Get a Trucker home, Paul Stephen Stanyard

I think the only way Matthews can salvage anything from this is to

A. offer a complete apology to the family, no excuses, no mitigating circumstances, just a plain and simple. We were wrong and we’re are deeply ashamed of the distress we have caused to he Family of Stephen Stanyard.

This takes a big man (or woman) to admit they [zb] up and not try and blame anybody else and we rarely see it in business.

B. offer to match the repatriation fee to a charity of the families choice, no conditions attached.

C. Make sure they have the correct insurance and procedures in place, if anything like this happens again.


Art B Logistics:
There will be efforts being made by the company and its Directors to repair their reputation I can assure you.

Unfortunately they are a day late and a dollar short, the situation has been resolved by the trucking community and Pams family and friends, we work weekends you see.


Art B Logistics:
There will be efforts being made by the company and its Directors to repair their reputation I can assure you.

Unfortunately they are a day late and a dollar short, the situation has been resolved by the trucking community and Pams family and friends, we work weekends you see.

Will you be making a statement on behalf of the company art b

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Art B Logistics:
There will be efforts being made by the company and its Directors to repair their reputation I can assure you.

Unfortunately they are a day late and a dollar short, the situation has been resolved by the trucking community and Pams family and friends, we work weekends you see.

Will you be making a statement on behalf of the company art b

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Or have crawled back under the stone from which you came from ■■

Art B you may or may not be connected to Matthews and tbh I don’t really care, but as has been mentioned before emotions are running high at the moment and to be perfectly frank your input isn’t helping.

To that end my advice to you Sir would be to take this opportunity to gracefully bow out.

Nothing I can say or add is going to change whats happened …or the thinking that goes along with it.
We are all entitled to our own opinions of course.
I hope that the man gets laid to rest in peace and with dignity.

Art B Logistics:
Nothing I can say or add is going to change whats happened …or the thinking that goes along with it.
We are all entitled to our own opinions of course.
I hope that the man gets laid to rest in peace and with dignity.

So you won’t be addressing the points put to you?
What a surprise… :unamused:

Art B Logistics:
the whole attack mentality is giving them No option to help the family at this terrible time.

James the cat:
2/ Can I ask, what exactly do you mean when you say the current level of public opinion is preventing them from helping the family?

Art B Logistics:
2. I never said that ?

Yes you did.
Its your right to defend them if you want but dont say things then deny it.

Art B Logistics:
I have read all the posts…Seen all the Facebook coverage on this matter and clearly there is now a whole lot of
“Misinformation” about this matter.
I have known the company for over 25 years within the industry and I can assure everyone that this is NOT how they
work at all and the whole attack mentality is giving them No option to help the family at this terrible time.
The whole timings of the incident and the response of the insurance company kind of threw the situation into
dissaray when clearly they were under the impression they were covered for such an incident as they indeed have been in the past.

Its a terrible situation for all concerned and just how do you get the situation resolved ? Where on earth do you start ?

Its clear an offer was made to the family to cover initial costs in this situation as NO ONE could have actually known the cost
or indeed how to go about it ?

The only option I feel Matthews has is to engage a Solicitor to act for the company and to go between them and the family to keep things calm
now and allow things to proceed with all speed. This “Attack” Mentality will achieve nothing at the end of the day.

There seem to be people who have have little or no knowledge of the company or its Directors jumping on the bandwagon to attack the company
and its Directors.

I am sure and yes i mean sure they are decent people who will do all they can to assist in anyway they can…It just needs calming down
and lets lose the eye for an eye mentality it will solve nothing.

And no…I am not connected to the company in any way shape or form.

Now…The priority is to allow the man to be repatriated and arrangements made with all speed and utmost respect to him and his family.

There would be no misinformation or any kind of controversy surrounding this incident if the company had done the right thing in the first place!

The right thing would not involve mentioning any sum of money or cost involved in repatriation or the continued journey of the vehicle.

The right thing would’ve been a simple “Don’t worry, we’ve got it covered” anything less than that is despicable

Yes it would cost the company money, money that could be written off as a legitimate business expense, but who gives a flying ■■■■ about cost in a situation like this, we’re talking about a human being ffs!

If the company had done the correct and morally decent thing in the first place, none of this would have happened and they thoroughly deserve every unintended consequence of their failure to do the right thing.

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Art B Logistics:

  1. I dont know if they (The Matthews Family) are even on Trucknet…I seriously doubt it.
  2. I never said that ?

Hi Art B Logisics,

With reference to point #2 above, where you claim to have not said that, sorry but I beg to differ.

by Art B Logistics » Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:08 am

I have read all the posts…Seen all the Facebook coverage on this matter and clearly there is now a whole lot of
“Misinformation” about this matter.
I have known the company for over 25 years within the industry and I can assure everyone that this is NOT how they
work at all and the whole attack mentality is giving them No option to help the family at this terrible time.

The post (of yours) that I’ve quoted appears near the bottom of page #7 of this topic.

TBH, I’m not sure what you meant by that either…


Art B Logistics:
I have read all the posts…Seen all the Facebook coverage on this matter and clearly there is now a whole lot of
“Misinformation” about this matter.
I have known the company for over 25 years within the industry and I can assure everyone that this is NOT how they
work at all and the whole attack mentality is giving them No option to help the family at this terrible time.
The whole timings of the incident and the response of the insurance company kind of threw the situation into
dissaray when clearly they were under the impression they were covered for such an incident as they indeed have been in the past.

Its a terrible situation for all concerned and just how do you get the situation resolved ? Where on earth do you start ?

Its clear an offer was made to the family to cover initial costs in this situation as NO ONE could have actually known the cost
or indeed how to go about it ?

The only option I feel Matthews has is to engage a Solicitor to act for the company and to go between them and the family to keep things calm
now and allow things to proceed with all speed. This “Attack” Mentality will achieve nothing at the end of the day.

There seem to be people who have have little or no knowledge of the company or its Directors jumping on the bandwagon to attack the company
and its Directors.

I am sure and yes i mean sure they are decent people who will do all they can to assist in anyway they can…It just needs calming down
and lets lose the eye for an eye mentality it will solve nothing.

And no…I am not connected to the company in any way shape or form.

Now…The priority is to allow the man to be repatriated and arrangements made with all speed and utmost respect to him and his family.

A Neville Brooker said exactly the same on faceache …



Art B Logistics:
I have read all the posts…Seen all the Facebook coverage on this matter and clearly there is now a whole lot of
“Misinformation” about this matter.
I have known the company for over 25 years within the industry and I can assure everyone that this is NOT how they
work at all and the whole attack mentality is giving them No option to help the family at this terrible time.
The whole timings of the incident and the response of the insurance company kind of threw the situation into
dissaray when clearly they were under the impression they were covered for such an incident as they indeed have been in the past.

Its a terrible situation for all concerned and just how do you get the situation resolved ? Where on earth do you start ?

Its clear an offer was made to the family to cover initial costs in this situation as NO ONE could have actually known the cost
or indeed how to go about it ?

The only option I feel Matthews has is to engage a Solicitor to act for the company and to go between them and the family to keep things calm
now and allow things to proceed with all speed. This “Attack” Mentality will achieve nothing at the end of the day.

There seem to be people who have have little or no knowledge of the company or its Directors jumping on the bandwagon to attack the company
and its Directors.

I am sure and yes i mean sure they are decent people who will do all they can to assist in anyway they can…It just needs calming down
and lets lose the eye for an eye mentality it will solve nothing.

And no…I am not connected to the company in any way shape or form.

Now…The priority is to allow the man to be repatriated and arrangements made with all speed and utmost respect to him and his family.

A Neville Brooker said exactly the same on faceache …

? Could be coincidence? I hope they advise their friends, the Matthews accordingly.

Edit: I’ve taken down that link to the haulier. It could be coincidence and I wouldn’t want to be responsible for another company to be caught up in this unless it were 100 percent correct.

There is already an unfortunate different Matthews Transport that has been receiving unfair attention.

Dipper has hit the nail on the head. It really doesn’t matter who this A 2 B character is.

The trucking community and Mr Stanyard’s family have sorted it. This Matthews outfit have disgraced themselves already. Best to leave the family alone and get on with the business of hopefully going OUT of business.

There would be no misinformation or any kind of controversy surrounding this incident if the company had done the right thing in the first place!

The right thing would not involve mentioning any sum of money or cost involved in repatriation or the continued journey of the vehicle.

The right thing would’ve been a simple “Don’t worry, we’ve got it covered” anything less than that is despicable

Yes it would cost the company money, money that could be written off as a legitimate business expense, but who gives a flying [zb] about cost in a situation like this, we’re talking about a human being ffs!

If the company had done the correct and morally decent thing in the first place, none of this would have happened and they thoroughly deserve every unintended consequence of their failure to do the right thing.

Agreed, as I said earlier, had this happened to me when I was running my truck then the cost of repatriating the driver would have sent me out of business. But I wouldn’t need to think twice about doing it, leaving a deceased employee in Italy simply wouldn’t be an option. I would borrow the money off my Mum if I had to.

The haste with which Matthews recovered the truck seems to compound their appalling behaviour, they even had the cheek to whinge to the family that they had had to pay hotel expenses for the recovering driver as he (quite reasonably) didn’t feel comfortable sleeping in the truck.

The cost of doing the right thing wouldn’t have driven Matthews out of business, it wouldn’t even have made the smallest dent in their annual profits. They are simply a very nasty, very money-obsessed family and it is to be hoped that in the longer term this sorry and shameful affair comes back to bite them on the arse.

I think quite a few people (and one in particular) may have overlooked the fact that Paul died LAST SUNDAY! A lot of people are assuming that because it has blown up over the weekend, it must have happened over the weekend - they (the company - I can’t even type their name) had an entire week to sort this out. The Directors will have been involved in this from the start - after all, who gave permission to spend ALL that money on flying a driver out and putting him up in hotels? The Directors, that’s who.
They are scum, and as far as I can see anybody that defends the indefensible is just as bad.

James the cat:
There is already an unfortunate different Matthews Transport that has been receiving unfair attention.

This is the very reason for the forum rule about rumours, gossip, lack of verifiable links or other info to substantiate what’s being said… completely innocent people can be affected.

Now perhaps folks will understand the TN website owners’ instructions to Mods/Admins to immediately take down exactly that kind of nonsense on here.

My sympathies go to the ‘different’ Matthews because they will now have to divert attention/resources to a firefight not of their making, and probably all because somebody can’t do some proper Googling. (Other search engines are available.)

The internet is powerful, if used wisely.


James the cat:
There is already an unfortunate different Matthews Transport that has been receiving unfair attention.

This is the very reason for the forum rule about rumours, gossip, lack of verifiable links or other info to substantiate what’s being said… completely innocent people can be affected.

Now perhaps folks will understand the TN website owners’ instructions to Mods/Admins to immediately take down exactly that kind of nonsense on here.

My sympathies go to the ‘different’ Matthews because they will now have to divert attention/resources to a firefight not of their making, and probably all because somebody can’t do some proper Googling. (Other search engines are available.)

The internet is powerful, if used wisely.

Yes which is why I took down the link myself.

Art b…explain this statement from the company away,note the 5k was offered in return for the family NOT making this public!

He’s not going to explain anything mate, he hasn’t addressed any of the questions other here have asked.
He just wanted to come on and try to firefight on behalf of the firm without backing up his claims…

He’s not going to explain anything mate, he hasn’t addressed any of the questions other here have asked.
He just wanted to come on and try to firefight on behalf of the firm without backing up his claims…

Maybe art b only gets paid 9 til 5 by the matthews

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