Has robk done his time on sidelines

but it’s good to know what we are dealing with on this site,unless it’s accepted by the management no one else is entitled to their opinion’s unless it’s agreed by them 1st.well fair enough.i don’t think that it would make any difference here if rob said his sorry’s to person(s) concerned,he is obviously not liked by certain people but does everyone get on with everyone :question: :wink:

What a load of crap!
Come on jim! Nowhere does Lucy say she didnt like Rob!

Like and dislike is not part of the problem! Never has been, never will be! Rob’s problem is Rob not Lucy or Rikki.

TN has a set of rules Lucy and Rikki enforce them! read the rules keep by them and if you do you will be fine regardless of who likes you or doesnt.

Come on jim! Nowhere does Lucy say she didnt like Rob

you show me where i said that lucy said that she does not like rob,and i’ll wait for the apology m8

but it’s good to know what we are dealing with on this site,unless it’s accepted by the management no one else is entitled to their opinion’s unless it’s agreed by them 1st.

This whole site is set up so all members can have and state their opinion!

i don’t think that it would make any difference here if rob said his sorry’s to person(s) concerned

Lucy has made it quite clear that they would have been a huge difference! infact if rob kept to the rules none of this would be needed!

he is obviously not liked by certain people

You had no one in mind when you wrote this?? You were making a point on the management, 2 and 2 always make 4!

If I am wrong I do apoligise!

I am sorry!

Maybe you can show Rob this post so he can see that real men can say Sorry! :wink:

tc,i go by the results given by the poll above m8,2&2 does make 4 your correct on that one,(at least your school days where not a waste of time then ):lol: :laughing:

i was making a point generally m8 going by answers and figure’s given by the individuals who have replied to this thread,everyone is entitled to their opinions which i respect,but don’t try and put something that is not there m8.

HE chose not to do this

seems quite simple to me
whtas all the fuss about

My feelings on this? How’s you’r best buddy?

:laughing: :laughing:

Not until he has apologised to the person he offended. A simple thing, if he is man enough to do it. He was man enough to dish it out, he should be man enough to accept the consequences. If not, he’s no great loss.

RobK was gone before I was a regular contributer to this site but before I signed up I had read every post by him (and the related issues). I am one of the most ‘Yorkshire Loyal’ people I know but it didn’t sway my vote…


  1. RobK was suspended because he persistently broke the site rules.
  • The terms of that suspension gave him the opportunity to return provided he made an apology to the person concerned in his final incident and made a written undertaking to abide by the Rules and Guidelines of the site That is exactly the same as would happen to anyone else in his position.

  • HE chose not to do this.
    Clear as as daylight so far…


  1. He then decided to attempt to flout his suspension by reregistering under another name and posting. Once we had concrete proof that this is what he had done, that was enough to institute a permanent ban.
  • He agreed to the Rules and Guidelines when he joined this site, just the same as everybody else. If he can’t respect those Rules, then frankly, we don’t want him here.[/list].
    No argument - says it all.

It wouldn’t make the slightest difference whether all 1900-odd members voted to allow him back. No one member is above our Rules, and if he can’t respect that then we don’t want him here. It’s that simple..

Rules is rules! Why is that so hard to understand?

If Rob is desperte to come back, i’d say the situation has been made clear once again but if he chooses not to, then that’s up to himself.

KitKat, did RobK ask you to post this question or was it genuinely a ‘ligitimate’ innocent question??

‘ligitimate’ innocent question

yes it was for your info :wink:

I just personaly want to make one or two things very clear to some members who think things are not as clear as their are.

Kitkat(Jim) is one of the most senior members on this forum.

He is entitled to have his say! …thats the whole point of the forum in the 1st place! and he understands that!

Kitkat is also one of the most straight forward honest people I have had the pleasure of talking to!

Rob K was at one time a huge part of these forums! and a ■■■■ good read!

He broke the rules! he got banned, just like anyone else would!

But like jim(kitkat) I will also stick up for Rob! and if any members want to make a point to kitkat on it!! dont bother!

Rob was wrong, fact! Jim is not wrong, in trying to help a mate, Fact!!!

If you dont know either keep out!

The rules are set…a 10 year old could stick to them if they wanted…If any member has a problem with that then they should find another site to post on.


…entitled to have his say! …thats the whole point of the forum in the 1st place!

If you dont know either keep out!

These two quotes seem to conflict :confused:


…entitled to have his say! …thats the whole point of the forum in the 1st place!

If you dont know either keep out!

These two quotes seem to conflict :confused:

No conflict at all! :confused:

If you have some idea of the topic and have knowledge of the people in the discussion then go right ahead and have your say,

If you have no idea of either, best keep stumb! :wink:

already this topic has caused a stir.
KK its easy m8 ask rob to comply with the managements request to apolagise to them concerned and he will be back in the blink of an eye. IT AINT ROCKET SCIENCE M8.
i would like to see and hear rob back. we didnt see eye to eye on everything he is/was a tad huffy if he didnt agree on my thoughts, but hey i dont take it personally.which is the point, he took things personally to much. a great giver but a poor taker. (take that any which way you wish) :laughing: :laughing: .

this thread is a tad pointless (in my opinion)
as all he has to do is comply/apolagise/agree certain points, and he is back.

same as the first day this happened. :wink:

If you have some idea of the topic and have knowledge of the people in the discussion then go right ahead and have your say,

TC, I already admitted that Rob was gone before I got here but I have read all his posts that are on this (new) DB, and those from the ‘others’ that were in any way involved in the ‘incident’. If that means that I am not qualified/entitled to comment then, oh dear, I am sorry. :blush:

Perhaps for the sake of clarity for us lesser mortals and ‘newbies’ ( :question: ) KitKat should have included in the original post that only the ‘old timers’ (i.e. from Rob’s time on the DB’s) were entitled to reply or vote. After all, what would we know…


No it’s the emailing a member using someone elses user name that did it for me.

Say your piece whatever it may be but at least have the cahoots to put your own name to it and not some innocent chap who has been on the boards for years.

I, too, always found Rob an enjoyable read … purely because I have never known a guy get in so many scrapes in one week as he did!!!
I laughed at him… I got annoyed at him … I took him at face value.
BUT Rob must accept that he broke the rules and if you break the rules, you have to pay the price.
If Rob is not big enough to accept he was wrong (something he never seemed very good at anyway), then he has to pay the price still and his ban must continue.
I do not know all the nitty gritty details of his ‘crime’ BUT if Lucy and Rikki go to the lengths of actually banning someone completely then it must have been bad, is all I can say!!