going going gone

not worth it , its a forum , harmless banter :wink:

With everything that has happenbed over the last two weeks, i am saying bye for now. Taking what people say to seriously and jumping to the wrong conclusions.

Take care… it’s been fun

Oh nooooo! Not again! Please don’t leave. When you 1st tried to leave i sent you PM remember? (This was because i was far too shy to make my presence known on this site. But i am getting a tiny bit better.) I love reading your comments. You post loads! I love that about you! And i was very much looking forward to hearing all about your new job!!! Though i did not congratulate you, i was like “yeeeees! She did it!” And felt sad when you lost your dad. Loved seeing your picture. And of your car. Though i can only recognise the make of about 2 cars(and one of them is my own!), so little do i know about them!

I have no idea what has been going on to make you want to leave this 2nd time. But i shall be digging around in some old posts to find out. Or i will not be able to sleep, wondering why! Trucking detective?

You know exactly how good the site is. Extremely informative.etc. And an ADDICTION FOR LIFE! So why are you leaving it for others to benefit from it? But not yourself?

Besides all these men are going to start thinking we girls can’t hack it! For if what happened to you, had happened to one of the men on the site (a few cross words?), i seriously doubt they would be saying goodbye. (Well i would be very shocked if one has!) In fact i “saw” some very serious ■■■■■■■■ going on the other day, between two guys on this site. I wondered how it was going to be resolved. And i marvelled at the way they fell out with each other in a big way, and then one of them cracked a joke. And the marriage was back on again!

So don’t care! Just like the men don’t give a **** really! Either way, don’t be defeated! Now come on, tell me Tiggz, what’s your next post going to be about?

Right, i’m off to dig out your old posts!

Jacqueline ■■■

oh no not again…ur getting worse than me girl… get a grip, you know you cannot leave. once ur reeled in thats it, a lifer. aything i can help with just ask i am a man of many (hmmm yes) many ,many… well just ask… :wink:

:question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :cry:

Personally I don’t read this as a cry for help. Tiggz is just telling us that she’s going to be away for a bit. It probably doesn’t help that people are jumping down her throat about it :unamused: - I think that phrase has been used more than once on here recently :unamused:. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions, but would you all think before you post? Just my personal opinion you understand.

Deleted (read the posts below, so my comment was inappropriate)

Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions, but would you all think before you post?

A good idea!

As this thread has nothing to do with Truck driving or indeed trucking maybe it could be moved to another forum■■?

I can think of a number of forum names it could be moved to, but I will keep them to myself! :wink:


what would be the point in me actually stating something if it was a load of [zb]■■?

She’s an Intensive Care Unit Sister, trust me she gets the money and travels for it to.

theres a difference there straight away there tiggz,1st of all you said that she was a nurse,you didn’t state that she’s a sister and works in intensive care .

i presume sister’s get more pennies than a nurse plus being in a high dependancy unit would give them alot more responsibility,so the pay would need to be of a higher rate for that type of job.

so tiggz you don’t need to get the attitude head on if you state the proper facts at the start and it would be better understood.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


well said marcus, thank you ■■

lost yer tongue :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



well said marcus, thank you ■■

lost yer tongue :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

no just my dad kitkat…

Everyone is asking why Tiggz ‘has left’. Well this is likely to be part of the reason. Losing a close family member is never easy and combined with some ‘heavy discussions’ it maybe felt like a good time for a break. Let’s just hope it’s temporary.

removed as requested!

Too much chivalry!

We’re all equals — some of the looking after the girlie type posts are rather patronising (not to me, I’m a bloke!).

Bet if I said I was leaving, the sympathy and “please don’t go replies” would be close to zero!

Bet if you said you’d lost a close family member you’d get sympathy.

Chivalry my arse! Human compassionate nature.

TC - you complete and utter b-something. I’ve just deleted my post, only to find you’ve quoted it !!


It was bad timing - look at the post times. I did try to withdraw it - you and TC were a bit quick off the mark. I’m not that insensitive

TC - you complete and utter b-something. I’ve just deleted my post, only to find you’ve quoted it !!

Sorry mate I will delete it

I’ve taken notice of what has been said and moved the topic accordingly.

No offence to anyone contributing intented.



what would be the point in me actually stating something if it was a load of [zb]■■?

She’s an Intensive Care Unit Sister, trust me she gets the money and travels for it to.

theres a difference there straight away there tiggz,1st of all you said that she was a nurse,you didn’t state that she’s a sister and works in intensive care .

i presume sister’s get more pennies than a nurse plus being in a high dependancy unit would give them alot more responsibility,so the pay would need to be of a higher rate for that type of job.

so tiggz you don’t need to get the attitude head on if you state the proper facts at the start and it would be better understood.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


well said marcus, thank you ■■

lost yer tongue :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



well said marcus, thank you ■■

lost yer tongue :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

no just my dad kitkat…

Everyone is asking why Tiggz ‘has left’. Well this is likely to be part of the reason. Losing a close family member is never easy and combined with some ‘heavy discussions’ it maybe felt like a good time for a break. Let’s just hope it’s temporary.

tread very carefully b4 you put the blame on one person here :bulb: there was nothing heavy about the thread.but if someone is waiting for an apology then it won’t appear as there ain’t anything to apologize for.

tread very carefully b4 you put the blame on one person here

Do you know, that almost sounds like a threat :question:

Note I used the words ‘part of the reason’ and ‘losing a close family member’.

I was providing a possible explanation, not casting aspertions nor proportioning blame.

Like you said Kitkat, if some one is waiting for an apology, it won’t appear. Nor do I think it is expected to. :unamused:

Do you know, that almost sounds like a threat

no threat intended,you placed a quote from me and said

Everyone is asking why Tiggz ‘has left’. Well this is likely to be part of the reason

if that ain’t placing the blame at my door m8 then wot is it meant to be :question:

i ain’t here to argue with you m8 nor anyone else.if someone takes exception to what i type then they are quite welcome to pm or e-mail me.no need for everyone to get to uptight about someone stating what they think. :wink:

emm lads calm down :bulb:

sorry to hear about your loss tiggz :frowning:

My final comment on the subject because a) it has gone way of topic and b) I’m sure it’s not even interesting for others anymore.

I am not placing the blame at your door. If I was my post would have read something along the lines of “Kitkat was the reason that Tiggz left because of his brash attitude towards her and a statement that she made but didn’t fully explain which caused kitkat to be confused and tell her unless she could back the info up ‘then i’m affraid i won’t believe it untill i see it for my own eyes’.”

But I didn’t say that and i’m not placing the blame at your door.

Like you have said, you just say it how you see it.


Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions, but would you all think before you post?

A good idea!

As this thread has nothing to do with Truck driving or indeed trucking maybe it could be moved to another forum■■?

I can think of a number of forum names it could be moved to, but I will keep them to myself! :wink:

I wasn’t talking about which forums people post in :wink:.