Goodbye Trucknet


Tarra then

Goodbye Truck-net.

Well as the sign says I am out of here going to get a life and live it. would like to thank all those who posted on my posts.

Be good out there
Be safe out there
Be happy out there

Thanks very much for all the banter and look after yourselves.

Bye All
Last post will not be replying, so if its as to be locked so be it.


bye Dave :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Think I’ll be off as well.
Been looking at how to delete my account but it seems that once your in, it’s for life :confused: Been thinking about it for a while after something I innocently commented on got me in trouble at work.
Carefull what you put on here people.

Gotta love the drama queen exits :wink:

I can’t see the need to say goodbye Trucknet.It ain’t as if you are leaving your wife etc. If you are tired of posting messages or whatever,just lay off it for a while. :unamused:

Been looking at how to delete my account but it seems that once your in, it’s for life

Blood in, blood out. :smiley:

We will miss you both lol

Mind the door doesnt catch your arse on the way out

Gee me peace :unamused:

Goodbye Truck-net.

Well as the sign says I am out of here going to get a life and live it. would like to thank all those who posted on my posts.

Be good out there
Be safe out there
Be happy out there

Thanks very much for all the banter and look after yourselves.

Bye All
Last post will not be replying, so if its as to be locked so be it.

Ignore the idiots :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused: :unamused:

Oh the tears!!! :frowning:

Dont forget the lights, but goodbye anyway, before you go, who upset ya ■■ and for the record, i got a disciplinary for making derogatory remarks about the company on here, after a so called transport manager in another depot, was licking someones backside, and wanted more chocolate, mind you, it took them a long time to find me, as he couldnt even give the correct log in name, in the end, i owned up, and that was my reward, so forget about the privacy rules, and you can do what you want in your own time, it didnt work, but thats all water under the bridge.

That’s me an all. No more trucknet, I’ve had enough. So I’ll see you all.

Until tomorrow anyway.

Shame cos I did enjoy the Quizzes etc

All the best DEL

Ooh it’s like the end of eastenders… :laughing:

Oh the drama..jpg

If Delboytwo really was going when he last posted, why did he last view the site at 6.35pm?
I agree with Renegade, why the big farewell bilge? Unless someone deeply offended you why start a thread about leaving.


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