if you go over your day by 25 minutes ie a 15 hour day because your so close to home and a night out was impossible and a change of driver could not be done
can you loose your licence
will it be reported
Don’t Quote me but just write on the back of the card what you have said here, whatever you do don’t do nothing or try to hide it, you should be fine and no you will not lose your license…
if you go over your day by 25 minutes ie a 15 hour day because your so close to home and a night out was impossible and a change of driver could not be done
can you loose your licence
will it be reported
loose your licence - EXTREME
reported - MORE LIKELY
There is no excuse for over running - just find a nice motel if you do not have a sleeper cab - the boss has to pay.
PS except in exceptional unforseen circumstances such as an RTC
EDIT ADDED - sorry
I should have pointed out that as a ‘one off’ it would probably come to nothing - sorry
if you go over your day by 25 minutes ie a 15 hour day because your so close to home and a night out was impossible and a change of driver could not be done
can you loose your licence
will it be reportedThere is no excuse for over running - just find a nice motel if you do not have a sleeper cab - the boss has to pay.
yeah ok rog happens all the time…
so ther wont be any thing coming threough my door like a summons to appear in court as i was only 20 minutes from home
sory ROG that analogy only works from a perfect world veiw
in realiy it depends on the traffic examiers mood. if he/she is satisfied that it was a one off then its unlkely youll be done for it
if you are done for it at worsed it will be aappearence in front of the traffic commissioner and a fine
so that entrie of my printout will be forwarded and looked at by a trafiic examiner
i never knew that
Go and stand in he corner !!! naughty naughty
■■■■■■00, you haven’t told us if you were pulled over by anybody.
If you were pulled, what’s been said already is quite possibly correct.
If you haven’t been pulled over, and you’re asking a ‘what-if’ question, then
I can tell you that all records are supposed to be kept by the company for around 3 years, and if a later inpection shows a once-off issue i’d guess nothing would be done. If a later inpection shows frequent issues (with anything), everybody will be in for a roasting.
make me feel bad i will be worrying now for the next 2 weeks
a traffic examiner
Where you pulled over and the tachograph was found ?
The traffic examiner or whoever did they not tell you what was going to happen, take a statement, ask you what happend and tell you what was going to happen.
If the rest of your cards where fine prob nothing will happen.
While it’s still fresh in your mind, I suggest you gather any evidence that would help your case…i.e. any waiting time at your delivery points, any traffic accidents/delays.
I’m assuming your driving time and breaks were all in order, as you haven’t mentioned this.
In other words, if you can show that you were say,stationary for 2 hours during the day, and then can show a traffic problem that delayed your day by another half an hour, your defence is that much stronger.
Sympathies friend, it’s not great.
no not been pulled over by anyone its just what the TM said to me over the phone when i begged for a relief driver as i wasnt prepared to stay out being so close to the depot
I was sttod still for 3 hours on poa and eaxtar breaks waiting for paperork
am i worrying to much
If thats all they found i doubt much will happen but don’t quote me on that.
If you have shown them 28 days worth of clean cards with one going over your hours nothing much likely to happen.
To put it into perspective someone that used to go into same place i went into got caught driving with card with a false name on it and his other cards where all over the place and he got a £250 fine and no ban.
I think you are worrying too much.
If it’s only your TM that’s saying anything, what is his case? He should know as well as anyone in that position, that once-off issues like this don’t really bother the authorities too much.
VOSA and the Police know that transport/driving is a really difficult job to predict, and allowences are always made for the odd problem.
As i’ve said, if issues come up every day, or if the company vehicles are being pulled every week (read:targeted) then you and your TM will get the book thrown at you.
The drivers hours regs clearly allow for a driver to extend his driving beyond the maximum permitted by a "Reasonable time to reach safe parking providing it’s due to unforseen circumstances.
Being held up for 3 hrs was unforeseen, 26 minutes would be seen as reasonable as it permitted you to get back to the depot due to you not being equiped for a night out.
The TM is correct in saying you could end up in deep water, however, as its a one off Vosa would probably issue a warning, however, if you wrote the reason on the back of the chart they would probably overlook it providing it is a one off and not a regular occurence.
Your worrying over nothing, in my opinion
to be honest with ya, 25 minutes isnt that bad aslong as its ‘1 off’ record the details why u were late on ur tacho and as long as the 28 day period of ur tachos are legal and the vosa bod doesnt see a problem with anything else, i.e. condition of ur wagon then u’ll be fine that providing u get puuled over that is!
I went over my hours by 40 minutes on a 13 last week,due to being stuck on a bay in Northampton without my keys?
i’d originally turned up nearly 3 hours early,but they sent me away and told me to come back at 5 for a 5.30 booking…i was back there at 4.45 and they let me in
I told them that i was close to time 45 minutes before my time was up at 6:15…,its a 15-20 minute tip normally,but they ■■■■■■ around and I ended up stuck there til i was tipped then I had a 10-15 minute run upto Northampton services to park for the night.
I wrote on the back of the tacho why and took 11 hrs 40 minutes daily rest to sort of try and compensate for it.
I could’nt even pull my card on the bay as I needed the ignition keys and I really did’nt want to go ■■■■■■■ off the company i was tipping at,cause you never know it could of caused implications for my company if I’d have been an arse and refused to move…could’nt of parked outside the premises either as i would of been clamped
so what should ‘I’ have done??
Certainly sounds like you were ‘trapped’ by time, mr bike.
Where ever I am, I always select ‘rest’ when i’m going to be stationary for a while.
‘Pulling’ the card makes no difference to the selected function, but if i’m off road,i.e. in a yard, I may well put the card on break and take the card out until i’m ready to hit the road again.
This allows me to move the truck within the yard at any time, if I have to, without affecting my break time.
I know this isn’t strictly legal, but it avoids a tach infringment, and any ‘driving without card’ can be well explained by the location and activity.
I think most of us want to abide by the rules most of the time. Sometimes though, circumstances dictate a slight twist !
To be honest with the reports of hijacking etc… on the increase i would and have done gone over my hours to get back to the depot within reason. Maybe 30mins max.
Most of the depots and yards i am returning to are in urban areas where there is no way on earth you want to be parked up overnight.
As long as it aint a regular occurance i think in terms of personal safety wouldnt be parking up on some street for the sake for 20mins.