Hauliers around the Ashton in Makerfield area

Good morning Boatchaser, here’s the photo of the Mickey Mouse that I promised. I’d completely forgotten about them being in Ashton until you reminded me. Was their main depot not on Tyburn road in Birmingham as you came down off spaghetti junction ? I always made that connection but I could be mistaken. I was going to ask about the PD. I thought the letters stood for Powell Duffryn. I’m sure I used to see trucks like refuse collection wagons or material recycling trucks, a bit like the stuff that Biffa run, with Powell Duffryn on the front knocking about in the 60’s, but again I could be wrong. I don’t actually remember the maroon livery to be honest. If I turn up any more photos, I’ll put them up on here. After all, having a depot in Ashton, however briefly, qualifies them for this thread, right?

All the best. Eddie.


image.jpgFound this on another thread. Registered in Bucks apparently.

Eddie Heaton:
0Found this on another thread. Registered in Bucks apparently.

That,s the one, may not be that one but it was just like that . The reasons Bucks reg when he worked for them I remember head office was in Higher Wycombe , the things you remember. Getting up at stupid O,clock (allowed to bring truck home in them days ) over to Elesmere Port to Mobil then load Petrol and then off to who know,s where, No M56 so through Frodsham, Helsby etc remember coming back towards Warrington early in the morning loaded in Frodsham town centre and up the small hill and telling Dad think there,s a motorbike right behind us that looks like a police bike. Then the famous saying Don,t worry son just get to the top (opposite Helsby- longdon yard ) and round us he comes and flags dad down and give,s him a ticket for speeding , Oh and corned beef butty with tomato sauce on them and wrapped in and old bread wrapper for lunch, Oh were did those days go

Bob was the shop steward when I was at NWF.
Here’s my old motor which Dickie bought off NWF in 1988. CRF 808T

Was there someone in the transport office called Gary, may have left and went to Tempco in Warrington (Safeways yard ) . I,m sure dad some work for him at NWF then worked out of Tempco with his own truck. nothing to do with the Ashton Thread but anyone remember Frigo,s at Kirby, Dad worked for a company next door to them called Fridgelink always looking for photo,s on them only got the 1 photo F88/89 Pulling a fridge


Bob was the shop steward when I was at NWF.
Here’s my old motor which Dickie bought off NWF in 1988. CRF 808T

Was there someone in the transport office called Gary, may have left and went to Tempco in Warrington (Safeways yard ) . I,m sure dad some work for him at NWF then worked out of Tempco with his own truck. nothing to do with the Ashton Thread but anyone remember Frigo,s at Kirby, Dad worked for a company next door to them called Fridgelink always looking for photo,s on them only got the 1 photo F88/89 Pulling a fridge

I don’t remember anyone called Gary. When I was at NW. Keith Jones & Mark Higgins ran the office.

This ■■■■■■■ powered Atki was one of a batch of about 6 or 8 purchased by J.W.Ratcliffe from Pandoro in about 1978. We brought them back to the yard from Fleetwood. Most of them were sold on pretty quickly but this one they had stretched up at Primrose in Blackburn. It then came back to us to have the wrecker body and Holmes 600 gear installed. We did a lot of work with it but I don’t know where it ended up.

image.jpgBoatchaser, Bob Horrocks reckons he remembers a bloke called Gary Hurst who worked in the office at Freighters, he says he came from Bryn, but he doesn’t know where he went to from NWF unfortunately. His father Norman also worked there apparently, shunting out of Valor at Whiston. I Don’t suppose this information is much use to you but it’s the best I can do. Bob also mentioned a couple of other drivers who he is anxious to contact. George and Sven Trantor, I hope I’ve spelled their names correctly . Maybe someone out there remembers them. Bob seems to think that George moved somewhere up Scotland.

By the way, I’ve nicked this photo off the internet. I don’t really know if that’s allowed or not. It’s an aero films view of Park colliery, taken in the 30s I believe. Tyburn’s yard would have been about where the chimney is, Pritchett bros was directly opposite, where the coal wagons are parked. The reservoir In the middle distance is now Mabey and Johnson’s yard, the M6 motorway would be on the extreme right of the photograph had it been built then, and just below the wingtip of the little plane is the house where I was born. Cheers. Eddie.

HI ,EDDIE , That batch of Pandora Atki s do you remember one with a lift up turntable used as a shunter , i think in Fleetwood ,? we bought that one ,Cheers Barry

Eddie Heaton:
0Boatchaser, Bob Horrocks reckons he remembers a bloke called Gary Hurst who worked in the office at Freighters, he says he came from Bryn, but he doesn’t know where he went to from NWF unfortunately. His father Norman also worked there apparently, shunting out of Valor at Whiston. I Don’t suppose this information is much use to you but it’s the best I can do. Bob also mentioned a couple of other drivers who he is anxious to contact. George and Sven Trantor, I hope I’ve spelled their names correctly . Maybe someone out there remembers them. Bob seems to think that George moved somewhere up Scotland.

By the way, I’ve nicked this photo off the internet. I don’t really know if that’s allowed or not. It’s an aero films view of Park colliery, taken in the 30s I believe. Tyburn’s yard would have been about where the chimney is, Pritchett bros was directly opposite, where the coal wagons are parked. The reservoir In the middle distance is now Mabey and Johnson’s yard, the M6 motorway would be on the extreme right of the photograph had it been built then, and just below the wingtip of the little plane is the house where I was born. Cheers. Eddie.

Gary was the yard/warehouse man. Svend lives Suffolk way…his brother George did move up to Scotland…unfortunately he died from a heart attack years ago. Tell Bob that Chris Cook died last July & Les Hill died 18 mths ago.

Thanks Guys,Its days like this with so many answer to Questions I wish my dad was still with us

I can’t say that I do if I’m being honest Barry. Did you buy it off Bill, or directly from Pandoro? If you bought it from Rac’s then I must have come into contact with it at some point. I’m assuming it was a standard Mk II Atki painted blue, as opposed to one of those yellow dock spotters, as I don’t remember any of those coming onto the yard. They were good motors though Barry. Here’s a photo of another one out of the batch that I used for quite some. I went all over the place with this one with the recovery trailer. I’ve lost count of the number of times I got pulled by the plod as I was running on trade plates and they couldn’t see the winch mounted up front. I’ve got a number of photos taken in Rac’s yard. I’ll be putting them on here now that I’ve finally learned how to do it. This particular photo was taken at some dealer’s place in Clayton le Moors. Bill had been buying another load of crap. Cheers. Eddie.

Thanks for that Viking, I’ll give Bob a ring now. I didn’t know any of those lads by the way.
I was up at Penningtons yard this afternoon and David showed me a photo of your old motor painted up in their livery. I’ll put it up on here in the next few days. Cheers. Eddie.


Eddie Heaton:
0Boatchaser, Bob Horrocks reckons he remembers a bloke called Gary Hurst who worked in the office at Freighters, he says he came from Bryn, but he doesn’t know where he went to from NWF unfortunately. His father Norman also worked there apparently, shunting out of Valor at Whiston. I Don’t suppose this information is much use to you but it’s the best I can do. Bob also mentioned a couple of other drivers who he is anxious to contact. George and Sven Trantor, I hope I’ve spelled their names correctly . Maybe someone out there remembers them. Bob seems to think that George moved somewhere up Scotland.

By the way, I’ve nicked this photo off the internet. I don’t really know if that’s allowed or not. It’s an aero films view of Park colliery, taken in the 30s I believe. Tyburn’s yard would have been about where the chimney is, Pritchett bros was directly opposite, where the coal wagons are parked. The reservoir In the middle distance is now Mabey and Johnson’s yard, the M6 motorway would be on the extreme right of the photograph had it been built then, and just below the wingtip of the little plane is the house where I was born. Cheers. Eddie.

Gary was the yard/warehouse man. Svend lives just outside Great Yarmouth & has for a number of years…his brother George did move up Scotland…unfortunately he died from a heart attack years ago. Tell

Bob that Chris Cook died last July & Les Hill died 18 mths ago.

Just to stick my oar in Viking, Gary Hurst did start at NWF in the traffic office, before my time, but didn’t like it and at his own request moved into the warehouse as soon as the opportunity arose, where of course he stayed for a good number of years. His dad did the local inter-warehouse work on the Valor job, Frank Lee was the shunter inside Valor, Norman was one of the world’s great polishers, it was a pitty he didn’t have something better to polish than NFM.

Sad to hear that Chris Cook has died, I had a lot of time for Chris who unfortunately wasn’t always treated as he might be at NWF, we both know what I mean, but I’ll say no more on a public forum.

It’s good to hear that Bob Horrocks is still going, next time you speak to him EddieHeaton say hello from Andrew.

Will do Andrew, cheers mate. Eddie.

image.jpgDoes this face seem familiar Barry? I’m glad I captured this one as it was something of a rare event.

Cheers. Eddie.

Hi ,Eddie , Yes that was a rare sight ,we did by it from Bill ,and iirc ,he used it on the yard moving trailors around ,he did not want to sell it for a long time ,but did in the end cash ha ha , good old days great times ,and a Great man was Bill , Cheers Barry

Well Barry, if we used it around the yard, then I must have driven it at some point. Now wouldn’t you think you would remember something like that, but I’m blowed if I do. In my defence, I was out on the road for most of the time anyway. Maybe Alan played with it. What did you do with it ? You didn’t run it with the hydraulic 5th wheel still on it surely?
Here’s another one for you. It isn’t a picture of Bill exactly, it’s Mark, the lad I worked with, but Bill can be seen in the background talking to someone, it wouldn’t be you by any chance would it Barry?
All the best. Eddie.