Has robk done his time on sidelines

i for one would like to see robk back on board.i think he brought out the best in people with his comments but at least you got it straight,and you knew where you stood with the guy.i too had many run inns with rob but i came to find out that with rob a spade is a spade end of story he tell’s you his thoughts on any subject and it’s up to you to either reply or not to reply.the choice is yours.i would like to think that you’s would be prepaired to give the guy another chance and let bygone’s be bygones.

whats your feelings on this :question:

My feelings on this? How’s you’r best buddy?

kitkat.if the person ““HE”” offended with the use of certain remarks is
in complete agreement and that he has unquestionably apoligised for
the reason he was removed, also not forgetting that certain rules
were broken, and no matter which ever side you take WE must adere
to these if we wish to particapate in any forum, game, or life its self.
With use of the english language it is possibile to show ones
displeasure with out the misuse of the written word,
no i will abstain for this vote,

Well i voted yes bring him back even though he’s from yorkshire :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


:slight_smile: Kitkat, my friend,
I’ll try to be as diplomatic as possible:

Since your mate RobK was banned from this site, the membership numbers have increased by leaps and bounds. I would also imagine that the number of hits on the site by people who are not members, but just enjoy looking in from time to time have also increased.
Word is getting around, - this is by far the biggest site of its kind, and I would confidently guess that it is pulling away from its rivals as every week goes by. :sunglasses: Coincidence ? - maybe.

Now why on earth should we want that to be jeopardised??

Sorry mate, …but the credibility of the site and its sponsors and the enjoyment of it’s existing and potential new members, (and lurkers :slight_smile: ) have to come before any one individual.

As far as I know Rob has always been welcome to return posting on the conditions he was given when 1st banned!

It was Rob himself that said NEVER No one on TruckNet said it!

RobK is alive and well and lurking as a guest :stuck_out_tongue:

He had his posting rights suspended, he didnt have his internet connection severed.

I thought all it would take was an apology to the member he upset.

So far this undertaking has not been forthcoming. ( said in a Neville Chamberlain voice) Therefore we are at… :stuck_out_tongue:

for the sake of lib…i asked the question to see wot the feeling’s are from the members irespective if he’s a friend or not,don’t try and take this some where it’s not ment to be going.it’s just a poll to see how people felt. :wink:

for the sake of lib…i asked the question to see wot the feeling’s are from the members irespective if he’s a friend or not,don’t try and take this some where it’s not ment to be going.it’s just a poll to see how people felt. :wink:

I thought I’d just submitted my vote according to your post. Please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong KK. Everyone has an opinion. Right or wrong, and I apologise for any wrongdoingings I commited in this thread . You know me - surley - I call a spade a spade :wink:.

yes, bring the outspoken yorkshire pudding back :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: … and 6 other people think so too :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:


for the sake of lib…i asked the question to see wot the feeling’s are from the members irespective if he’s a friend or not,don’t try and take this some where it’s not ment to be going.it’s just a poll to see how people felt. :wink:

I thought I’d just submitted my vote according to your post. Please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong KK. Everyone has an opinion. Right or wrong, and I apologise for any wrongdoingings I commited in this thread . You know me - surley - I call a spade a spade :wink:.

no apologies required m8 :wink:

I apologised for any wrongdoings I committed in this thread no problem mate :wink:.

I voted no. Not until he has apologised to the person he offended. A simple thing, if he is man enough to do it. He was man enough to dish it out, he should be man enough to accept the consequences. If not, he’s no great loss.

For what it is worth I voted yes!

As I said before
Not that it is up to TN’s, The decision is down to Rob.

My Vote was a yes.



  • RobK was suspended because he persistently broke the site rules.
  • Before receiving that suspension he was given numerous warnings…even after getting a Yellow Card - the official “final warning” - we gave him chance after chance after chance. I personally stuck my neck on the line on numerous occasions in order to try and avoid suspending him, but in the end he just flew in the face of all that and continued to cause problems.
  • The terms of that suspension gave him the opportunity to return provided he made an apology to the person concerned in his final incident and made a written undertaking to abide by the Rules and Guidelines of the site That is exactly the same as would happen to anyone else in his position.
  • HE chose not to do this.
  • He then decided to attempt to flout his suspension by reregistering under another name and posting. Once we had concrete proof that this is what he had done, that was enough to institute a permanent ban.
  • He agreed to the Rules and Guidelines when he joined this site, just the same as everybody else. If he can’t respect those Rules, then frankly, we don’t want him here.

It wouldn’t make the slightest difference whether all 1900-odd members voted to allow him back. No one member is above our Rules, and if he can’t respect that then we don’t want him here. It’s that simple..

However, even having said all of that, there is still[/i] one way in which he could return with our blessing. He can pick up the phone and talk to me. My number is 07909 901187, and I will call him back.
If he could summon up the courage to do that, then I’m sure that we could come to some sort of an agreement, although I guarantee you that would also involve the production of the aforementioned apology and written undertaking.
If he chooses not to, then that’s his loss.
If anyone else wishes to discuss this further then they may also phone me on 07909 901187, and I will call them back.
This is the final word on the subject. End of story.[/i]

my best mates sister-in-law dropped dead on weds from a brain haemorrage… she was 37 and leaves two young children and a loving husband.
it would be nice to see rob back but its your website, not worth getting wound up or losing energy over

Rob who?

:confused: :confused: :wink:

my best mates sister-in-law dropped dead on weds from a brain haemorrage… she was 37 and leaves two young children and a loving husband.
it would be nice to see rob back but its your website, not worth getting wound up or losing energy over

sorry to hear that jb,deepest sympathies to you and friends.

as jb say’s calm down lucy no need to get upset…it’s only a commercial :laughing: but it’s good to know what we are dealing with on this site,unless it’s accepted by the management no one else is entitled to their opinion’s unless it’s agreed by them 1st.well fair enough.i don’t think that it would make any difference here if rob said his sorry’s to person(s) concerned,he is obviously not liked by certain people but does everyone get on with everyone :question: :wink:

.well fair enough.i don’t think that it would make any difference here if rob said his sorry’s to person(s) concerned,he is obviously not liked by certain people but does everyone get on with everyone :question: :wink:

If Rob says he is sorry to all the people concerned and agrees to abide by the rules. I am sure he will be accepted back with open arms. If not, Oh dear, what a shame, never mind.