Halfords 'We Fit' lorry gets stuck under bridge

Apparently, the driver was European. He struggled doing the imperial to metric conversion in his head and that is the result.

And before anybody chips, that’s from the horses mouth not MMTM.

It’s not a very good excuse though is it, anyone can carry a chart and stop and check before going under a bridge that looks dodgy.

Apparently, the driver was European. He struggled doing the imperial to metric conversion in his head and that is the result.

And before anybody chips, that’s from the horses mouth not MMTM.

In this day and age you have to wonder why we still use the two types of measurement, surely should all just be set out in metric now.

A foreign guy on my CPC thought the height marker in the cab was a calander!!!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Apparently, the driver was European. He struggled doing the imperial to metric conversion in his head and that is the result.

And before anybody chips, that’s from the horses mouth not MMTM.

It’s not a very good excuse though is it, anyone can carry a chart and stop and check before going under a bridge that looks dodgy.

What metric conversion■■? All in-cab height indicators (legal requirement) should show vehicle/load height in feet & inches. All UK bridge signs are also in feet and inches. No excuse.

Plus I strongly agree with Seth…when you are pulling a Double-deck trailer or a driving double-decker bus for that matter…it’s THE ONLY thing on your mind ‘Can I get under this bridge■■?’ Even with two foot to spare I always approach with caution. I can never fathom how double-decker buses rip the roof off by going under low bridge too fast…I always slowed right down - even when I ‘knew’ I was OK. Never fast enough to do that much damage anyway…like I say it’s constantly at the front of your mind!!!

Bad driving - again!!! God help us all!!!

I Blame the traffic office

A bridge should be delivered on a flat Trailer :slight_smile:

I have seen the decker units set at 13’6 when the lowest they possibly be is 14’5 and that is solo. I know they are that high because the first time I had to drive one with a single decker was the first time I used their measuring stick. I know the sheet says ‘trailer height’ but surely you would set it at the height of the highest point of the rig whether that is unit or trailer :confused:

It’s the signs that are only in metric, e.g. many service stations, that bother me if it’s apparently close to my vehicle’s height, which isn’t metric IYKWIM. I agree everything should be metric though, unf.


The other day my trailer had 2.640m on it . which converts to 8 feet .

Did you do anything about it/report it to get it changed or did you just leave it for someone else to do :question:

Or was the trailer really just 8 feet :smiley:

The trailer could have been that high but you must add your 5th wheel height - did you ?

Apparently, the driver was European. He struggled doing the imperial to metric conversion in his head and that is the result.

And before anybody chips, that’s from the horses mouth not MMTM.

He would struggle as his head must be empty
you don’t have to drive flat out to get under no matter what, is it to much trouble to open your eyes and have a look?

Halfords need to shape up ,they sell truck sat navs for gods sakes…show the tm the door.

They now sell the all new ■■■- nav! :laughing: :laughing:

If you stick “Overpass too low ahead” into English-Polish you get

“NadmijajÄ… nie wysoki na przodzie do przodu.”

If you then stick that into Polish-English you get:

“Cut across highly forward - Not high ahead.”

I reckon the driver must have decided to take a run-up… :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :smiley:

I reckon he did actually manage cut across quite highly there… :open_mouth:

It’s always possible the bridge is lower with all this heavy rain we’ve had :wink:

Bloody Halfords, refused to fit a headlight bulb in my car cos it was too difficult! (I was hurriedly en route to somewhere I had to stay clean for, otherwise I wouldn’t have lowered myself…)

It wasn’t a Halfords wagon (or driver) though, just a Halfords trailer.

Ah well, I got my Halfords rant in regardless :wink: :laughing:

We never hear about what happens to the driver who has hit a bridge thus…

Do they get let off if they’re foreign, or on minimum wage? (yeh, I know that’s the same thing)

On the other hand, what “if you are an average aged 53 driver with average 3 points for speedcam on licence, and averagely drinking 16 cups of tea per hour?”

…The invisible masses… Where are you? :question:

nothing to say it wasn’t a Halfords truck
Exel run he contract they rent from anyone

This is my worst nightmare. Our deckers are 16’3 when hooked up and I hate going under bridges anywhere close to that. I slow right down to see if it looks like the roads been relaid recently and to avoid serious damage if it does hit. A minute lost if that, well worth it if you ask me. The driver is an ■■■, with only himself to blame, but I do feel a bit sorry for him. He surely got sacked for that.

A foreign guy on my CPC thought the height marker in the cab was a calander!!!

:smiley: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :smiley:
That is priceless - I can see a lot of shared cabs getting a little sticker put on the height markers to the effect of “for our foreign bretheren - this is not a calendar”

It’s the signs that are only in metric, e.g. many service stations, that bother me if it’s apparently close to my vehicle’s height, which isn’t metric IYKWIM. I agree everything should be metric though, unf.

+1 on the first point re garages
-1 on going metric throughout.

This is my worst nightmare. Our deckers are 16’3 when hooked up and I hate going under bridges anywhere close to that. I slow right down to see if it looks like the roads been relaid recently and to avoid serious damage if it does hit. A minute lost if that, well worth it if you ask me. The driver is an ■■■, with only himself to blame, but I do feel a bit sorry for him. He surely got sacked for that.

I echo what you have said - our Deckers are the same height as yours, and I am always so aware when I am pulling one, and ultra careful when getting diverted off the usual routes, especially if plod has diverted you, they have no idea, they just want the traffic moving away, I have had arguments with them in the past - “No I can’t go down the A1 mate, as the 406 has 2 low bridges, I’m going up the A1 & round the 414”