Had to chuckle...bloke fined for smoking in cab video

Dunno why but i chuckled at it…the drivers words were spot on…dunno how old it is but…


This driver is just a loud and foul mouthed person and should be dismissed immediately
and there is nothing funny about this clip

What a jumped up prick. Seems to think he knows it all. I see the ticket man was not fazed by the ■■■■ in the seat. Sounds like he needs bring down a peg or 2.
He was in the wrong for smoking in the work place. More should get ticketed then they will stop smoking in the cab.

Sent from Platform 9 3/4

This driver is just a loud and foul mouthed person and should be dismissed immediately
and there is nothing funny about this clip

Is the driver related to that salmonella wagon owner on the A512 just off the M1 ■■ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Ignorance at its very best. Driver didnt even have the savvy to converse without abuse/name calling :unamused:
Never realised local authority personel could issue tickets such as this…much has changed…

Dunno why but i chuckled at it…the drivers words were spot on…dunno how old it is but…


The only thing to chuckle at is how much a prick the driver made himself look filming himself!
Full prase for the official kept his cool and issued the ticket, should see more of it!

Has anybody scrolled down to read some of the comments ■■ :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


What’s it got to do with that idiot if the bloke is smoking in his cab? I know it’s illegal - but what harm is caused meaning that it needs a fine? I don’t smoke I vape but I wouldn’t be very happy if someone tried to fine me for that. And I don’t mind if the drivers mate or driver before me has a ciggy.

How does the council bloke know it’s not his personal vehicle and he has sole use of it? This is nothing more than workplace harassment and I think the driver did well to keep his cool.

What’s it got to do with that idiot if the bloke is smoking in his cab? I know it’s illegal - but what harm is caused meaning that it needs a fine? I don’t smoke I vape but I wouldn’t be very happy if someone tried to fine me for that. And I don’t mind if the drivers mate or driver before me has a ciggy.

How does the council bloke know it’s not his personal vehicle and he has sole use of it? This is nothing more than workplace harassment and I think the driver did well to keep his cool.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

pierrot 14:

What’s it got to do with that idiot if the bloke is smoking in his cab? I know it’s illegal - but what harm is caused meaning that it needs a fine? I don’t smoke I vape but I wouldn’t be very happy if someone tried to fine me for that. And I don’t mind if the drivers mate or driver before me has a ciggy.

How does the council bloke know it’s not his personal vehicle and he has sole use of it? This is nothing more than workplace harassment and I think the driver did well to keep his cool.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Well as less then 20% of adults smoke nowadays in the UK there are more people who don’t want to sit in a smokey cab and have smelly fingers :sunglasses:

Smokers can kid themselves that spraying a can of Lynx after every shift and have 10 air fresheners in the cab covers it but a non smoker smells it the moment they open the cab door.

Im not having a go at smokers btw pretending im better as im sure I drink a load more beers at the weekend then other people etc but luckily that doesn’t effect cab smells :laughing:

Also that video was showing the rest of his cab to be dirty as well so not a great example to set yourself sammym or you might find yourself stuck working for the crap outfits you have been with so far for longer then you wanted.

What’s it got to do with that idiot if the bloke is smoking in his cab?

It’s his job - he is employed as an enforcement officer.

How does the council bloke know it’s not his personal vehicle and he has sole use of it?

If it’s his own personal vehicle then he simply sends the ticket in with a letter and some supporting documentation showing that it’s his motor and the penalty is cancelled. Of course if it’s a company vehicle he won’t be able to do that…


pierrot 14:

What’s it got to do with that idiot if the bloke is smoking in his cab? I know it’s illegal - but what harm is caused meaning that it needs a fine? I don’t smoke I vape but I wouldn’t be very happy if someone tried to fine me for that. And I don’t mind if the drivers mate or driver before me has a ciggy.

How does the council bloke know it’s not his personal vehicle and he has sole use of it? This is nothing more than workplace harassment and I think the driver did well to keep his cool.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Well as less then 20% of adults smoke nowadays in the UK there are more people who don’t want to sit in a smokey cab and have smelly fingers :sunglasses:

Smokers can kid themselves that spraying a can of Lynx after every shift and have 10 air fresheners in the cab covers it but a non smoker smells it the moment they open the cab door.

This and then some. :bulb:
Thing is 90% of smokers are either that stupid or ignorant on this, or simply could not give a ■■■■ enough to care.
I aint anti smoking as such, but I’m definitely anti smoking in my house, car , and my (or for the benefit of the day/night men ‘‘The Firm’s’’ ) truck.

Personally I couldn’t give a monkey’s ■■■■ if smokers want to smoke as many as they like until they eventually die from it, …that’s their choice, but it is also my choice to go ■■■■ ape ■■■■ if any of em smoke in those places I mention. :imp: as I have done on a few occasions.

As for the thread subject, yeh it takes a ‘special’ type of guy to do those type of jobs, but whether anybody agrees or not, it is unarguably against the law.
Maybe the guy was going to just give him a warning pre video, but as the driver was an obvious
pig-ignorant smart arse, he may have brought the ticket on himself by epically failing the attitude test. :bulb:

what harm is caused meaning that it needs a fine?

When I start a 12+ hour shift, and I’ve showered and shaved etc, it’s depressing opening a cab door and smelling the stench of somebody eles’s cigarette smoke. I feel icky, and it covers my hands no matter how much I wipe the steering wheel, which also makes eating lunch unpleasant - it’s disgusting. Then all the carcinogens from the thousands of chemicals in cigarettes, they permeate every pore of the cab, and I’m absorbing them in some small way.

What’s it got to do with that idiot if the bloke is smoking in his cab? I know it’s illegal - but what harm is caused meaning that it needs a fine? I don’t smoke I vape but I wouldn’t be very happy if someone tried to fine me for that. And I don’t mind if the drivers mate or driver before me has a ciggy.

How does the council bloke know it’s not his personal vehicle and he has sole use of it? This is nothing more than workplace harassment and I think the driver did well to keep his cool.

And you’ll find that many companies are stopping drivers vaping in cabs too. Maybe the council bloke asked the driver who the vehicle belonged to? Just a thought…

Sorry Rob, but as a smoker i disagree…i know its against the law, but so is doing 40 in a 30, and other such nonsenses, so i dont buy that argument. I have often smoked in company vehicles, but had a good excuse…cos i used to have one of those smokeless ciggie things, you know the ones with the tip that lights up…so i went to the TM when the smoking ban came in, and showed him my device, but asking if it was ok to smoke it in the cab…he said yes…so that gave me the all clear as if someone reported me…he would tell em, yeah we know, but its not a real one…but lights up the same… :smiley: :smiley: i dont have to do that now as i am the only one who drives my truck, and had a letter from the boss to say so…am now waiting for the anti smoking brigade to bombard me with their nonsense…i knew a guy once who asked me if he could catch HIV after an infected guy had used his truck…yeah i remember all those scare stories…door handles, toilet seats etc…so just to let everyone know, you cannot catch anything from your truck by someone smoking in it…but its been known to kill bacteria. :smiley: another quick one…a driver did offer to report me once, but the smell coming from his cab was disgusting…and the inside looked just the same…so i told him to clean up his act, as i wouldnt drive his truck after he had used it.

Sorry Rob, but as a smoker i disagree…i know its against the law, but so is doing 40 in a 30, and other such nonsenses, so i dont buy that argument. I have often smoked in company vehicles, but had a good excuse…cos i used to have one of those smokeless ciggie things, you know the ones with the tip that lights up…so i went to the TM when the smoking ban came in, and showed him my device, but asking if it was ok to smoke it in the cab…he said yes…so that gave me the all clear as if someone reported me…he would tell em, yeah we know, but its not a real one…but lights up the same… :smiley: :smiley: i dont have to do that now as i am the only one who drives my truck, and had a letter from the boss to say so…am now waiting for the anti smoking brigade to bombard me with their nonsense…i knew a guy once who asked me if he could catch HIV after an infected guy had used his truck…yeah i remember all those scare stories…door handles, toilet seats etc…so just to let everyone know, you cannot catch anything from your truck by someone smoking in it…but its been known to kill bacteria. :smiley: another quick one…a driver did offer to report me once, but the smell coming from his cab was disgusting…and the inside looked just the same…so i told him to clean up his act, as i wouldnt drive his truck after he had used it.

Hiya TB.
I did say that I was only anti smoking in my own different environments and to stretch it a bit in co vehicles where non smokers have to share with a smoker tbf.
I aint got a problem whatsoever with a guy smoking in his sole designated motor, or anywhere else for that matter, mainly as it’s got sod all to do with me. :smiley:

As for ‘‘The law’’ thing, I think you have to ‘Buy the argument’ as you put it, as it’s fact…end of.
Now whether you or me agree with it or not, (or any other law for that matter) is another argument for another day, …and tbh irelavent, on the basis of ‘‘What is,…Is’’
Not sure about your theory on not catching anything, I aint up on all that sort of stuff, but I believe I’ve read somewhere that there are toxins embedded in fabrics etc but anyway, as far as I’m concerned, that aint my problem with it, and I aint fussed if it’s true or not…

It’s more the ■■■■ awful stink that lingers all day, the back of the throat thing,.and just the general unpleasantness of it all mate tbh.
Something you and me disagree on for a change eh? :wink: :smiley:

And you’ll find that many companies are stopping drivers vaping in cabs too. Maybe the council bloke asked the driver who the vehicle belonged to? Just a thought…

I’d simply ignore such a rule. My vape leaves no smell - if I was seen and told off for it okay. I have no intention of ever getting a full time driving job so if the company didn’t want me back it’s no great loss to me. There is plenty of work in the midlands.

I’d also argue that the NHS state vaping is a good tool to stop smoking. So there policies were depriving me of my smoking cessation tools. And as such were harmful to me.


And you’ll find that many companies are stopping drivers vaping in cabs too. Maybe the council bloke asked the driver who the vehicle belonged to? Just a thought…

I’d simply ignore such a rule. My vape leaves no smell - if I was seen and told off for it okay. I have no intention of ever getting a full time driving job so if the company didn’t want me back it’s no great loss to me. There is plenty of work in the midlands.

I’d also argue that the NHS state vaping is a good tool to stop smoking. So there policies were depriving me of my smoking cessation tools. And as such were harmful to me.

I aint going to argue with you mate as I know the far end of jack ■■■■ about vaping and whether it leaves a smell or not.
Are you 100% sure it does not leave a smell that some would find obnoxious, and ■■■■ irritating, as that is the sort of bull crap smokers come out with when they spray cheap air freshner around after smoking in your cab, or say they’ve had the window open :unamused: …just saying.



And you’ll find that many companies are stopping drivers vaping in cabs too. Maybe the council bloke asked the driver who the vehicle belonged to? Just a thought…

I’d simply ignore such a rule. My vape leaves no smell - if I was seen and told off for it okay. I have no intention of ever getting a full time driving job so if the company didn’t want me back it’s no great loss to me. There is plenty of work in the midlands.

I’d also argue that the NHS state vaping is a good tool to stop smoking. So there policies were depriving me of my smoking cessation tools. And as such were harmful to me.

I aint going to argue with you mate as I know the far end of jack [zb] about vaping and whether it leaves a smell or not.
Are you 100% sure it does not leave a smell that some would find obnoxious, and [zb] irritating, as that is the sort of bull crap smokers come out with when they spray cheap air freshner around after smoking in your cab, or say they’ve had the window open :unamused: …just saying.

100% mate. I vape on the sly on planes - and unless I chose to let huge amounts out no one knows. Try doing that on a long-haul flight with a ciggy lol. People will claim they can smell it but it gets on their lungs etc - but for a test I often do it when they don’t know. Never once had someone call me out on it.

They can have a smell immediately after coming out your mouth - generally smells sweet if anything. But it doesn’t stay around long. And it’s totally harmless. NHS have done studies to show this. If someone vaped in your cab - unless they told you or you saw them you’d never know. Doesn’t leave any ash etc.