Have you any irrational fears doing this job?

A few years ago (at least 5) my uncle had a blow out on the motorway. Whilst stopped on the hard shoulder (with hazards on) another truck came winging into the back of him.

Needless to say, he is petrified of this happening again.

Whenever I parked up, I always kept the doors locked, but when I went to bed, I had to check the passenger side door was locked, even though I know it was locked!! Couldnt sleep otherwise!!

No issues with tyres or air bags blowing out, or even trailers falling off. My biggest fear is being caught in a major traffic jam and then needing a crapper at short notice. Having a pee is no problem, but anything else :open_mouth: hopefully this will never happen.


I always check that the pin is engaged by going underneath the trailer.
I worry about a front tyre blowout and rollover,hitting a truck head on,also have worried about the night heater gassing me in the past too.

If there’s something to worry about,I will worry about it.
Ive got some serious issues,:wink: :open_mouth:

I bet he panicked and slammed on the brakes. I had the OS/F tyre blow on me at 56MPH on the A38. Just slowly drifted into L1 and gently braked to a stop. No drama.

:bulb: Dont know if its been done before ( haven`t searched for the topic ) what about a Blow-outs Advice Thread :question:

:slight_smile: Touch wood, ive never had one, hope I never do hearing all the horror stories, but just what advise can those who have experienced a blow-out give to those of us who havent :question:

:unamused: …and I said BLOW-OUT not JOB for the depraved or deprived amongst us :exclamation: :wink:

:bulb: Dont know if its been done before ( haven`t searched for the topic ) what about a Blow-outs Advice Thread :confused:

I know a bloke that had too much Exlax, maybe he could’ve done with some advice?


I had this happen to me on my first day as a tyre fitter with the firm I am with now…I went bang while I was checking the pressue(it was at 55psi)It knocked the man who stood beside me off his feet due to the air pressue and made my slightly deaf ear ring a bit and I had plugs in my ears…the man got knocked out for a few mins and a bad cut on his head from hitting the floor but was back at work after 2 weeks I was back at work 3 hours later…

The machine the tyre was on…

did these tyres today!!!
Oh yeah btw…A tyre will only explode if over inflated or a weakness in the tyre like my last post .that tyre had been patched badly before by another fitter…
A tyre can explode if its hot as the air pressure will go up when the air gets hot so it is possible for a hot tyre to explode…If say a super single was to explode as you was beside it all it could do is throw you sideways,but if going along and u was in the car beside said tyre then the debris could be flung into the car.

I know a bloke that had too much Exlax, maybe he could’ve done with some advice?


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Trousers into socks time…or buy a pair of gaiters :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

mine is being atacked while asleep, i’ve had a few incidents while park in the laybys. One i was fast asleep in a layby just before the m67 and at about 12.00 i was woke up by a bloke hammering on door trying to get in.

Edward Teller:
Always have the fear that ive picked up wrong trailer even though i check at least twice its the right one, Ive even pulled into laybys 10 minutes after setting of to check again, how dafts that? :blush: :blush: :blush:

Me too!!!

people standing on motorway bridges always worry me,always worried they might drop a brick or something just as i am going under the bridge.this happened to driver at our place a few years ago ,a brick went through the passenger side of the windscreen and ended up embeded in the rear of the cab.

i dont worry when im at work, i worry when i set the alarm clock to get up , i must check it 5 times , just have that funny feeling ive set it p.m and not a.m

Used to have a recurring nightmare of being blown off the by pass just north of perth Hate bridges when there’s high winds ever since. :blush:

people standing on motorway bridges always worry me,always worried they might drop a brick or something just as i am going under the bridge.this happened to driver at our place a few years ago ,a brick went through the passenger side of the windscreen and ended up embeded in the rear of the cab.

Similar fears, but as thread title was irrational fear, my irrational fear is somone pouring a big tin of paint over bridge as I go under.
Hope that no yobbos read this and get ideas!!! :cry:

Driving on and off part time for 17 years with nothing more than pulling a set of lines off (who hasn’t?)

Never even seen a crash happen… though sometimes i’ve been there very soon after.

However, recently i’ve developed a fear that by the law of averages i must be due something.
I keep thinking about trapping a hand or fingers somewhere on a trailer resulting in serious injury, falling off a trailer, or another lorry driver coming in the opposite direction on a single carriageway having a heart attack and veering into me head on. (if both doing a legal 40, that’s an 80mph impact!!!)

All things that can & do happen.

I very much hope i am not tempting fate by making this post.

I don’t keep the night heater on all night, never have, i can’t sleep because of the noise.
They work on a heat exchanger principle so even if there was a fault with the burner, it should not be possible for diesel fumes to be blown into the cab.

I do worry about losing a trailer & will often stop just after pulling away to check that the handle has latched in properly (sometimes they need a shove if the mechanism lacks grease) & that i’ve engaged the dog clip, even though i will have done this as part of my coupling procedure.

Also, as others have said, i will often re-check that the unit h/brake is applied before attaching red line. (why can’t we have a warning light on the rear cab wall?)

(why can’t we have a warning light on the rear cab wall?)

Agree with that !!! I have nearly ■■■’d my pants on many occasions when I have started to move. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :blush:

i keep thinking i am going to be blown up :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

mine is being atacked while asleep, i’ve had a few incidents while park in the laybys. One i was fast asleep in a layby just before the m67 and at about 12.00 i was woke up by a bloke hammering on door trying to get in.

Oh yeah?

I suppose it depends which laybys you’re in. U nah mean?

I always think I’ve left the cap off when i’ve been topping up the water and often have to stop and check (its normally early but even so… :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: ). I’m a bit OCD like that, I often go back to check I’ve locked the front door, even though I’ve done it five seconds ago.

My other fear is breaking down with a load of tarmac on and not being able to get it off (and having to pay for it too! :open_mouth: ). This nearly happened to me about 6months ago - clutch pipe burst and on approach to Runcorn bridge at 8:30am on a Friday morning. Switched it off, put it in gear (2nd) and crawled across at 4mph. :blush: :blush: :blush:. i was amazed, not one hoot or rude gesture!

Luckily I was only going to Widnes so managed to get it on site on the starter, tip it off and take it the 50miles home with no clutch. I was knackered by the time I got home. :unamused: