Had to chuckle...bloke fined for smoking in cab video

Rob…its Febreze thats the in thing…apparently it gets rid of smells…sprayed some on a driver once,he was still there when the mist fell. :smiley: As for the vaping, i read a report that said vaping isnt any better than smoking, but there havnt been any real tests on them so no reports available…however they have now been banned from using them in a vehicle under the anti smoking laws…because of the amount of vapour they cause, bloody hell worse than a chimney. :smiley: :smiley:




And you’ll find that many companies are stopping drivers vaping in cabs too. Maybe the council bloke asked the driver who the vehicle belonged to? Just a thought…

I’d simply ignore such a rule. My vape leaves no smell - if I was seen and told off for it okay. I have no intention of ever getting a full time driving job so if the company didn’t want me back it’s no great loss to me. There is plenty of work in the midlands.

I’d also argue that the NHS state vaping is a good tool to stop smoking. So there policies were depriving me of my smoking cessation tools. And as such were harmful to me.

I aint going to argue with you mate as I know the far end of jack [zb] about vaping and whether it leaves a smell or not.
Are you 100% sure it does not leave a smell that some would find obnoxious, and [zb] irritating, as that is the sort of bull crap smokers come out with when they spray cheap air freshner around after smoking in your cab, or say they’ve had the window open :unamused: …just saying.

100% mate. I vape on the sly on planes - and unless I chose to let huge amounts out no one knows. Try doing that on a long-haul flight with a ciggy lol. People will claim they can smell it but it gets on their lungs etc - but for a test I often do it when they don’t know. Never once had someone call me out on it.

They can have a smell immediately after coming out your mouth - generally smells sweet if anything. But it doesn’t stay around long. And it’s totally harmless. NHS have done studies to show this. If someone vaped in your cab - unless they told you or you saw them you’d never know. Doesn’t leave any ash etc.

Really? Could you show where?
What I`ve read on the NHS site seems to show it is either too early to say, or that it APPEARS to be less harmful than tobacco smoke.

Rob…its Febreze thats the in thing…apparently it gets rid of smells…sprayed some on a driver once,he was still there when the mist fell. :smiley: As for the vaping, i read a report that said vaping isnt any better than smoking, but there havnt been any real tests on them so no reports available…however they have now been banned from using them in a vehicle under the anti smoking laws…because of the amount of vapour they cause, bloody hell worse than a chimney. :smiley: :smiley:

Apart from this sort of report… nhs.uk/news/heart-and-lungs … ark-study/

Show me any anti smoking laws that prohibit vaping. Ofcourse you can chose to buy a vape that gives out loads of vapour - but you can also get ones that give out very little. Mine is variable - and I set it for the conditions.

Really? Could you show where?
What I`ve read on the NHS site seems to show it is either too early to say, or that it APPEARS to be less harmful than tobacco smoke.

rcplondon.ac.uk/projects/ou … eduction-0

gov.uk/government/publicati … nce-update

nhs.uk/smokefree/help-and-a … cigarettes

So far, there is no evidence that vaping causes harm to other people around you. The available evidence indicates that any risk of harm is extremely low, especially when compared with secondhand tobacco smoke.

And that is as close as you will ever get to a statement saying they are totally harmless. Vaping has been around for a decade - and no one has managed to find a link to it and serious health issues.

The offensive stench left on fabrics etc and steering wheels is not nicotine (which has no odour anyway), it is tar. Vaping doesn’t leave any tar residue (as there’s no burning involved), although there may be some residual smell due to the flavouring ingredients. Whether you find that residue unpleasant or not is pretty much down to personal preference and depends on the mixture the vaper has used.

Thing is though, lots of us have our own “addictions” to some degree or another - be it booze, exercise, recreational drugs, ■■■, computer games or any number of other things. Why is it that nicotine addicts alone apparently have to keep doing it (and inflicting it on everyone else) all day? Why not simply give it a rest until you are in your own space (be it your home, your car or some other private space)?


Really? Could you show where?
What I`ve read on the NHS site seems to show it is either too early to say, or that it APPEARS to be less harmful than tobacco smoke.

rcplondon.ac.uk/projects/ou … eduction-0

gov.uk/government/publicati … nce-update

nhs.uk/smokefree/help-and-a … cigarettes

So far, there is no evidence that vaping causes harm to other people around you. The available evidence indicates that any risk of harm is extremely low, especially when compared with secondhand tobacco smoke.

And that is as close as you will ever get to a statement saying they are totally harmless. Vaping has been around for a decade - and no one has managed to find a link to it and serious health issues.

That`s as far as any competent authority would go. Saying that the available evidence shows much less risk than tobacco, and as yet no available evidence of serious risk.
Unlike the statement “And it’s totally harmless. NHS have done studies to show this”.

i am the only one who drives my truck

Other than the poor sod who has to get in it to service it, do the 6 weekly inspections and repairs.

Never realised local authority personel could issue tickets such as this…much has changed…

Yes bizarrely enough, because it comes under local authority responsibility, only they can issue penalty tickets for that , the police cannot. So when they have had a “campaign” on this they have to have the police to stop a vehicle and a council person to issue the ticket. Like it used to be with VOSA in the old days :unamused:

Just to be clear though it is not against the law to smoke in a company / works vehicle if it is not normally used by anyone else and you have no passengers. Obviously your company might have a policy and you might get disciplined / sacked, but it is not against the law.

I think there is a bit missing from that video, I am sure you can hear the driver talking to someone else, presumably a passenger right at the beginning. In that case he is breaking the law and the little guy has him banged to rights. The driver isn’t worried though, he can easily afford it, he earns load of money as a driver :unamused:

It’s also an offence to smoke in a vehicle when there is anybody under 18 in it.

I am not a smoker and having seen someone who works for me and also another friend, struggling to break the addiction I have some, not a lot :laughing:, of sympathy. The friend has kicked it altogether, after spending a fortune on patches, drugs, courses, hypnotherapy and all the rest, but he’s done it. The other guy has got to 100% vaping.

Common sense would tell me that sucking any type of chemical compound into any part of my body on a regular basis cannot be good .
I stopped the evil weed 9 years ago after a stroke .
99.9% of the time just a whiff of a cigarette turns my stomach, 0.1% of the time I would love a ■■■ .
Occasionally I think the vehicle in front has caught fire because of the billowing vape smoke coming from the window .
How many vape because of fashion?

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk


i am the only one who drives my truck

Other than the poor sod who has to get in it to service it, do the 6 weekly inspections and repairs.

And your holiday/sick cover…


Rob…its Febreze thats the in thing…apparently it gets rid of smells…sprayed some on a driver once,he was still there when the mist fell. :smiley: As for the vaping, i read a report that said vaping isnt any better than smoking, but there havnt been any real tests on them so no reports available…however they have now been banned from using them in a vehicle under the anti smoking laws…because of the amount of vapour they cause, bloody hell worse than a chimney. :smiley: :smiley:

Apart from this sort of report… nhs.uk/news/heart-and-lungs … ark-study/

Show me any anti smoking laws that prohibit vaping. Ofcourse you can chose to buy a vape that gives out loads of vapour - but you can also get ones that give out very little. Mine is variable - and I set it for the conditions.

I noted the following reservations re the study you quoted which was also from a very small study of 181 people…

However, the study has limitations.

while attempts were made to control for confounders, it is possible that other unmeasured factors are influencing the results
this was a self-selected sample and therefore findings may not be generalisable to the whole population of former or current smokers
indirect exposure to cigarette smoking could not be accounted for in this research
the study is not able to assess the comparative effectiveness of NRT or e-cigarettes as aids to smoking cessation

In my opinion the truck driver was childish and out of order.Hes been caught fair n square .The other lad was doing his job (A very dificult job ) ok probably a jobsworthy job etc but its his job …
■■■■ stink ,I quit ages ago, i never ever smoked in anyones van car or truck ,Or my own as it stinks .
Tough luck imo.


i am the only one who drives my truck

Other than the poor sod who has to get in it to service it, do the 6 weekly inspections and repairs.

The law is designed to protect non-smokers from possible harm from inhaling smoke, not to protect them from the smell of it. Driving a truck in which somebody has smoked, twenty or thirty feet into a workshop is unlikely in the extreme to cause physical harm to a fitter, especially when compared to the exhaust fumes and chemicals to which he is subjected throughout his working life.



Rob…its Febreze thats the in thing…apparently it gets rid of smells…sprayed some on a driver once,he was still there when the mist fell. :smiley: As for the vaping, i read a report that said vaping isnt any better than smoking, but there havnt been any real tests on them so no reports available…however they have now been banned from using them in a vehicle under the anti smoking laws…because of the amount of vapour they cause, bloody hell worse than a chimney. :smiley: :smiley:

Apart from this sort of report… nhs.uk/news/heart-and-lungs … ark-study/

Show me any anti smoking laws that prohibit vaping. Ofcourse you can chose to buy a vape that gives out loads of vapour - but you can also get ones that give out very little. Mine is variable - and I set it for the conditions.

I noted the following reservations re the study you quoted which was also from a very small study of 181 people…

However, the study has limitations.

while attempts were made to control for confounders, it is possible that other unmeasured factors are influencing the results
this was a self-selected sample and therefore findings may not be generalisable to the whole population of former or current smokers
indirect exposure to cigarette smoking could not be accounted for in this research
the study is not able to assess the comparative effectiveness of NRT or e-cigarettes as aids to smoking cessation

Every theory and study in Science has limitations. It’s what separates Maths from Science. We deal with the best information we have at present and going forward aim to increase our knowledge of it.

You are falling into the same trap people who dismiss climate change do. You are looking at the limitations and therefore dismissing the report. If you want an absolute yes/no then you will always be able to ignore the scientific opinion which currently prevails.

Look at the people who wrote that report. Look at their conclusions. And then ask yourself if you really feel qualified to dismiss their conclusions on the basis of a hunch.




Rob…its Febreze thats the in thing…apparently it gets rid of smells…sprayed some on a driver once,he was still there when the mist fell. :smiley: As for the vaping, i read a report that said vaping isnt any better than smoking, but there havnt been any real tests on them so no reports available…however they have now been banned from using them in a vehicle under the anti smoking laws…because of the amount of vapour they cause, bloody hell worse than a chimney. :smiley: :smiley:

Apart from this sort of report… nhs.uk/news/heart-and-lungs … ark-study/

Show me any anti smoking laws that prohibit vaping. Ofcourse you can chose to buy a vape that gives out loads of vapour - but you can also get ones that give out very little. Mine is variable - and I set it for the conditions.

I noted the following reservations re the study you quoted which was also from a very small study of 181 people…

However, the study has limitations.

while attempts were made to control for confounders, it is possible that other unmeasured factors are influencing the results
this was a self-selected sample and therefore findings may not be generalisable to the whole population of former or current smokers
indirect exposure to cigarette smoking could not be accounted for in this research
the study is not able to assess the comparative effectiveness of NRT or e-cigarettes as aids to smoking cessation

Every theory and study in Science has limitations. It’s what separates Maths from Science. We deal with the best information we have at present and going forward aim to increase our knowledge of it.

You are falling into the same trap people who dismiss climate change do. You are looking at the limitations and therefore dismissing the report. If you want an absolute yes/no then you will always be able to ignore the scientific opinion which currently prevails.

Look at the people who wrote that report. Look at their conclusions. And then ask yourself if you really feel qualified to dismiss their conclusions on the basis of a hunch.

I didn’t dismiss their conclusions. I merely pointed out the reservations other more eminently qualified than me had and expressed at the end of the study you quoted in an attempt to strengthen your position. It IS a small sample with which to conduct such a study. As for climate change, I’ve long been a believer! :wink:

Here read this Sammy :::::

theguardian.com/science/201 … y-suggests

pierrot 14:
Here read this Sammy :::::

theguardian.com/science/201 … y-suggests

Thanks - it’s certainly interesting. I found the original paper had a look at the source: pnas.org/content/115/7/E1560

It’s a respectable journal, and it’s a researcher for a respectable institution. And it’s in a field which I’m not an expert in - so if I’m brutally honest I can’t follow the whole thing. But it does seem to imply that there may be a link between vaping and cancer - at the very least he has shown the vaping is not perfect. The author himself does state more work needs to be done - but I think the criticism of his work is unfair. It seems to come from people who hold a different opinion, and who are not able to be impartial.

So I suppose the question personally for me is: will I still vape? And I will. Even if vaping is carcinogenic my belief (with the information I have) is that it’s better than smoking. For personal reasons (and my own weakness) I don’t think I could stop smoking currently without vaping.

As an aside - I do find this work interesting, and if I had time would look into it further. Whilst I accept that vaping almost certainly does have some carcinogenic properties (after reading that) - I think you need to do a comparative study between it and smoking. I also think you could do a comparative study between it and other known lifestyle carcinogenic choices such as alcohol and living in a polluted city. It would make a good PhD for someone - and would probably give them a good career after. But that sort of work is plagued with problems relating to funding - research councils won’t bankroll the huge costs and the people who do pay for it will want an answer that suits their agenda.

Complete and utter pond slime.

Complete and utter pond slime.

Agreed, but as already said the poor bloke was only doing his job :wink:
Regards. John.

old 67:

Complete and utter pond slime.

Agreed, but as already said the poor bloke was only doing his job :wink:
Regards. John.

Which one ■■? :smiley: