Hauliers around the Ashton in Makerfield area

Hi eddie , no not us my Dad a ROVER at that time , iff i rememer corectly the drivers door was hanging off but still in Pandora s colours blue and greyish ,Cheers Barry

image.jpgO.k. Barry, here’s another one , taken on Rac’s yard at about the same time. You remember the mechanic that worked for Bill ? You mentioned him earlier on this thread. I use the term mechanic, as I tend to make a distinction between the description ’ mechanic ’ and ’ fitter ', well this bloke was a mechanic. He could do just about anything, providing you weren’t in a hurry that is . Can you pick him out on this photo? His name was George Bryan. The other two blokes, one was Jimmy Horsfield, he used to look after Bill’s cars and the other was Jack Crompton, who was Flo’s husband and Bill’s brother in law. All gone now sadly. You may have seen them on your visits to Low Bank road.
All the best. Eddie.

Hi, Eddie , the photo of George was spot on didnt Jack live in the Bunglow across the road from the yard in lowbank road next door but one to Bill Rac , Cheers Barry

image.jpgYou’re bang on there Barry, Jack and Flo lived in the bungalow facing the garage, Alan’s son Andrew lives there now. You’re wrong about Bill though, he didn’t live next door but one , he lived about a half mile away in Downall Green. To be going on with, this is a photo of Alan with one of his fancy motors, in the meantime, I’ll try to root out some proper photos. Speak to you soon mate.
Cheers. Eddie.

Took these photos yesterday of this Atki parked on the premises of North West Timber on Lockett road in Ashton. It belongs to the company MD evidently. Don’t know anything of its history. It was registered in Preston, so it would have been owned by a local company presumably. I have my doubts about the odometer reading. Maybe someone out there recognises the motor. Eddie.

This Borderer turned up at the Atkinson Gathering in 1998, then again in 1999 and promptly vanished again. I then spotted it in Ian Longson’s yard at Whitestake near Preston a couple of years later, where it sat for quite a while before disappearing again. I’m glad someone has finally rediscovered it again because I often wondered where it went…

Speaking of Arthur Wilson, here’s a picture of his motor before I got my hands on it. Taken by the side of the fuel pump, but before the fuel pump was installed.

Eddie Heaton:
01Speaking of Arthur Wilson, here’s a picture of his motor before I got my hands on it. Taken by the side of the fuel pump, but before the fuel pump was installed.

I remember that Big J well Eddie. Did you check the oil, or just pour a gallon in every morning?


It was a good old bus actually John. Nice and easy to drive with a straight six DB box. I hankered after one of the S40s, but when I finally got one, I soon wanted the Big J back. All that fannying about with 12 speed air splitters to no great effect other than prematurely wearing out my knee joints. Cheers. Eddie.

One abiding memory of driving the motor that I forgot to mention was that when the thing was in overdrive, the gearstick used to stick up between your legs. It was a bit like that Mae West thing, ’ Is that a Big J you’re driving, or are you just pleased to see me ?'. Cheers. Eddie.

I,remember , Mark he used to bring a lot of lorrys in , my dad would slip him a few bob and he would sort out the best for us to try , Cheers Barry

Here’s another one of Mark for you Barry. Haven’t seen him in over 10 years. He moved up to Scotland a long time ago. Eddie.

Eddie Heaton:
0Here’s another one of Mark for you Barry. Haven’t seen him in over 10 years. He moved up to Scotland a long time ago. Eddie.

I didn’t know Mark, but that is a very tidy Atkinson!

I remember taking an Atky up to Aberdeen for Pritchetts. My Mastiff must have been off the road. Not sure who owned the Atky, it was a sort of maroony red colour - maybe borrowed off Racs. I think it had a 220 ■■■■■■■ in it and felt very powerful. However, coming back empty down the coastroad between Aberdeen and Stonehaven (think I was heading for the paper sack factory in Dundee) it was a very windy day and the Atky felt as though it was very close to take off!

You could feel the wind was getting right under the front of it and lightening the steering. I’d certainly never felt like that with the Mastiff and slowed right down. Very peculiar.


Not the best quality I know. This is Viking’s old motor in the workshop. Still haven’t found the picture of the end product. If any NWF drivers are reading this, does anyone know what happened to Alison Stafford? I’m enquiring on behalf of Bob Horrocks. Cheers. Eddie.

I didn’t care much for the Borderer when running empty either John. This one tended to be a bit unpredictable on the front end at times, especially in the wet. Eddie.

Alison died 21 July, 2007.

Eddie! Do you have any pics of the F10?

Thanks for the info Viking. I’ve informed Bob. I personally never knew the lady but Bob seems to think she was quite young. The Volvo on the previous photo wouldn’t have been the motor that you drove. That one came from Brooke Bond, it had been used as a shunt motor at Trafford Park and it was the very first Volvo that Pennington’s acquired. It never had the exhaust stack up the back of the cab evidently. This is from the horse’s mouth. Perhaps this is the motor that you drove. I don’t know anything of its history, but it appears to have been registered in Hull originally. When I get the photo of Mersey Clipper in PHC livery I’ll put it up for you. Cheers. Eddie.

This is the third time I’ve posted this photo on various threads. I think it’s an absolute beauty. It was based in Ashton in Makerfield and deserves to be seen on this thread in my view. I just wish it was parked in my back garden. Eddie.

It was definitely an F10 very similar to the one shown earlier Eddie. I remember Dickie saying to me that David drove it.
I would imagine that Alison would have been in her mid 50s when she died.