Giving The Industry A Bad Name

As an advanced driver I pride myself on the ability to drive well in all conditions.
However some other road users to not have this ability.

The driver of a well known linen company based in South West London has give the industry a bad name today.
Driving too close in wet conditions his showing poor driving skill & is dangerous.
And shows a level of stupidity with your company logo down the side of the vehicle.

So if you see DAF Lorry on the road AVOID

This sort of driving makes the industry look bad, LGV drivers poorly trained with no road craft.
And reflects badly on those that might think we are professionally trained!

Mod’s edit:
Please have a read of the forum rules.

Tailgating can result from numerous causes like bad lane changes, cutting in after overtaking and crash for cash stunts.In many cases the following driver not being at fault.It takes time to rebuild any resulting lost seperation distance.It can’t be done in an instant.

Don’t take this the wrong way mate, but you lost me at ‘‘As an advanced driver’’ :unamused:
Never seen the point of going for that, it’s a bit like renewing your wedding vows., an element of insecurity.
I ain’t the best driver in the world, but I don’t need a meaningless piece of paper to tell me I’m good enough.
Anyhoo that said… :smiley:

I take your point, but (apart from the fact that it’s against forum rules :bulb: , ) is it ok to specify and make public a registration?.., this guy could maybe get the sack for bad press, if his boss is that way out, highly unlikely I know, but there are two sides to every story, his account may be a lot different to yours, unless you have dash cam evidence…, but even if you do that is the job of the (virtually non exiistent) Traffic Police.

As for ‘‘Giving this industry a bad name’’…
That ship sailed years ago.

Trained police drivers still get prosecuted for careless and dangerous driving even on blue light treble 9 calls .

It was a grey two axle rigid and passed its MOT first time for 6 years.

A holier than…

Thou attitude. Reminds me of someone.

I don’t care how many bits of paper you claim to have that say you’re better than anyone else, you aint. If you can’t handle normal traffic, then get a job that warrants your rather preening mindset. Perhaps toilet cleaning?

A holier than…

Thou attitude. Reminds me of someone.

I don’t care how many bits of paper you claim to have that say you’re better than anyone else, you aint. If you can’t handle normal traffic, then get a job that warrants your rather preening mindset. Perhaps toilet cleaning?

At least my comment was relatively tactful. :laughing: :laughing:

Sky Captain:
It was a grey two axle rigid and passed its MOT first time for 6 years.

It’s also currently looking for a new driver for it. :laughing:

Don’t take this the wrong way mate, but you lost me at ‘‘As an advanced driver’’ :unamused:
Never seen the point of going for that, it’s a bit like renewing your wedding vows., an element of insecurity.
I ain’t the best driver in the world, but I don’t need a meaningless piece of paper to tell me I’m good enough.
Anyhoo that said… :smiley:

I take your point, but (apart from the fact that it’s against forum rules :bulb: , ) is it ok to specify and make public a registration?.., this guy could maybe get the sack for bad press, if his boss is that way out, highly unlikely I know, but there are two sides to every story, his account may be a lot different to yours, unless you have dash cam evidence…, but even if you do that is the job of the (virtually non exiistent) Traffic Police.

As for ‘‘Giving this industry a bad name’’…
That ship sailed years ago.

As an “advanced driver” you get a badge to mount on the front grille of the Rover, along with the with the AA and caravan club motifs :sunglasses:

Also you are potentially slagging other drivers who may be using that vehicle. It’s likely to be part of a fleet with a bank of drivers and quite possibly working around the clock.

At least my comment was relatively tactful. :laughing: :laughing:

I was…

Tactful wasn’t I? :smiley:

As well as the grille badge, you also get a pair of embossed ‘Alan Partridge’ style leather chequered driving gloves. :laughing:

As well as the grille badge, you also get a pair of embossed ‘Alan Partridge’ style leather chequered driving gloves. :laughing:

Was thinking the same, albeit Paddy Hopkirk style

Now playing devils advocate here and I dont condone poor driving but…I once, many years ago, drove like a complete knob in ■■■■ poor weather flashing people out of the way and overtaking a plodding Tesco wagon on the A17 (Back in the 40mph days)…

…the reason? I just had the phone call that my wife was rushed to hospital and about to go into forced labour 3 weeks early with our child as his umbilical cord had wrapped around his neck and a high risk of dying.

Let me tell you, I couldnt give a toss what snivelling grass was going to phone the old bill or my company. I was warp factor 9 all the way home. (Even my gaffer drove me to the hospital at 100mph+ as he reckoned I was in no fit state to do so :smiley: )

The point is there may…just may… be genuine reasons and its not fair game to put his registration on a public forum without the chance to reply!

LGV drivers poorly trained with no road craft.

How do you know he/she is poorly trained you know nothing about the driver and as for your “advanced driver” comment like most here it means nothing to me we are all highly trained professional drivers i don’t need a ■■■■■■■ badge on my car grill to prove that.

Posting registration number for the reason you have has been banned on this board for several years.

Forum Rules.

Posting of Registration Numbers on these Forums.

After the subject was raised by the membership and a vote had been run, the results were as follows:-

57% wished the posting of individual registration numbers other than their own to be banned.
35% did not wish them to be banned.
7% were not bothered either way.
A total of 190 votes were cast.

Therefore, the outcome of this poll means that:

As of this notice, the posting of individual registration numbers for the purpose of identifying or naming and shaming the driver of any given vehicle is banned from these Forums.

Postings made before this notice will be left alone, but any numbers posted after this will be removed. Repeat offences will be dealt with under the usual rule structure.

This ban does NOT cover discussions about cherished plates, searches for particular vehicles by former owners, or the posting of you own registration for whatever reason. It’s the naming and shaming thing we’re aiming to stop


I take it the admins have stuffed up, by not taking the post down and I thought they were “professional 's”… :stuck_out_tongue: :astonished:

You seem to be the type of person who gets off on grassing people up for your own self satisfaction. Get over yourself.

As an advanced driver I pride myself on the ability to drive well in all conditions.
However some other road users to not have this ability.

The driver of a well known linen company based in South West London has give the industry a bad name today.
Driving too close in wet conditions his showing poor driving skill & is dangerous.
And shows a level of stupidity with your company logo down the side of the vehicle.

So if you see DAF Lorry on the road AVOID

This sort of driving makes the industry look bad, LGV drivers poorly trained with no road craft.
And reflects badly on those that might think we are professionally trained!

You do have a valid point , it does make me think bloody hell if he stops you’re never going too , frightening really , I remember sitting on m11 at Harlow as it was shut for serious rta , it looked like a lorry had run into another , but then you realised that red thing under the back of the first lorry was a car , nothing left of it , obviously fatalities
It’s alright getting uppity about putting a reg up , the bloke loosing his job , but that could be those same persons calling you out for it who’s family were in that red car , would they be defending that driver if there wife / daughter lost there life , I’d want blood to be honest .
I’m older now so just plod along , but thinking back , I think bloody hell , by the grace of god , would I rather kill someone by running into the back of them , or be reported / loose my job , yea I’d rather anything than to live with the thought I’d killed someone .
I’d hope you’ve posted with the best intentions , if you have then fair enough

You seem to be the type of person who gets off on grassing people up for your own self satisfaction. Get over yourself.

I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt, I reckon he didn’t think it through by putting the reg up, he just used the post to tell us all he was an advanced driver :smiley: for some reason best known to himself.

At least he doesn’t belong to the self appointed traffic Marshall ‘‘I’m going to call the Police’’ contingent. :unamused: