Glastonbury Memories

did you ever break in before the ‘great wall of Pilton’ ?

did you break in AFTER the great wall of Pilton ?

did you ever fight with several scousers ?

did you ever have enough money to buy a lentil burger ?

did you ever have squatters in your tent ?

have you / are you working there ?

have you ever camped in toms field and wet your self with laughter as tents in lower fields wash away on tsunami of zummerzet mud ?

have you ever had ’ relationships’ with a young lady in comedy tent ?

have you been stalked by a 6ft zonked fairy ?

let me know
im all ears

Went there last year with a band, the van got stuck in the mud in the way out and we had to be towed out by a tractor.

The stage got struck by lightning as well. So that delayed everything by nearly an hour.

In the upside, lots of good looking posh hippies to look at while walking roun the site :laughing:

Working (recycling team) and enjoying the blazing sunshine…

I went a couple of times before they got serious with the wall and security, and then last year was working putting in the container accommodation and taking it out again afterwards

I remember when I went the ticket was £8 for the weekend and there were 18,000 people there. I remember Hawkwind, Ginger Baker, can’t remember much else. :wink:

nodding donkey:
Working (recycling team) and enjoying the blazing sunshine…

an aquaintance of mine got a job on recycling and was chuffed . we thought he would be walking behind my truck chucking the bio degradeable sacks in

unfortunately he ended up on the ■■■ conveyor belt picking used johnnies and tampax out the waste

even more unfortunately it was the only stinking hot year i ever went to.

how we all laughed !!!

i was there at one of the early Glasto’s…when Hawkwind were playing.can’t remember much about it :confused: i’d left home at 15 do do the hippy thing :sunglasses: not my best decision! i remember all the shops displaying ‘no hippies’ signs,and lots of Jesus Freaks ‘spreading the word’ :unamused:
look out for me if you see any early footage,which is still about.i’m the one with very long hair looking totally out of it :laughing:


nodding donkey:
Working (recycling team) and enjoying the blazing sunshine…

an aquaintance of mine got a job on recycling and was chuffed . we thought he would be walking behind my truck chucking the bio degradeable sacks in

unfortunately he ended up on the ■■■ conveyor belt picking used johnnies and tampax out the waste

even more unfortunately it was the only stinking hot year i ever went to.

how we all laughed !!!

ahh, yes, the compost line as it was called last year… :open_mouth: :laughing: managed to avoid that one. Grading the rubbish is not that bad.

i was there at one of the early Glasto’s…when Hawkwind were playing.can’t remember much about it :confused: i’d left home at 15 do do the hippy thing :sunglasses: not my best decision! i remember all the shops displaying ‘no hippies’ signs,and lots of Jesus Freaks ‘spreading the word’ :unamused:
look out for me if you see any early footage,which is still about.i’m the one with very long hair looking totally out of it :laughing:

Yeah, that really narrows it down… :laughing:

Im more of a budhafields kinds guy these days
In my yoof all the fun was breaking in .

Funny thing was all the millfield gurlz who never looked at you normally , all of a sudden couldnt wait to make ’ agricultural yoga’

Even more so when they found you had brought ’ special horticultural’ product

And to top it all kate moss smiled at me driving. In lorry one morning

Am I the only one who’d rather shove wasps up my arse than go to Glastonbury? I can go to work, drive about in mud look at people in muddy clothing and turn the radio on to listen to music. The difference being I get paid to do it not the other way around.

Am I the only one who’d rather shove wasps up my arse than go to Glastonbury? I can go to work, drive about in mud look at people in muddy clothing and turn the radio on to listen to music. The difference being I get paid to do it not the other way around.

No your not Nathan,i agree with you 100 %

pete smith:

Am I the only one who’d rather shove wasps up my arse than go to Glastonbury? I can go to work, drive about in mud look at people in muddy clothing and turn the radio on to listen to music. The difference being I get paid to do it not the other way around.

No your not Nathan,i agree with you 100 %

+2, wouldn’t go anywhere near Glasto’ this weekend, we volunteer at a local Music Festival ‘Togfest’ (this weekend) about 2000 people, nice & compact & sleeping in a Motorhome. [emoji3][emoji274]

Shove wasps up your arse V Go to Glastonbury= You’ll get stung either way.

Never been to a music festival in my life but this year have tickets for the Belladrum one near Inverness, not sure if looking forward to it or not, and not bloody cheap neither by a long shot. £340 for two adults and £85 for an electric hook up from Thursday pm to Sunday morn :frowning:

Been to several festivals in my younger, more resilient days, but as in most things they morph into corporate, profit driven, rip-off enterprises. This, to my antiquated, crumbling mind, makes the whole thing a bit of an ideological illusion. Ill bet a festival crud burger costs more than Wimbledons infamous strawberry (1) and cream.
There seems to be a new breed of wannabe bohemians wandering around these sites with a "look at me - im sooooo alternative" aura (before resuming their 9-5 estate agents persona). Shirley Bassey and Tom Jones never struck me as headliner acts either, but then i cant profess to know what todays “beautiful people” are switched on by!
Jo Wiley dusting off her once-a-year wellies - are you for real?

I (vaguely) remember striking up a friendship with a guy at Glasto who was running a magic mushroom tea stall - try getting a vendor`s licence for THAT these days!

Anybody been ?
Glad i didnt , its awful when its dry !
Muckaway , get a job man .
You wont get paid but get 4 meal tickets for oxfam tent and free camping
I never watch the mooosik as i get bored easily , but plenty of fun things todo .
Especially if you cross the railway line [wink]

Am I the only one who’d rather shove wasps up my arse than go to Glastonbury? I can go to work, drive about in mud look at people in muddy clothing and turn the radio on to listen to music. The difference being I get paid to do it not the other way around.

Nope,id do just about anything rather than go to a music festival.
Even if Glastonbury is your thing,when they start booking “acts” like Kanye West,the balls burst as far as im concerned

Harry Monk:
I remember when I went the ticket was £8 for the weekend and there were 18,000 people there. I remember Hawkwind, Ginger Baker, can’t remember much else. :wink:

1981 :wink:

was there for 2 yrs running mid 80’s, taking in and then taking out the scaffold fencing they used for security before the great wall went up.

stayed one year free food drink and all areas passes etc.

The guy who I dealt with was called Willy he was an OSV had a masters in Engineering and went all over Africa etc showing them how to fix tractors etc.

On the stage gate was Taffy he was a few planks short of a tree must have been all the Cough weed he was on :wink:
Good times good food God WOMEN :wink: :wink: :wink: free love and all that