Have you any irrational fears doing this job?

After more thought on this subject…

London, Bristol, Birmingham(centre), Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Cardiff(centre) Or any other major city come to think of it :laughing:

Once your rolling its quite easy to change with no clutch, just take your time.
Easier up than down, on down changes must get the revs right for the roadspeed to match the gear you want.
Lads used to fetch 'em back from ITaly with no clutch in the 70’s & 80’s, on & off the ferry.

Had the clutch pipe go on my unit just coming onto a m/way round-a-bout, got round it, onto nearby industrial estate. reversed into a road & parked up for the night.
Got somebody out to it & a new pipe fitted. Set off at normal time next morning. Lucky!

Clutch cable went on the car just pulling out of Oxford services. Drove it 200 miles home & reversed up steep drive.

But then i guess its all down to what you’ve done before. In a past life I used to work for a Ford Main Agent.
One of my jobs was to pull new cars out of the pound ready for PDI’ing.
Often they’d been there a few months & the clutch plate would be stuck to the flywheel. Once warm they would come off with a bang given some jerky driving with the clutch depressed. So we used to stick the trade plates on & take it for a run round Preston town.

Anyway… we’re getting off topic here. Maybe a new thread “Breakdowns & how you coped”?

Reef i used to be scared to death of ending up in a city centre with a 6 axle artic. Now i see it as great fun & wish there was reason to get in more often :slight_smile:

fear of the red traffic light on the radiation detector at the base exit, sometimes it stays on amber just a little too long, worse on a day when I do have something interesting on.

i had a frightening experience some years ago. i hadn’t slept for about 3 days and started seeing things. i thought a ghost was washing my window. I nearly cacked myself. so i got some sleep. still delivered on time. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Which reminds me, saw a guy washing a bus’s windscreen at a set of lights, in Perry Bar, BIrmingham on Friday.
AS IF the bus driver gonna pay him lol!

i keep thinking i am going to be blown up :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’d have the same fear if I was where you are :wink: that’s not irrational :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’m always worried I’m going to gas myself with the night heater to the extent that I check the vent pipes every time I use it .

Had a Friday night i Pontefract several years back. The lorry had been in for MOT the night before and i didn’t bother putting my duvet etc back in as i thought i was going to be home (tempting fate i know!). Anyway, it was winter time and me and a mate ended up parking up and as we had a late start on the Saturday we strolled into town for a few beers. At about half 11 we got back with a KFC and sat and polished that off in my mates cab whilst laughing and joking, and soon after 12 i went ‘home’ next door to my motor. I’d left my night heater on lowish, but when i got in, being a bit cold and a bit tipsy i cranked it up to full whack to get things warmed up a bit. Next thing i know it was about 2am, sweat was pouring off me and i was gasping for air so much i thought i was going to suffocate! Had to open the sunroof, wind down both windows and drink a litre of water! It [zb] me up a bit! It wasn’t getting ‘gassed’ though, just the fact that it was so hot, and i think night heaters dry the air out quite a bit. Needless to say i never did it again!

I have the same fear of picking up the wrong trailer as someone else mentioned, even though I have been in the yard for an hour previous to leaving and know full well its the right trailer I picked up, I have stopped ten minutes out of the yard so i can just “double check”.

I remember doing a run to Darlington late one night last year and I was listening to radio 2, someone had phoned up to put out a message to a driver from a well known haulage company asking him to go back and pick up the correct trailer :smiley: I had to pull over because i was in hysterics :smiley:

My other fear is coming off the motorway and getting lost or stuck in the middle of no where. :open_mouth:

my fear is turning into a narrow street travelling a distance before finding a low bridge and having to reverse all the way back out into traffic?

I do worry about losing a trailer & will often stop just after pulling away to check that the handle has latched in properly (sometimes they need a shove if the mechanism lacks grease) & that i’ve engaged the dog clip, even though i will have done this as part of my coupling procedure.

I got a thing about the dog clip too.

I gotta check & check and check again. :unamused:

sharky the shredder:
:bulb: Dont know if its been done before ( haven`t searched for the topic ) what about a Blow-outs Advice Thread :question:

I have a great, albeit American, video clip about this very subject.

To maintain travel straight ahead, it goes so far as to say that you must apply power until you have got the situation under control. Makes sense when you look at it and think about it using physics and the rules of force.

The very worst, although perfectly natural reaction, is to brake.

See if I can find it and upload it or something.

mine is being atacked while asleep, i’ve had a few incidents while park in the laybys. One i was fast asleep in a layby just before the m67 and at about 12.00 i was woke up by a bloke hammering on door trying to get in.

yep ive had that :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

also my biggest fear that ive been known to check 3 times before ive set off… is that nobody has pulled the pin while ive been somewhere or been asleep.

I worry that I’m going to tip over when turning on roundabouts or corners; to me the cab always feels like it’s tilting in a big way, yet I look at lorries in front of me taking roundabouts or corners faster than I am but looking perfectly stable.

I worry that the boss willl find out what a complete waste of space I am.

excuse me, a really good curry, several cobras and a few brandy’s

goodnight and god bless all truckers, HIC!


Good thread!..I guess its not just this job that messes with ya mind…trust me on this one!..I dont drive at the mo and my job is about to change, keep thinking I have messed up my new role, before I have even started it.

The best advice I was ever given was that the word “fear” simply stands for
False Emontions Appearing Real"! …not a bad thing to try and remember.

Have a good weekend


I have one irrational fear, and that is that when I am next to a tyre, such as checking wheel nuts, walking past, or generally in the vicinity, that it will blow up for no reason and blow me apart, or maim me.

Stupid, I know. But, when they blow it has the power of a small bomb.

It isn’t helped by hearing the odd story or two of tyres blowing up after they’ve been at rest for a little while due to heat, or something.

Have you got any irrational fears about this job that seem to be on your mind?

still got that fear tyres are unpredictiblbe :laughing: and yes they can kill :wink:
fears good :laughing:

I seen once an accident - head on crash of VW transporter and scania lorry. Driver of scania was only victim - van had roofbox, and this roofbox went off of it’s rack and get onto the lorry cab through windscreen and killed driver instantly.

I don’t feel comfortably now, when passing vans or 4x4s with roof boxes.

I fear lossing my licence through ill health and not being able to earn a living.

The only thing i get paranoid about is making sure the hand brake is on
when parking on a ferry ,always double checking and have even gone
back to the lorry to double check,thankfully has always been on.