Giving The Industry A Bad Name

I take it the admins have stuffed up, by not taking the post down and I thought they were “professional 's”… :stuck_out_tongue: :astonished:

FYI: The admins aren’t monitoring all posts 24/7 because they are all volunteers and have lives/jobs to see to.

Also FYI, the post quite correctly got reported… I picked up the report 4hrs after it was logged and then dealt with the issue in less than 2mins.

Job done! :smiley:

I thought…

A little more about this.

What was I supposed to do? Keep an eye out every shift for a DAF linen truck? What was I supposed to do if I saw it catching me up? Pull over, stop, report back here, PM the OP, call the old bill or film him and send it to his boss?

definite overuse of question marks and crap grammar

I thought…

A little more about this.

What was I supposed to do? Keep an eye out every shift for a DAF linen truck? What was I supposed to do if I saw it catching me up? Pull over, stop, report back here, PM the OP, call the old bill or film him and send it to his boss?

definite overuse of question marks and crap grammar

Just keep an open and free attitude
And I do wish you well, and hope you`re alright now

Unfortunately he ain’t the only one giving the industry a bad name.
Tailgating and travelling too close to the vehicle in front is a common daily practice by car, lorry and coach drivers.
Some know they are doing it (the aggressive ones)
Some don’t realise what they are doing because they do it everyday. ( complacent ones).
And some are too dim to understand anything.

More needs to be done to stop this dangerous practice that some seem to always have an excuse
and blame someone else for their attrocious driving.

Anything on the road i just let it pass. No need stressing about it. It comes with the job.

Anything on the road i just let it pass. No need stressing about it. It comes with the job.

Spot on. As professional drivers we always need to predict and adapt to what we encounter. ■■■■ happens but if we can avoid being the cause of the ■■■■ happy days.


I thought…

A little more about this.

What was I supposed to do? Keep an eye out every shift for a DAF linen truck? What was I supposed to do if I saw it catching me up? Pull over, stop, report back here, PM the OP, call the old bill or film him and send it to his boss?

definite overuse of question marks and crap grammar

Just keep an open and free attitude
And I do wish you well, and hope you`re alright now

See what you did there , my brother Jake pointed it out…but I still feel you could be bad company. :smiley:

Glad the OP is banned.

On a more general point. I think us truck drivers have enough cameras and the public to contend with who are more than willing to try to get us fired for any small mistake. We don’t need to start grassing ourselves up.
I don’t like mob justice and that is what happens when you post someones REG on a public forum. It causes some guy with too much time on his hand to search for the owner of that truck and then through social media identify the depot it is registered at… etc etc… etc…

If you drive a truck long enough. you are gonna do something stupid or have a lapse of concentration. I just hope some numpty is not filming you when that moment comes.

And this is one of the main issues I have with this job. I could work in an office or as a warehouse guy and I can make a mistake with no real consequences. Whereas, if I do something wrong in this job I can quite easily get fired.
I’m not just talking about dangerous driving either. I knew a Tesco driver who got fired because a member of the public reported him for smoking in his cab…

As an advanced driver I pride myself on the ability to drive well in all conditions.
However some other road users to not have this ability.

The driver of a well known linen company based in South West London has give the industry a bad name today.
Driving too close in wet conditions his showing poor driving skill & is dangerous.
And shows a level of stupidity with your company logo down the side of the vehicle.

So if you see DAF Lorry on the road AVOID

This sort of driving makes the industry look bad, LGV drivers poorly trained with no road craft.
And reflects badly on those that might think we are professionally trained!

Mod’s edit:
Please have a read of the forum rules.

Common sense rules would be “If you didn’t capture anything on 1080p video - it didn’t happen, so stop whining”.



I thought…

A little more about this.

What was I supposed to do? Keep an eye out every shift for a DAF linen truck? What was I supposed to do if I saw it catching me up? Pull over, stop, report back here, PM the OP, call the old bill or film him and send it to his boss?

definite overuse of question marks and crap grammar

Just keep an open and free attitude
And I do wish you well, and hope you`re alright now

See what you did there , my brother Jake pointed it out…but I still feel you could be bad company. :smiley:

I got the…

Reference. You two sitting there with your feet in the wishing well. :smiley: