Gritters / Snow Ploughs


Wheel Nut:
Anyone seen Carryfast?

that his famous 6x4 gritter b train?

:grimacing: :grimacing: :smiley:

It should have been a tri - drive thats what are Man Cruisepast wants next.

fly sheet:


Wheel Nut:
Anyone seen Carryfast?

that his famous 6x4 gritter b train?

:grimacing: :grimacing: :smiley:

It should have been a tri - drive thats what are Man Cruisepast wants next.

No that’s a 4x2 driven by a 4x2 driver :laughing: :laughing: This is a proper one not a toy. :laughing: :laughing:

Mr B:
i think we’d all be screwed without their hard work. what are the long blue tanks on the side of the salt buckets for?

the long tanks are for liquid pre ice well thats what we use on the dartford bridge as cant use salt as it rots the bridge ile post a pic of our unimog later thats fun to play with lol

sorry but i have never been instructed to clear /grit laybys

But if you’re not told otherwise, and don’t ask permit, you could clear them and if asked, just say “Oh, I thought they were part of the road” :wink: :laughing:


fly sheet:


Wheel Nut:
Anyone seen Carryfast?

that his famous 6x4 gritter b train?

:grimacing: :grimacing: :smiley:

It should have been a tri - drive thats what are Man Cruisepast wants next.

No that’s a 4x2 driven by a 4x2 driver :laughing: :laughing: This is a proper one not a toy. :laughing: :laughing:

Thats the gayest truck ever a ■■■■■■■ Ford A-series lookalike heap Cruisepast sort youself out FFS :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

fly sheet:


fly sheet:


Wheel Nut:
Anyone seen Carryfast?

that his famous 6x4 gritter b train?

:grimacing: :grimacing: :smiley:

It should have been a tri - drive thats what are Man Cruisepast wants next.

No that’s a 4x2 driven by a 4x2 driver :laughing: :laughing: This is a proper one not a toy. :laughing: :laughing:

Thats the gayest truck ever a [zb] Ford A-series lookalike heap Cruisepast sort youself out FFS :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

But at least it made it back to the yard without ending up on it’s side in a ditch :laughing: .But there’s nothing wrong with these either and could obviously handle a real winter better than that mickey mouse Merc. :laughing: :laughing:

We finally got someone to plough our yard with a JCB, done a good job too. £250 easy money, he then went next door to TNT and took £250 off them too.

How much are JCB’s anyway, im thinking about investing in one :laughing:

I’d like to know where they were this morning when the A12 was covered in the white stuff.

I saw 4 tractors with snow ploughs on them clearing it, but not one gritter?

I’d like to know where they were this morning when the A12 was covered in the white stuff.

I saw 4 tractors with snow ploughs on them clearing it, but not one gritter?

Bit like the gritter/snow plough trying to get down the A127 crawling in traffic due to the snow… with the plough rasied :wink:

didnt see any gritters on the m23 this morning going or on my way out of crawley


fly sheet:


fly sheet:


Wheel Nut:
Anyone seen Carryfast?

that his famous 6x4 gritter b train?

:grimacing: :grimacing: :smiley:

It should have been a tri - drive thats what are Man Cruisepast wants next.

No that’s a 4x2 driven by a 4x2 driver :laughing: :laughing: This is a proper one not a toy. :laughing: :laughing:

Thats the gayest truck ever a [zb] Ford A-series lookalike heap Cruisepast sort youself out FFS :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

But at least it made it back to the yard without ending up on it’s side in a ditch :laughing: .But there’s nothing wrong with these either and could obviously handle a real winter better than that mickey mouse Merc. :laughing: :laughing:

It made it back to its centrally heated garage to get a warm :smiley:

Nowt wrong with that Foden Cruisepast, I’d probably take the rear diff out myself & fit a hydraulic lift to whats left, only to aid traction of course :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Fly sheet