Get a Trucker home, Paul Stephen Stanyard



Funny thing is what’s the betting this all came about because of a decision a employed middle manager made? Who thought he was doing the right thing and saving the company a few bob. I’ve a feeling the owmers/directors would probably have seen the bigger picture had they been involved straight away.

Just a thought I’ve no actual experience of Matthews

ITV quote one of the directors (Trevor Matthews) as explaining the lack of insurance cover.

You’ve been a TM (I haven’t even worked in a transport office) so in your experience, who sorted out the firms UK insurances in your previous firm? The Directors or you?

If yourself, how much guidance/requirements was handed down to yourself regarding the policies?

Also having a death of an employee at work (a thankfully rare occurrence), I’d just find it odd that the top rung of the firm wouldn’t at least want 100% consultation in any actions. If only to stop this shambles occurring in their name.

Accounts normally.

Virginia were seemingly very different to Matthews. Insurance or not you could always rely on them being there to help you. But then I reckon Matthews is a lot bigger than Virginia. I wouldn’t work for a company that acted this way.

I remember Virginia doing themselves VERY VERY proud in that one incident mate.

Art B Logistics:
I still feel its best to draw breath and take stock to allow the arrangements needed to be made.

If… your in possesion of ALL the facts then fine but please deal in facts and not hearsay or
statements on the various social Media.

Calm…and reason will prevail in the end.

The facts come from Paul’s partner…you suggesting she is lying?

Bloody hell Neil46,

thanks for relaying the message from Pamela.

There’s been some Gardners left ticking over all over the country today if the moist eyes (smoke you understand) here are anything to go by.




Funny thing is what’s the betting this all came about because of a decision a employed middle manager made? Who thought he was doing the right thing and saving the company a few bob. I’ve a feeling the owmers/directors would probably have seen the bigger picture had they been involved straight away.

Just a thought I’ve no actual experience of Matthews

It’s inconceivable something this major to a small family business would not have been discussed at family level. And even if it wasn’t the directors that made the decision to treat his poor wife this shamefully the company had ample opportunity to back track and do a u turn in period following the decision. My view is that they are simply a callous lot and thought they could save a few quid.

Its a big company rather than a small family business, wouldn’t have been all that major until the crap hit the fan


How often do drivers die in a company truck?
I’d have thought the death of a driver in any firm would attract the attention of the big bosses, even more so if they die in one of their trucks…

Quite, he wasn’t in the lorry at all at my place just on the way to work, but the chairman himself was issuing orders about doing the right thing instantly, none of this waiting for the company insurance to get itself in gear.

No one is accusing any one of lying ?
As in all things there are two sides to a story…and clearly the whole subject is best dealt with in a constructive
manner and NOT to try to inflame the situation thus increasing the the hurt of the family.

There will be efforts being made by the company and its Directors to resolve this situation I can assure you.

the maoster:

Art B Logistics:

The idea isn’t to win US over Mr Matthews, do the right thing by Pauls family is all anybody is asking.

Mr Matthews ?

Are you sure ?

Yes this has blown out of control but that’s due to the company’s fault and directors.
All the family wanted is there husband/farther home where he belongs. This could have been avoided easy but they were interested in how much they had lost in this by having to send a driver to collect the truck and all the cost just pure ignorance and greed from the company.

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Art B Logistics:
No one is accusing any one of lying ?
As in all things there are two sides to a story…and clearly the whole subject is best dealt with in a constructive
manner and NOT to try to inflame the situation thus increasing the the hurt of the family.

There will be efforts being made by the company and its Directors to resolve this situation I can assure you.

If you want to defend Matthews, how about you explain the document in this thread?

If not, then shut up! :imp:


Art B Logistics:
No one is accusing any one of lying ?
As in all things there are two sides to a story…and clearly the whole subject is best dealt with in a constructive
manner and NOT to try to inflame the situation thus increasing the the hurt of the family.

There will be efforts being made by the company and its Directors to resolve this situation I can assure you.

If you want to defend Matthews, how about you explain the document in this thread?

If not, then shut up! :imp:

Sound like this person is in with the company

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If not, then shut up! :imp:

As long as posts are made within our guidelines, then all views are allowed on here, As far as I can see Art B Logistics have been posted in a constructive manner and without any abuse. just because you don’t agree/they don’t follow the exact line you wish isn’t a reason to tell someone to “shut up”.

Lets keep this discussion civil please and let all with an opinion express it without being abused


If not, then shut up! :imp:

As long as posts are made within our guidelines, then all views are allowed on here, As far as I can see Art B Logistics have been posted in a constructive manner and without any abuse. just because you don’t agree/they don’t follow the exact line you wish isn’t a reason to tell someone to “shut up”.

Lets keep this discussion civil please and let all with an opinion express it without being abused

OK Rikki, I’ll rephrase my words to “I think they are talking rubbish! :imp:
Along with an invitation to them to explain why themselves and their views with reference to this:

Art B Logistics:

the maoster:

Art B Logistics:

The idea isn’t to win US over Mr Matthews, do the right thing by Pauls family is all anybody is asking.

Mr Matthews ?

Are you sure ?

Maybe not Mr Matthews I will concede, but I find it very suspicious that in four months membership of this forum you have posted nothing, nada,nix, zip save from today’s robust defence of a Co you claim to have no knowledge of! Cynics amongst us may get the impression that a Matthews insider is posting in an attempt to plug the leaks in a quickly disappearing pool of prospective employees. The same cynic would perhaps also get the impression that that itself is where Matthews chief concerns lie!

Virginia were seemingly very different to Matthews. Insurance or not you could always rely on them being there to help you. But then I reckon Matthews is a lot bigger than Virginia. I wouldn’t work for a company that acted this way.

I remember Virginia doing themselves VERY VERY proud in that one incident mate.[/Wayne do

Which incident are you referring to?

To put your mind at rest … was previously on here under another name before retirement took over
and was a regular contributor as hopefully Rikki can check and confirm.
I have been in European Transport for over thirty years as an employee and an Employer and thats where
I know Matthews from its as simple as that.

Art B Logistics:
To put your mind at rest … was previously on here under another name before retirement took over
and was a regular contributor as hopefully Rikki can check and confirm.
I have been in European Transport for over thirty years as an employee and an Employer and thats where
I know Matthews from its as simple as that.

Personally whether you were him or not you seem to have some connection with them which can be constructive I suppose.

1/ Are the Matthews family reading this thread? Do they feel engaged to take board what they should do?

2/ Can I ask, what exactly do you mean when you say the current level of public opinion is preventing them from helping the family? How? Forgive me, but I fail to see how what is said prevents this company from carrying out my points 1-4 I listed above.

3/ Please tell your acquaintances at Matthews instead of enlisting a lawyer, they’d do well to build some guts, come on here and read what people are saying they should be doing for this family.

This idea they can’t help unless public opinion is silenced rather smacks of yet another conditional offer to finally do the right thing by their employee. Which again, is totally immoral and of the same behaviour that got them into this situation in the first place. The Matthews company will have to accept they can’t own this situation. They have done wrong, in many areas and are sullied in a very large way.

My points 1-4 I feel they should do in my post to you further up stand. If they really want to inflame this situation, then go ahead, spend money on a lawyer. Having blown money repatriating an artic, whining on about costs, winging that they were caught out by their own rubbish insurance they took out, sending vulgar emails to the family, offering “silence money”- I suspect paying more on a lawyer will see them tank like a lead zeppelin. Petrol onto lit kerosene.

They need to stop concentrating on public opinion, man up as humans and concentrate on acting like humans should. The strong are meant to help the weak, not act like morally bankrupt droids, hiding behind a corporate mask.

  1. I dont know if they (The Matthews Family) are even on Trucknet…I seriously doubt it.
  2. I never said that ?

Art B Logistics:
To put your mind at rest … was previously on here under another name before retirement took over
and was a regular contributor as hopefully Rikki can check and confirm.
I have been in European Transport for over thirty years as an employee and an Employer and thats where
I know Matthews from its as simple as that.

I personally dont believe you,you are either a very ignorant man or a wind up merchant !

Art B Logistics:
and the whole attack mentality is giving them No option to help the family at this terrible time.

So you didn’t say this then? Why is this? Question 2

Art B Logistics:
No one is accusing any one of lying ?
As in all things there are two sides to a story…and clearly the whole subject is best dealt with in a constructive
manner and NOT to try to inflame the situation thus increasing the the hurt of the family.

There will be efforts being made by the company and its Directors to resolve this situation I can assure you.

I’m sure there will be, but the ‘situation to be resolved’ as far as matthews is concerned will not be to somehow do the right thing by the family, it will be to limit the damage to the company’s now atrocious reputation and to try to prevent their customers jumping ship. However hard they try they will not be able to get away from the evidence they themselves have provided.

I think the only way Matthews can salvage anything from this is to

A. offer a complete apology to the family, no excuses, no mitigating circumstances, just a plain and simple. We were wrong and we’re are deeply ashamed of the distress we have caused to he Family of Stephen Stanyard.

This takes a big man (or woman) to admit they [zb] up and not try and blame anybody else and we rarely see it in business.

B. offer to match the repatriation fee to a charity of the families choice, no conditions attached.

C. Make sure they have the correct insurance and procedures in place, if anything like this happens again.