Golf driver vs hgv driver on slip rd

Anyone who gets out their truck or other and lays into a guy like that deserves to get the bullet,thugs like that hardly enhance a worsening reputation that truckers have already… Whatever the circumstances never get out and with cameras everywhere you are gonna get caught. It embarrassing that some people here condone this behaviour and i for one would love to see the trucker lose his job as he does not deserve one after this,and with the livery all over the truck the guy really does deserve the plank of the year,talk about signing your own death warrant… P45 and ■■ off…

Don’t have to wait for CSI reports on this ,it’s a case of loosing self control . Whoever was at fault it makes no difference , golf driver stayed in his car , Jones driver couldn’t manage to tune the guy in without loosing the plot completely and made a complete arse of himself and the company , which is all over social media now .
Would not want him being the public face of my company , would you ?

tommy t:
The driver should of removed the keys from the golf and slung em into a bush along with the prick’s mobile phone instead of smacking him,lol

Good idea…:slight_smile::slight_smile:

Anyone who gets out their truck or other and lays into a guy like that deserves to get the bullet,thugs like that hardly enhance a worsening reputation that truckers have already… Whatever the circumstances never get out and with cameras everywhere you are gonna get caught. It embarrassing that some people here condone this behaviour and i for one would love to see the trucker lose his job as he does not deserve one after this,and with the livery all over the truck the guy really does deserve the plank of the year,talk about signing your own death warrant… P45 and [zb] off…

I think the opposite. Truck drivers used to be an 'ard bunch who nobody ■■■■■■ with, then came power steering, power brakes, and open the doors to anyone who wants to drive 1, now everyone cuts us up, brake tests us, gives us abuse. It’s about time a few of the older bunch lost it and gave a few smacks to remind people that we’re not all shandy drinking soft gits.

I’ll admit, I’ve been out of the truck on more than 1 occasion, they shouldn’t give it if they can’t take the consequences. Usually to muppets who brake test the truck, and I usually get out to explain how dead they’d be if I didn’t react quickly enough to their stupidity and not to smack them - although sometimes 1 can lead to the other.

I still haven’t seen the video as I won’t sign up to Facebook but you shouldn’t gob off at people unless you’re willing to back it up with fighting. End of.

Maybe the driver went over the top but sounds like it serves the gobby ■■■■ in the golf right.

That’s a case where one of those dash cams would be great. Would prove the carry on before and after this incident. I’m not in favour of what this driver did but what drove him to it. I’m thinking of getting one of those dash cameras because of all the drivers on motorways doing 70-80k and then when you go pass them they speed up. Complete muppets on the road, this golf was obviously the last straw for this guy.
Wonder what happened next, did they just drive off or did the cops come

tommy t:
The driver should of removed the keys from the golf and slung em into a bush along with the prick’s mobile phone instead of smacking him,lol

Done that. Very effective

I see the Trucknet CSI squad have already cleared the driver, even though no ■■■■■■ knows what went on prior to this, who started it etc.

Any driver who behaves like that is a nutter who shouldn’t be behind the wheel of a truck, obvious anger management issues, other drivers act like morons call the coppers.

If someones mouthing off out the window CONTINUALLY trying to force you to pull over, isn’t there even a ounce of justification for this? Of course there is. He flipped because he was provoked

No one knows what happened but like everything we all jump to conclusions.
Just say as an example the HGV driver clipped the Golf damaging it and it was waving it for details. Driver gets out and lumps them to shut them up. Who do you feel sorry for now. Is the action justified.

One things for sure you should always be aware that whatever you do some clever ■■■■ is filming it.

Witness says what happened from their point of view. What actually caused the initial interaction, who knows but it clearly looks like the Golf started something he couldn’t finnish.

Well…I was by the neachells lights on Willenhall road waiting for them to change when I saw a golf turn the corner quickly followed by a lorry. All the way up to portobello island the golf was shouting up at the lorry and the lorry shouting down at the golf. Then by portobello island the golf tried to cut up the lorry to get him to pull over. This continued up the dual carriage way where I overtook them. Then the golf was signalling the lorry to pull over. The lorry looked as though he was going to ignore the golf then suddenly pulled up the slip road behind the golf. Both of them coming to a stop where I started recording. The golf driver leant out the window givin it large. The driver of lorry got out walked up to him and then laid into him!

looks like the golf driver is all mouth, being in front of the truck and in a car which is quicker to stop the golf driver had chance to get out with time to spare!
That’s a case where one of those dash cams would be great. Would prove the carry on before and after this incident. I’m not in favour of what this driver did but what drove him to it. I’m thinking of getting one of those dash cameras because of all the drivers on motorways doing 70-80k and then when you go pass them they speed up. Complete muppets on the road, this golf was obviously the last straw for this guy.
Wonder what happened next, did they just drive off or did the cops come

Have DashCam in my car. Drove past parked cars and right in front of me suddenly opens door. Not big damage, but that guy blame me, then I show him record and he had no chance. Had enough incidents on a bus when some one “brake testing” you and your standing passengers running towards windscreen. Definitely will have one for truck. 40 pounds not such a big money for your own peace of mind!

My next door neighbour has a very large dog. This dog is calmness personified every time I’ve seen it. I do imagine though if I for some bizarre reason keep poking it with a stick it’ll eventually tire of this game and bite me.

Should this warrant the dog being put to sleep?

Another sad post on Trucknet in my opinion , made sadder by someone bothering to post contact details in an effort to aid getting the driver sacked… WITHOUT KNOWING THE FACTS !

Another sad post on Trucknet in my opinion , made sadder by someone bothering to post contact details in an effort to aid getting the driver sacked… WITHOUT KNOWING THE FACTS !

As already stated. Company contact details on the truck in the video.

ARE YOU BLIND!!! the video has been share over 1500 times. Its gone “VIRAL” the driver has already got his p45.

the driver has already got his p45.

And you know that for definite do you?


the driver has already got his p45.

And you know that for definite do you?

No but??

As already stated. Company contact details on the truck in the video.

In that case why was it necessary to make a point of posting these details :question:

ARE YOU BLIND!!! the video has been share over 1500 times. Its gone “VIRAL” the driver has already got his p45.

1500 isn’t “VIRAL”, it’s more like “a mild interest”.



the driver has already got his p45.

And you know that for definite do you?

No but??

No but what? You’re speculating on something you know nothing about and stating it as a fact.
In your opinion he should already have his P45. That’s your opinion, you’re entitled to your opinion. That doesn’t make it a fact.

Violence solves everything. :laughing: and I’m 'Ard, with a capital A! :grimacing: no wonder this country’s gone soft! :imp: :open_mouth: I went to the Falklands in 1982 but the argies didn’t want 'ARD paratroopers to hurt them! :grimacing: no they wanted us to tickle THEIR RIBS WITH JOKES! :smiley: grow a set you namby pamby blouses, ■■■■ happens! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: