Good Bye from scanialady142

Barney1968, who got personal or aggressive ?

Barney1968, who got personal or aggressive ?

I cant find anything that was personal or aggresive as such?

Scania who? :wink: :smiley:

Don’t let the door bang you in the ■■■ from behind on the way out :slight_smile:

Only kiddin, but seriously, are you not being a typical woman and overeacting with emotions, if anything you should stay and prove us wrong ■■?

She has the painters in…She’ll be OK next week! :unamused:

When you post on an open forum i,mm affraid you leave yourself open for what ever comes your way some will be constuctive some not so, others wil be silly others will take the mick out of you as others have said get over it and dont take it all to heat

it’s Rag Week.

When I’m feeling down, I look at this picture of some kittens in some cups and it makes everything better. You should try it scanialady142, it will cheer you up and make you stay. Go on, have a look, what have you got to lose?

See. That’s better isn’t it?

there is some bigotted opinion on here, some of it is a bit OTT, but i’m sure most is intended to be humerous.
but if you feel the need to leave us and spend more time in the kitchen, then that’s up to you. :smiley: :wink:

Got to admit that is a great post,


there is some bigotted opinion on here, some of it is a bit OTT, but i’m sure most is intended to be humerous.
but if you feel the need to leave us and spend more time in the kitchen, then that’s up to you. :smiley: :wink:

Got to admit that is a great post,

You can always count on phill to add his own brand of humour love it

there is some bigotted opinion on here, some of it is a bit OTT, but i’m sure most is intended to be humerous.
but if you feel the need to leave us and spend more time in the kitchen, then that’s up to you. :smiley: :wink:

The thing is it seems she’s she can’t stand the heat in this kitchen so she’s got no chance in any other one :wink:

It makes me laugh this, someone dosent like your opinion so you take yourself off, I find this a very tame forum with lots off different opinions and different personalitys, well that’s what forums are.

This country is full of namby pambness nowadays and I’m sick off it. I call a spade a spade and if it offends tough luck I’m not worrying about someone else when I have it all to look after myself.

It’s about time people grew a backbone and except not everyone gets on and agrees. The world isn’t a hazy shade of pink and smelling off roses its a zb hole.

Could be worse I suppose… I could live in Bradford.

I think this is the Gordon Brown school of bigotry having another opinion or even being wrong doesn’t make someone a biggot.
In one week a bloke died and a woman got badly injured. No one knows the whys or what’s in either case but one went on for 2 pages the other 18 and counting.
That’s not right and if my concern makes me a biggot, I’ve been called worse.

This is PC


When I’m feeling down, I look at this picture of some kittens in some cups and it makes everything better.

Presume that was taken whilst you were wating for the kettle to boil? :wink:

I think jd is pretty on the money here.

some people simply dont get the gist of an open forum format,someone says something someone doesnt like…so they report it to admin,nothing gets done because most people can understand the concept of agreeing and disagreeing.
so the next step is to announce your leaving and hope admin will run scared and ban someone just in case your army of imaginary followers up sticks and leave with you.
switchlogic is exactly the same,he goes on and on about carryfast,but he seems to forget about the round of ady1 bashing he indulged in,only a few weeks ago.
some people seem to think it is their duty to change things for(in their eyes)the better…and see it as a personal attack if someone dares to challenge their beliefs.

crusaders…iv`e ■■■■ em

I’d hate to see the state of your arse after ■■■■■■■ a scammel.

I’m just setting up one of them Government petition things, only need 100,000 signatures to get the Cabinet office involved in persuading ‘scanialady142’ to stay :unamused: :wink:
Take a chill pill and calm down :bulb:
Bye Bye :laughing:

Kind Regards
Dave Penn;

Thought Scania lady would fit in well here plenty of old women on here who sit down to ■■■■.