smooooove that I could have chauffeured the Queen.

I absolutely brick it once I’ve driven past Caserta, when tipping or loading in Napoli. South of Salerno or north of Caserta I’m fine, but being rudely awakened 13 years ago by a bunch of angry lads who’d broken into my cab to nick it, didn’t half [zb] me up.

I have a fear of being sat on a ferry with a bloke who was in the SAS, did the middle east in a RHD F89 and almost drowned on the Herald of Free Loaders. :wink:

I don’t know why but when ever I drive down a ‘A’ road that isn’t very wide compared to others but still the standard width. If a truck is coming the way I always flinch when they come past me as it always looks like we are going to smash each other mirrors even if they is actually room between us. Must just be an optical illusion I guess.

I think it stems from 2 years ago was driving down one of these narrow ‘A’ roads, truck came the other way. He had no intention of slowing down like I had done so I ended up driving with half my truck in the hedge and we only just missed each other because of the speed he was going. Needles to say my mate ■■■■ him self and so did I that day. Some how my mirror survived the ordeal in tacked. :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: