Gritters / Snow Ploughs

Do any of the gritter / snow plough drivers come on here?

Hopefully they do.

I just wanted to say thanks for doing a great job in difficult conditions, it can’t be an easy job! (I am not being sarcastic either)

Cheers guys


thanks very much , i do not do the motorways ,only the A and B roads ,it can be a difficult job sometimes with the numptys you encounter on the road
who seem hell bent on getting by you whatever the cost :unamused:
cheers graham

Obviously we all appreciate the work you guys do and I hope you don’t take this the wrong way.

The roads don’t seem to be as clear/drivable as they were 5yrs or so ago, is there some issue with government cuts or something?

Do they have trackers on so that the control room knows where has been gritted?

I passed 2 in the space of a couple mile on the opposite side of the A1 to me and they were both gritting.

I have seen the new gritters though, like a orangey colour.

I’ll second the OP - I’ve been really impressed with how well the trunk roads were kept clear today. Good job.

Do they have trackers on so that the control room knows where has been gritted?

I passed 2 in the space of a couple mile on the opposite side of the A1 to me and they were both gritting.

I have seen the new gritters though, like a orangey colour.

Ive seen these too on the A1 around the metrocentre area , they have the highways agency logo on the doors

they do a fantastic job some are mad men on wheels!!! only thing I gota ask are they not allowed to clear laybys?? today I went from Dunfirmline to Kirkcaldy & there was not 1 layby that was usable as a result I went 20 mins over my 41/2 :confused: :confused:

well i,m not impressed, however i do think this will be a council decision rather then the gritter guys themselves so apologies to the drivers, i live near garrowby hill, and i,m yet to see a gritter in the area… which is covered by east riding council, but if you drive down to stamford bridge you can actually see where york councils gritters have turned round on the york side of the bridge… cannot understand why 1 council as gritted their area on a major road which is,nt as dangerous as the other councils area which as not been gritted…

also roads around malton have,nt been gritted including welham hill, where if you go up the road to pickering and kirbymoorside roads you see gritters following each other… don,t make sense to me,

we can only do as we are instructed , we are live tracked for speed ,spread rate ,spinner speed etc ,sometimes they do make some strange decisions but we do not get listened to ,only to do as asked :unamused:
now with the tracking ,if there does happen to be an incedent on a route ,the driver will no longer have to make a statement and attend court for some lawyer to try and make out the road was not salted and he did not do his job properly ,as it is all kept on disk :sunglasses:

sorry but i have never been instructed to clear /grit laybys ,i have stopped and dropped off the odd pile to try and aid someone who can’t get traction :wink:

also did this ,but never did hear anything ,but would still stop again if someone was in need :slight_smile: … ry#p637502

This post was to thank the drivers.

Councils round the country can be good or bad depending where you live.

Thanks again guys you must all be working round the clock!


This fine chap cleared the hill up ahead and i eventually got back on M1 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: A big thank you mate whoever you are :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

i think we’d all be screwed without their hard work. what are the long blue tanks on the side of the salt buckets for?

Have to say though, I was sat on the A38 near chesterfield this morning for about 2 and a half hours, during this time the southbound was moving along freely but not once did I see a gritter going down there.
This is a major road that was blocked because the gritters hadnt been down it.

Well, they can’t be everywhere at once. In this area they have demountable bodies and other gear so can be used on other duties during the year. They’ve kept the main roads open and also bus routes which has been helpful but I think that this area got off lightly as so far the only problems I have had on the roads have been other numpties who either can’t understand why their ABS isn’t working or treating the roads like there is nothing different and no traction problems.

Most roads are empty with some footpaths being treacherous :frowning:

Good Luck out there!

Anyone seen Carryfast?

Mr B:
i think we’d all be screwed without their hard work. what are the long blue tanks on the side of the salt buckets for?

Are they still using sugar and salt mixes? it was treacherous for motorcycles, but then again so is ice and diesel. Try driving a Reliant Regal behind a line of traffic :laughing:

I’d like to second everything that’s Been said. It must be hell at there at the moment,so thank you guys.

no point in attacking the gritter drivers on how bad the roads are, the state of some of the motorways up here have been rediculous the last 5 days,

on sunday night it took me 2 hours to get from the bottom of a slip road to the top. because no gritters came by our way, though 4 did go the other way in the space of an hour and never came back. then wednesday morning it seemed only one side of the m8 was getting a plough along it. again wtf are bear scotland playing at?

Wheel Nut:
Anyone seen Carryfast?

that his famous 6x4 gritter b train?

no point in attacking the gritter drivers on how bad the roads are, the state of some of the motorways up here have been rediculous the last 5 days,

on sunday night it took me 2 hours to get from the bottom of a slip road to the top. because no gritters came by our way, though 4 did go the other way in the space of an hour and never came back. then wednesday morning it seemed only one side of the m8 was getting a plough along it. again wtf are bear scotland playing at?

That upskelled gritter is in Tain