Hauliers around the Ashton in Makerfield area

Hi Eddie,

Thanks for posting the photos of Mack’s truck in the Mersey. Looks like there were a couple of difficult phone calls there!

As you say, Mack was a character. Glad to hear he’s still knocking about.

The photos. I think it’s because you’re taking them in portrait, as opposed to landscape. Before you post, open the photo, then click edit. Tap on the second icon down, then at the top, you can click on the icon to turn the photo through 90 degrees.

Did that make sense? I find it easier to edit on the computer with paint.net, but I understand you can’t do that.


Thanks for that John, I’ll give it a try next time. For now though, I consider it a minor miracle to be able to post an image, regardless of which way it’s facing. It must be down to the fact that I upgraded from IOS 6 to IOS 8.4 ( whatever all that means ) yesterday. The downside is I’ve had to trade the excellent Google maps app. for the somewhat, in my view, inferior Apple maps app. Still, no pain, no gain, as they say.
Cheers. Eddie.

. Let’s try another one. Richard Pennington ( left ) with driver who’s name I have forgotten.

Cheers Jackdaw.

Eddie Heaton:
Cheers Jakdaw.

No probs, looks like you are getting there. :sunglasses:

Eddie Heaton:
Aside from a short lived Newport trunk, we didn’t do nights as such Viking, although we did a lot of early starts, e.g. Changeovers at Tubby’s. Leaving Ashton at 0230 to get to Crick for 0500. This would probably be when you would have met him. If we ran up scotch, we would normally set off about 0600. I don’t know if this qualifies as nights or not although we got a few bob in dark money before a certain hour.

The driver would have been Johnny McQuillan, aka Mack. He was a good looking guy and a real character to boot. He’s in his seventies now but still knocking around. He drove the only M.A.N. that Pritchett’s ran. Always kept his motor spotless.

Cheers. Eddie.

He was definitely on nights. We used to see him on Corley at 8pm…Come to think of it, it could have been a Saviem he was driving…it was one of those square type cabs. Ring any bells?

Pritchett’s did run a Saviem Viking, as well as a M.A.N., all the rest were 1418 Mercs, at the Ashton depot at any rate. They were all leased off Trevor Rac. Chiswick, the Home Depot, and Newport, both ran British motors. As I said previously, I left to go working for ■■■■ Pennington before Pritchett’s folded. I’m pretty sure Mack is the driver in question. I’ll ask him if I bump into him. Speaking of Pennington’s, does this motor look familiar? Taken circa 1980.

Oh ffs. Couldn’t help me out again could you Jakdaw ?
Cheers. Eddie.

It certainly does Eddie. I did a bit for Dickie for a few weeks in 1990 after Freighters folded. It had the exhaust pipe up the back of the cab when I drove it.

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Thanks for sorting that out for me Viking. Remember this guy ?

His face is familiar but I can’t put a name to him.

His name is Peter Hitchen. Retired now obviously, but must have driven for Pennington’s for the best part of 40 years. Here’s another photo of him, the right way round with any luck.

Bob Horrocks. Ex Pritchett’s subbie, ex NWF driver. Currently chip shop proprietor.

Bob was the shop steward when I was at NWF.
Here’s my old motor which Dickie bought off NWF in 1988. CRF 808T

Not Sure of dates, I think it would be around the Mid 60,s early 70,s. Dad worked for Tyburn Tankers and I,ve just Looked it up on Google Maps it now called Fishwicks Park just off the A58 Liverpool Rd , he had a AEC Chinese six unit and most of the time was delivering petrol for Mobil all round the North West also use to move Chocolate for M & S up to Glasgow (not sure which truck ) .If I,m right someone posted a photo of a similar truck of Tyburns on another thread, also remember spending so much time with him you were allow to go with him in them days . Just popped in to my head while writing they use to go to Tebay with fuel while that part of the M 6 was being built (if that gives a date ) again remember going all the way up there

You’re right there boatchaser, Tyburn tankers had a place next door to Fishwicks butchers. Pritchett Bros warehouse and lorry park was directly opposite. I remember an article in the local rag in about 1968 or 69 possibly. One of the fitters I think it was, had gone round the back of one of the trailers to drain off some liquid chocolate and the driver unwittingly reversed over him , killing him outright. It’s a long time ago now and the old memory plays tricks sometimes, but that’s pretty much how I remember it. Perhaps you heard something about it at the time ? When Tyburn moved off, their premises were taken over by a firm that cleaned and repaired ISO tank containers. I’ve forgotten their name. Never thought I would but there you go. The whole area was the former site of Park colliery, or J.R. Stones colliery, pre nationalisation in 1947. Another company on the same site, but just a bit further on was Mowlem Centriline, an American based company that specialised in cement lining the inside of pipelines. I believe they sent a few loads overland to the Middle East in the early 70’s . As Mr. Wadsworth would say. Just a useless bit of info.

Cheers. Eddie.

I’ve just found this boatchaser. It was taken by my late brother sometime in the 60s. It’s almost certain to have been taken on the Park industrial site as my brother didn’t have the means to travel far. All his photgraphs were taken locally. Would that be your old man’s A.E.C. in the background ? Difficult to say really, but the tank appears to be a fair way back from the cab. Could be a Chinese six. I’ve got one of a Tyburn S21 Mickey Mouse as well. I’ll post that tomorrow. It’s midnight here in Blighty.

Cheers. Eddie.

Good chance not as when dad was with them they were maroon, and if you look the headboard has PD on it this was when the Powell Duffy Group (think I,ve got the name right ) and I,m sure he had left or was just about too. The incident you talked about I think I remember it but only because you brought it up, but god I remember him coming home wit 5 gallon buckets full of chocolate and you had to get a chisel and hammer to knock a piece of it as you can image all the kids from school were always at are house. I,ll look for that photo on the other threads