As the title says has your job cost you your relationship. your away all week tramping, and so tired when you get back at the weekend.
your partner says enough is enough and you work it out some how, or it all comes crashing down around your ears!!!
now living back in my truck till i can find something more perminante gutted after 3 yrs together
What always kills it for me is when we see too much of each other so really, spending time away has been helpful in sustaining relationships.
There’s a lot of double standards concerning the job in that type of context and income levels.I can remember the father of a girl who I knew once telling me that he would’nt want to see her dating a truck driver because of reasons like that but he seemed happy enough at her wedding when she married someone in the navy who was away for months at a time.There’s always been a perception in this country that the job is’nt good enough in the eyes of some people.
been there and still havent learnt anythink my relationship is going down the pan again , when am at home we row , when am away she moans carnt win, i like my own space so trucking is good 4 me, infact the more i think about it i havent a clue why i bother …oh yer my kids and bull mastiffs they all need feeding when am away
My current girlf is fine with it, I was with her before, in the 1990s, when I was running to Germany so she knows the score, and she has enough going on in her life to need space but my last girlf, Jaynie the Bunny Boiler was a nightmare, moaning about it from the word go.
I eventually said to her “What the ■■■■ are you moaning about, you miserable ■■■■■ You’re sat in the warm, watching telly, having had a bath, feeding your fat ■■■■■■■ face with chocolate while I’m sat freezing and filthy on some poxy industrial estate in Liverpool trying to pay the rent, now ■■■■ off and do one, you ■■■■■■■ stupid ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■
So I suppose it all depends on the person you are with.
Harry Monk:
My current girlf is fine with it, I was with her before, in the 1990s, when I was running to Germany so she knows the score, and she has enough going on in her life to need space but my last girlf, Jaynie the Bunny Boiler was a nightmare, moaning about it from the word go.I eventually said to her “What the [zb] are you moaning about, you miserable [zb]? You’re sat in the warm, watching telly, having had a bath, feeding your fat [zb] face with chocolate while I’m sat freezing and filthy on some poxy industrial estate in Liverpool trying to pay the rent, now [zb] off and do one, you [zb] stupid [zb] [zb]”.
So I suppose it all depends on the person you are with.
What a Gent you are Harry…letting her down so gently.
Harry Monk:
Jaynie the Bunny Boiler was a nightmare, moaning about it from the word go.I eventually said to her “What the [zb] are you moaning about, you miserable [zb]? You’re sat in the warm, watching telly, having had a bath, feeding your fat [zb] face with chocolate while I’m sat freezing and filthy on some poxy industrial estate in Liverpool trying to pay the rent, now [zb] off and do one, you [zb] stupid [zb] [zb]”.
So I suppose it all depends on the person you are with.
Maybe your hygiene habits where a problem? I’ve never sat anywhere freezing and filthy. What type of work where you doing?
To answer the OP, no i’ve never had a problem whether i was on days,nights or tramping.
This job hasn’t, the silly moo’s still hell bent on marrying me. A previous job buggered the best thing that ever happened to me though! What are you supposed to do though!?
Only thing I can think is put it down to fate.
No the job didn’t, other things did. In fact the job kept it going longer than it should have with us being apart so much.
As the title says has your job cost you your relationship. your away all week tramping, and so tired when you get back at the weekend.
your partner says enough is enough and you work it out some how, or it all comes crashing down around your ears!!!
now living back in my truck till i can find something more perminante gutted after 3 yrs together![]()
Seems like you might need to change your profile name then Pete
As the title says has your job cost you your relationship. your away all week tramping, and so tired when you get back at the weekend.
your partner says enough is enough and you work it out some how, or it all comes crashing down around your ears!!!
now living back in my truck till i can find something more perminante gutted after 3 yrs together![]()
Seems like you might need to change your profile name then Pete
“petewithoutbrenda” ■■?
Dunno then?:
As the title says has your job cost you your relationship. your away all week tramping, and so tired when you get back at the weekend.
your partner says enough is enough and you work it out some how, or it all comes crashing down around your ears!!!
now living back in my truck till i can find something more perminante gutted after 3 yrs together![]()
Seems like you might need to change your profile name then Pete
“petewithoutbrenda” ■■?
Or brendawithoutpete, it isn’t clear from the thread.
could be worse and be brendaandpetesbestmatebri
Dunno then?:
As the title says has your job cost you your relationship. your away all week tramping, and so tired when you get back at the weekend.
your partner says enough is enough and you work it out some how, or it all comes crashing down around your ears!!!
now living back in my truck till i can find something more perminante gutted after 3 yrs together![]()
Seems like you might need to change your profile name then Pete
“petewithoutbrenda” ■■?
you guys are all heart!
Snakes with ■■■■, the lot of 'em!
Been with my gf for a few years now was ok til I started tramping which coincided with her losing her job, now she’s out of work sitting in the flat most days worrying about things all the time, I tell her to chill out but she don’t listen, I try to get home one night during the week and spend some quality time at the weekends and it seems to be working out, just wish she would find another job.
We split the bills/mortage etc down the middle, so there is never an argument about bringing home the bread, so to speak. As long as we each hold up our end, I can sleep easy on the finance side.
I am a miserable bugger at the best of times, and dont pretend that I am easy to live with. A week of 13 to 15 hour days will see me spending a lot of the weekend sleeping late, and then staying up late. This is what tends to cause the arguments, rather than the job itself.
To be honest, we work better when we have a bit of time apart, so I will take all the nights out I can get. I don’t make any demands on her time, and in response I don’t expect her to make any demands on mine. We help each other if needed, and we ask.
It is what it is, and the day I have to ask permission to do anything I like, is the day it is beyond hope.
It’s 0230 on a Sunday morning, she has long since gone to bed, and I am still up, yes we had an argument about something pointless earlier, this is the life of a truck driver (in my experience so far).
They are irrational creatures, and defy all logic at the best of times. Feel free to have a solo tug for the rest of your life or live with it.
We where one year together in the 10+ years I was married.
The job didn’t kill my marriage, but when I came home for a year after an accident, I invaded her space (use to be away 5 weeks at a time, 43 weekend a year) and that killed it clean off.
Had a time that only the dog would be happy if I came home.
Now already 13 years together with my Scottish Lass, moans when I am away, moans when I am home, so a very stable relationship
I voted yes as i came home once and she confessed that she had spread em for the next door neighbour so i walked out and never went back
best move i ever made
Had a time that only the dog would be happy if I came home.
Never mind the missus caleydreamer. Tell us summat interesting.
How,s the dog?