going going gone

With everything that has happenbed over the last two weeks, i am saying bye for now. Taking what people say to seriously and jumping to the wrong conclusions.

Take care… it’s been fun


Have we been down this route before? :confused: :confused:


Tiggz . Why are you letting some .dimwitted , uncouth reprebate. make

you so down, There is and always will be some pea brained person

who will annoy you, okay that is life but to just allow these misbegoten

relatives of a skunk to dictate how you should converse na tell em

to get a life. PLEASE reconsider and think again as Lord Kitchener

Once Said, We need Every One of You. & That Means YOU as Well…

With everything that has happenbed over the last two weeks, i am saying bye for now. Taking what people say to seriously and jumping to the wrong conclusions.

Take care… it’s been fun

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused:
Am I the only one who hasnt got a clue whats going on??

Am I the only one who hasnt got a clue whats going on??

No. :confused: :confused: :confused:


brit pete:
Tiggz . Why are you letting some .dimwitted , uncouth reprebate. make

you so down, There is and always will be some pea brained person

who will annoy you, okay that is life but to just allow these misbegoten

relatives of a skunk to dictate how you should converse na tell em

to get a life. PLEASE reconsider and think again as Lord Kitchener

Once Said, We need Every One of You. & That Means YOU as Well…


Have I missed something !!!

Sorry to see you go but I dont understand why.

Likewise the others, don’t konw the background, probably don’t need to

But if you quit, who wins??

Take care! :confused:

Tiggz, If it’s to do with the WTD topic and some of the remarks made in that thread I can see why you’re annoyed.

But, don’t let one persons digs put you off TN.

Don’t go :frowning: :frowning:

If I’ve read it correctly Tiggz, then my thoughts are with you. Hope we see you back here sometime though. All the best.


to be honest tiggz i haven’t a clue why you are leaving but i dont think you should cuz most the questions i have asked you have been the one to answer them for me so i dont want you to leave and as you can see neither does anyone else please think about it :smiley: :wink:

Sorry to see you go tiggz and hopefully
see you back soon. All the best :smiley:

As has been said before, we’d be sorry if you went. I know some people sometimes post before engaging their brain but dont let the buggers get you down.

I’ve just had proof today that trucknet works. I posted about my first days in the new job a few weeks ago. A complete newbie who knows absolutly nothing. However many people replied to that thread.

The result, I had a PM today from someone who got a job because THEY READ THE TREAD AND GOT SOME GOOD TIPS.

the interviewer was impressed that they had some knowledge of the job and offered it to them based on that.

Please don’t leave. Your input is greatly recieved and NEEDED by the majority of members on this site.

Good luck in whatever you decide :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I know I’m not around much but I haven’t got a clue what’s going on here either.
Every time I log on these days, someone is leaving. What’s happening? Are you all going to the other side? Kind regards to you Tiggz anyway.

Hey Tiggz,
sometimes it’s good just to talk - send me a PM, if you want to, - or one of your many other TruckNet mates, perhaps? :wink:

What’s happening? Are you all going to the other side?

Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. -
Yoda - Star wars VI - The return of the Jedi

:wink: :wink: :laughing:

Denis F:

What’s happening? Are you all going to the other side?

Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. -
Yoda - Star wars VI - The return of the Jedi

:wink: :wink: :laughing:

Well.I’m totally confused now.!!

I have know idea either whats going on :unamused:


I have been away! missed loads…

but I have read most of what I missed today and I can’t for the life of me see one reason why Tiggz would have to be upset with any member!

unless… its a PM…

or a email…

or even a meet at a truckstop!

Now not wanting to sound ignorant but if it is from any of the above then please keep it off the forums! PM any MOD or ADMIN (all of which will do everything in they can to help)

But after seeing this type of message on a number of occasions lately…this does not do TN or you any good!

If your going then I am sorry to hear it but GO! …DO NOT INFORM THE WORLD!
to me thats a cry for help and with TN they is no need to do that…They are so many GREAT members who u know and Mods, Admin who can help! without you receiving the attention this post gives you.!


Just my opinion.

Some of us have had this rant but never actually been able to leave TN for good has anyone actually donte it or is it just me?.

I,m sure Tiggz will be back, next time i,m in Swindon you can come buy me those 2 coffees you owe me and tell us what this is about eh?.

Although i must admit there arew SOME people on here who can get a bit personal and soul destroying to others.