Have you any irrational fears doing this job?

Is it rational to fear a suicide case picking me as his ‘Head-on Death Target’ on a single carriageway …whether it’s through his death choice or his texting/sleeping/day-dreaming/brewing/DVD viewing, etc?

Not truck related (Van) But I have an irrational fear of ‘executive saloons’ speading up the third lane when coming to a turn off.

I was coming up the M5 a few years ago, it was around 15:30 and traffic was starting to build up. I was in the inside lane and for some reason decided to have a look in the mirrors. Now I was coming up to a junction (cant remember which one exactly) and I had a strange feeling that I new exactly what this driver was going to do. Well my gut feeling was correct Mr ‘exec saloon driver’ wanted said junction but either did not check his blind spot or thought he would miss the Golf in the middle lane that was taking over me. Luckily I had enough time to move out of the way of the Golf that was sliding into my lane. I was very very lucky that day and decided to come off at the next service for a brew!!
And the motto I have used ever since is ‘FORWARD PLANNING’

mine is being atacked while asleep, i’ve had a few incidents while park in the laybys. One i was fast asleep in a layby just before the m67 and at about 12.00 i was woke up by a bloke hammering on door trying to get in.

He must have fancied you. :laughing: :laughing:

And the motto I have used ever since is ‘FORWARD PLANNING’

Ooooh no, ROG will be in his element now :exclamation: :exclamation: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Happy Keith,

Having unfortunatley had someone commit suicide by driving under the front of my t/unit and laden trailer some 15 years ago, and as a result being cut out of the cab and having to learn to walk again, dont ever think about it.

You are more likely to scare yourself at 0130am when the rain is pouring down on a dark country road in Eastern Europe and you are sure you saw something coming towards you with no lights on!!

A coach wheel burst whilst passing Barclays Bank in Knighton Powys a couple of weeks ago and smashed the big glass window, luckily no one was walking onthe pavement.

‘…dont ever think about it…’

Ed, understood & much respect, matey.

Wow glad I’m not the only OCD sufferer on here.
My biggest two irrationals are leaving my parked truck with the handbrake off, so much that I check it about three time before leaving work :blush: . The truck has all the bells & whistles for leaving your lights on or tach tray open etc, but why nothing to warn you your handbrake has been left off ? Probably the most dangerous thing you can do.

The other is forgetting to put my “pumpa truck” back on the wagon after a delivery. Again I might open the the tail gate a couple of times to check before I finally lock it. :grimacing:

Of course I have a fear on pranging the truck, but I don think that irrational, & in some ways is probably a useful.

mine would be going to the cafe for a drink and coming back to find your truck missing

and the other is the diff locking up while on the road had it on a 7 .5 ton years ago in ashford very scary

The only thing i get paranoid about is making sure the hand brake is on
when parking on a ferry ,always double checking and have even gone
back to the lorry to double check,thankfully has always been on.

I am glad i am not the only one that does that. :smiley:


The only thing i get paranoid about is making sure the hand brake is on
when parking on a ferry ,always double checking and have even gone
back to the lorry to double check,thankfully has always been on.

I am glad i am not the only one that does that. :smiley:

That is one of my fears too, especially on the tunnel, as you don’t have very long to grab your wallet, coat and paper, set your mode switch and get on the bus. I often think, did I put my brake on?

I can imagine the sight when we get off the bus at the other end. :blush:

yeh my fear is parking in the middle of nowhere, as i do, for the quiet,and not waking up, and not being found for a while, :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :laughing:

Getting behind the wheel of a fully loaded truck for the first time… :open_mouth:

A few years ago a livestock haulier dozed off behind the wheel and on cruise control ran straight into the back of my long load at full speed, it closed the A1 at Ferrybridge for 6 hours , totalled his Scania , a Broshuis extender trailer that I was pulling, and led to most of his load of sheep being put sleep at the scene.

Every time time someone now comes up behind me at speed , and shows no sign of going round me or slowing the hackles rise , and I get nervous, irrationaly scared, it is some thing I now hate …

Waking up , naked in a gay bar and seeing the truck keys gyratoring on the "main mans"bell end.

Waking up , naked in a gay bar and seeing the truck keys gyratoring on the "main mans"bell end.

You have an imagination that is to be frank… scarey :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Waking up , naked in a gay bar and seeing the truck keys gyratoring on the "main mans"bell end.

Is that a dream or a nightmare :question: :question: :exclamation: :wink: :laughing: :grimacing:

yeah i know

coat, hat TAXI :exclamation: :exclamation: :blush: :blush: :blush:

That I’ve not put the tail-lift back up properly. I’ve been known to jump out of the cab at traffic lights and run to the end of the truck to make sure it’s up. :blush:


Waking up , naked in a gay bar and seeing the truck keys gyratoring on the "main mans"bell end.

Is that a dream or a nightmare :question: :question: :exclamation: :wink: :laughing: :grimacing:

yeah i know

coat, hat TAXI :exclamation: :exclamation: :blush: :blush: :blush:

No . . . . its an irrational fear :laughing:

Waking up , naked in a gay bar and seeing the truck keys gyrating on the "main mans"bell end.

After reading that, and then seeing those pictures taken at “The Do”,I have had recurring nightmares which involve being in the same situation as Suedehead, but with Mr.Vain strutting his stuff up on stage. There,s nothing irrational about that.It is bloody scary. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: