Going over tacho hours

if you go over your day by 25 minutes ie a 15 hour day because your so close to home and a night out was impossible and a change of driver could not be done
can you loose your licence
will it be reported

not quite sure what you’ve done ■■■■■■.

Do you mean you worked a 15 hour & 25 minute spread over?

Or did you go 25 minutes over your 9 or 10 hour driving hours?

If its drivers hours then, as the others have said, unless done frequently, it wouldn’t be an issue. Also, firstly it would have to come to the attention of VOSA, whch unless they do an inspection at your co. its 99.9% likely it wont.(always assuming you don’t get stopped for a tacho check in the next 34 days)

DO note the reasons on the back using a fine felt tip or similar pen.

I agree with the others that if it’s a one off situation you probably have nothing to worry about, no-ones going to hang you for this.

However legally if you’re held up through unforeseen circumstances you can only run over your time to reach a suitable parking place.

You haven’t really given times but as you say you were held up waiting for paperwork I’m guessing that you could have reached a suitable parking place before running out of time, if this is the case then an offence was committed regardless of how close you were to home and regardless of how you felt about having a night out.

Legally if you had done a 15 hour spread-over then even if a driver had been sent out and you travelled back with him you would still be committing an offence as being transported back to base or home would be considered as “other work”, that’s not saying you would have booked it as “other work” though :wink:

The company you work for will keep the tachograph records for a minimum of 1 year, however if they use the records to keep track of the WTD then they will be kept for a minimum of 2 years, you mention a printout so I assume you were using a digital tachograph, in which case the record could be on your driver card for some considerable time, but as long as it’s not a regular occurrence I doubt VOSA would say much if they saw the infringement.

To be honest the chances of you being pulled into a spot check, or your company being targeted by VOSA are slight, not impossible by any means but the odds are against it happening so stop worrying :wink:

just find a nice motel if you do not have a sleeper cab - the boss has to pay.

I honestly believe that you should be running the country :smiley:

so ther wont be any thing coming threough my door like a summons to appear in court as i was only 20 minutes from home

How are you going to have a summons through your door, THEY don’t have a tracker on every vehicle in the UK and THEY’RE not watching your every move all the time, you’re employer isn’t giong to voluteer the information unless he likes throwing money away, if you’re that worried that THEY’RE watching you, just get a new one out fill in the back and claim you had a fault that day :bulb:

I went over a 15 hour day by 2 hours last week.

I was heading for Aberaeron well within my time.

However at 830pm (time was up at 930) the gearbox cables broke on my 04 reg FH12. This was on the big hill heading out of Aberystwyth.
Couldn’t get any gears at all.

Sorry if anyone was held up by me :blush: :blush: :blush:

Anyway Volvo fitter turned up at 1030 (now hour over time) took about an hour or so to fix.
I finally parked up at 1145 on lorry park in Aberystwyth. (nearest place)

Wrote all this on back of tacho… therefore NO PROBLEM :smiley:

Provided the circumstances are unforeseen dont worry about it

I found lots of problems with ‘counting hours’ when using POA, numerous
breaches got recorded on the company PC…

Because the Siemans digi-tach is not programmed properly, I stopped using POA…

Why oh why did Siemens set it to combine POA with Break time?

Does anybody know exactly why it’s configured this way?

I went over my hours by 40 minutes on a 13 last week,due to being stuck on a bay in Northampton without my keys?
i’d originally turned up nearly 3 hours early,but they sent me away and told me to come back at 5 for a 5.30 booking…i was back there at 4.45 and they let me in
I told them that i was close to time 45 minutes before my time was up at 6:15…,its a 15-20 minute tip normally,but they [zb] around and I ended up stuck there til i was tipped then I had a 10-15 minute run upto Northampton services to park for the night.
I wrote on the back of the tacho why and took 11 hrs 40 minutes daily rest to sort of try and compensate for it.
I could’nt even pull my card on the bay as I needed the ignition keys and I really did’nt want to go ■■■■■■■ off the company i was tipping at,cause you never know it could of caused implications for my company if I’d have been an arse and refused to move…could’nt of parked outside the premises either as i would of been clamped :angry:
so what should ‘I’ have done??

kicked the person who booked you to go there up the arse. Presuming you did tell him when he gave you a 5.30 booking that your time was up at 6.15?

You’d be amazed how far you can push things before losing your licence, take it from somebody driving an irish truck on a british licence! (Have not lost it yet btw)

I was sttod still for 3 hours on poa and eaxtar breaks waiting for paperork
am i worrying to much

You’re worrying to much mate. These ‘regulations’ are just a guide. If they say you can only do amount of hours, well thats just to keep us all working in a similar system. Of course if you need to go over these hours to get home, just do it. Sometimes guys get stuck out and their missus will go mad if they don’t get home, or they have no sleeping stuff etc… What do ya do? Well just carry on and ignore the regulations, most VOSA guys know we all need to get home and i’m sure they’ll turn a blind eye.
Did you write on the back of your digi print out…‘went over hours due to unforseen delays’? Well,if you booked or claimed your POA as unforseen delays, POA is actually a delay that is known about in advance. So ! What to do?!! There is a mode on the digi tacho for ‘unforseen POA’. Scroll through the menu somewhere and you will see it can be input by pressing the colon, then hash and then right hand bracket symbols. If all else fails and you can’t find it then just draw a smiley face on the back of your print out which is similar. You are allowed by law to do this mostly on Fridays. It should be no problem. I personally wouldn’t worry about it.

You’d be amazed how far you can push things before losing your licence, take it from somebody driving an irish truck on a british licence! (Have not lost it yet btw)

Hi there Yogi !!!

I’m not as daft as him! i dont go on tv and tell everybody what i do. i work for a much better company than breen too.

I was held up on the M25 by a major RTA a few years ago, stuck for 7 hours and only 25 mins from base, driving back to the yard would have taken me 4 hours over the 15!
Plod at the scene was checking all drivers for available hours before releasing them and giving advice, for me he signed the back of my card and told me to run back to the yard but make sure I took 11 hours rest before driving again.
I heard nothing more yet I know that card, and all my others for that month, were checked by VOSA so I guess I did it right.

I found lots of problems with ‘counting hours’ when using POA, numerous
breaches got recorded on the company PC…

Because the Siemans digi-tach is not programmed properly, I stopped using POA…

Why oh why did Siemens set it to combine POA with Break time?

Does anybody know exactly why it’s configured this way?

Because of EC regulation 1360/2002. Don’t ask me why they drafted it that way though.

“■■■■■■■■■■ break time” is computed within the recording equipment as (*1):

the ■■■■■■■■■■ break from driving time is computed as the current accumulated AVAILABILITY or BREAK/REST or UNKNOWN (*2) times of 15 minutes or more of a particular driver, since the end of his last AVAILABILITY or BREAK/REST or UNKNOWN (*2) period of 45 minutes or more (this period may have been split in several periods of 15 minutes or more).

The computations involved take into account, as needed, past activities stored on the driver card. Unknown periods of negative duration (start of unknown period > end of unknown period) due to time overlaps between two different recording equipments, are not taken into account for the computation.

When the driver has not inserted his card, the computations involved are based on the data memory recordings related to the current period where no card was inserted and related to the relevant slot;

(*1)= This way of computing the continuous driving time and the ■■■■■■■■■■ break time serves into the recording equipment for computing the continuous driving time warning. It does not prejudge the legal interpretation to be made of these times.
(*2)= UNKNOWN periods correspond to periods where the driver’s card was not inserted in a recording equipment and for which no manual entry of driver activities was made.

So don’t blame VDO Siemens entirely, you’ll get the same from a Stoneridge or Actia.

On driving minutes:

040 Given a calendar minute, if any DRIVING activity has occurred within the minute, the whole minute shall be regarded as DRIVING.

041 Given a calendar minute, if any DRIVING activity has occurred within both the immediately preceding and the immediately succeeding minute, the whole minute shall be regarded as DRIVING.

042 Given a calendar minute that is not regarded as DRIVING according to previous requirements, the whole minute shall be regarded to be of the same type of activity as the longest continuous activity within the minute (or the latest of the equally longest).

Unless you are a serial offender then the occasional mistake or over time will be forgiven.

However most people who get done for these things are the ones who try to cover it up, by pulling cards, winding clocks on, back, or by using spare names. Even using a pin to draw the trace is still visible under magnification. except it looks like you have used a pin to draw the trace. :wink:

At least with a digital, the information is on the card, on the tacho head and if it is written on the printout, that will be the end of the story

no not been pulled over by anyone its just what the TM said to me over the phone when i begged for a relief driver as i wasnt prepared to stay out being so close to the depot

I was sttod still for 3 hours on poa and eaxtar breaks waiting for paperork
am i worrying to much

Yep your worrying too much m8 your TM is just quoting black and white …its funny how he will not wanna quote black and white when it suites the other way.

Just write on the back the reason for it and has long as it aint happnin every week you will be OK :wink:

I went over my hours by 40 minutes on a 13 last week,due to being stuck on a bay in Northampton without my keys?
i’d originally turned up nearly 3 hours early,but they sent me away and told me to come back at 5 for a 5.30 booking…i was back there at 4.45 and they let me in
I told them that i was close to time 45 minutes before my time was up at 6:15…,its a 15-20 minute tip normally,but they [zb] around and I ended up stuck there til i was tipped then I had a 10-15 minute run upto Northampton services to park for the night.
I wrote on the back of the tacho why and took 11 hrs 40 minutes daily rest to sort of try and compensate for it.
I could’nt even pull my card on the bay as I needed the ignition keys and I really did’nt want to go ■■■■■■■ off the company i was tipping at,cause you never know it could of caused implications for my company if I’d have been an arse and refused to move…could’nt of parked outside the premises either as i would of been clamped :angry:
so what should ‘I’ have done??

I know where you was then bike… and I will bet you a dollar against a dime it was GP2. I sat there one day tipping for 6.5hrs, they went up the wall when I told them it had just cost them £175 in demaurage (sp).

I was held up on the M25 by a major RTA a few years ago, stuck for 7 hours and only 25 mins from base, driving back to the yard would have taken me 4 hours over the 15!
Plod at the scene was checking all drivers for available hours before releasing them and giving advice, for me he signed the back of my card and told me to run back to the yard but make sure I took 11 hours rest before driving again.
I heard nothing more yet I know that card, and all my others for that month, were checked by VOSA so I guess I did it right.

This happens quite often in operation stack. the kent police will park you up, though, not let you sleep, if you do knod off, they park by the truck with the sirens going till you shunt up the queue. So after 18 or 20 hours in a slow moving queue, you are allowed to board a train or ferry and drive for 10 hours in Europe :open_mouth:


I went over my hours by 40 minutes on a 13 last week,due to being stuck on a bay in Northampton without my keys?
i’d originally turned up nearly 3 hours early,but they sent me away and told me to come back at 5 for a 5.30 booking…i was back there at 4.45 and they let me in
I told them that i was close to time 45 minutes before my time was up at 6:15…,its a 15-20 minute tip normally,but they [zb] around and I ended up stuck there til i was tipped then I had a 10-15 minute run upto Northampton services to park for the night.
I wrote on the back of the tacho why and took 11 hrs 40 minutes daily rest to sort of try and compensate for it.
I could’nt even pull my card on the bay as I needed the ignition keys and I really did’nt want to go ■■■■■■■ off the company i was tipping at,cause you never know it could of caused implications for my company if I’d have been an arse and refused to move…could’nt of parked outside the premises either as i would of been clamped :angry:
so what should ‘I’ have done??

kicked the person who booked you to go there up the arse. Presuming you did tell him when he gave you a 5.30 booking that your time was up at 6.15?

Yeah he was WELL aware that my time was up at 6:15,I think he knows he did wrong too,but what can I do,If I started an arguement or say something,that’ll be me parked up with no overtime and nights out the following week,so its just best keeping your mouth shut most of the time. :cry:

You’re worse than my mother,
She’s always worrying over [zb] all. :laughing:

If it’s a one off it’s not a problem.
I had 6 one offs last week and the same the week before. :wink: :laughing: