Get a Trucker home, Paul Stephen Stanyard

I find it funny that before all this I had never noticed this Matthews transport or KC transport but I know which one I would work for now. Polar opposite in the PR department.

I reckon the poor bugger monitoring their social media sites is gonna ring in sick.

I find it funny that before all this I had never noticed this Matthews transport or KC transport but I know which one I would work for now. Polar opposite in the PR department.

Fair play to KC transport, there ain’t many firms that would actually have the spine to voice an opinion publicly, good or bad, especially if they share customers.

Take it as you want as its a MMTM, but with Matthews it’s allegedly a case of a 50/50 split regarding one good boss and one utter ■■■■■■.

Currently just over £20k raised, have no doubt we’ve done our bit here.

I’m not on faceache so haven’t a clue whats being said there, but if the company’s customers get pointed in the direction of this site they would i imagine be considering being ex customers in short order.

So if you’re on a break and see your trailer being robbed you just watch as if you intervene and collect an injury or worse you’re not insured.
Seems fair to me [emoji57]

Sent from my X17 using Tapatalk


To Matthews International: Get better insurers. These Nimrods need to be named as well. Hiding behind small print when the man’s family have enough on their plate.

Neither party have covered themselves in glory.

Absolutely agree, but just think how they could of handled it…

MIT: “We’re sorry but the insurance are being corporate scumbags and not paying out. Here’s the entire cost of repatriation out of our own pockets. He was a valued member of staff, and clearly loved his job, do you want a tractor unit to carry the coffin for you FOC at the funeral? We’re sorry for your loss”

The above is a PR ■■■■■■■■■, instead they have PR disaster on their hands entirely of their own making.

They would’ve had good drivers clamouring for a job with a firm, thinking they are a decent outfit. Instead, they’ll be an employer of last resort.
Very short sighted of them to be mean like this.

Currently just over £20k raised, have no doubt we’ve done our bit here.

Absolutely and everyone should be proud.
Also despite the general consensus on his driving ability, Trucker Jay has used his internet following to highlight this story to his subscribers which can’t be a bad thing for which I think he deserves a bit of credit.

I have read all the posts…Seen all the Facebook coverage on this matter and clearly there is now a whole lot of
“Misinformation” about this matter.
I have known the company for over 25 years within the industry and I can assure everyone that this is NOT how they
work at all and the whole attack mentality is giving them No option to help the family at this terrible time.
The whole timings of the incident and the response of the insurance company kind of threw the situation into
dissaray when clearly they were under the impression they were covered for such an incident as they indeed have been in the past.

Its a terrible situation for all concerned and just how do you get the situation resolved ? Where on earth do you start ?

Its clear an offer was made to the family to cover initial costs in this situation as NO ONE could have actually known the cost
or indeed how to go about it ?

The only option I feel Matthews has is to engage a Solicitor to act for the company and to go between them and the family to keep things calm
now and allow things to proceed with all speed. This “Attack” Mentality will achieve nothing at the end of the day.

There seem to be people who have have little or no knowledge of the company or its Directors jumping on the bandwagon to attack the company
and its Directors.

I am sure and yes i mean sure they are decent people who will do all they can to assist in anyway they can…It just needs calming down
and lets lose the eye for an eye mentality it will solve nothing.

And no…I am not connected to the company in any way shape or form.

Now…The priority is to allow the man to be repatriated and arrangements made with all speed and utmost respect to him and his family.

Art B Logistics:
I have read all the posts…Seen all the Facebook coverage on this matter and clearly there is now a whole lot of
“Misinformation” about this matter.
I have known the company for over 25 years within the industry and I can assure everyone that this is NOT how they
work at all and the whole attack mentality is giving them No option to help the family at this terrible time.
The whole timings of the incident and the response of the insurance company kind of threw the situation into
dissaray when clearly they were under the impression they were covered for such an incident as they indeed have been in the past.

Its a terrible situation for all concerned and just how do you get the situation resolved ? Where on earth do you start ?

Its clear an offer was made to the family to cover initial costs in this situation as NO ONE could have actually known the cost
or indeed how to go about it ?

The only option I feel Matthews has is to engage a Solicitor to act for the company and to go between them and the family to keep things calm
now and allow things to proceed with all speed. This “Attack” Mentality will achieve nothing at the end of the day.

There seem to be people who have have little or no knowledge of the company or its Directors jumping on the bandwagon to attack the company
and its Directors.

I am sure and yes i mean sure they are decent people who will do all they can to assist in anyway they can…It just needs calming down
and lets lose the eye for an eye mentality it will solve nothing.

And no…I am not connected to the company in any way shape or form.

Now…The priority is to allow the man to be repatriated and arrangements made with all speed and utmost respect to him and his family.

Sorry but have you read the email exchange posted on the just giving website? The company have had many opportunities to nip this in the bud but haven’t.
When it became clear the insurance wouldn’t pay out then what they should have done is pay for repatriation then deal with the fallout once the poor man has been buried.
Instead, they sent a message offering a paltry sum requesting that no media contact be made.
Then they decided that a grieving widow needs to know they’re having to pay ‘extra’ to allow the driver who’s retrieving her partners truck to stay in a hotel while reminding her he died in it. Do you really think that’s something she need to know or wants reminding of?
Hardly the mark of a ‘decent’ person that you assume them to be. … =968851512

In case you fancy sending the boss a message

I appreciate you’re not connected with Matthews Art B Logistics but I for one am appalled having read the correspondence from the company. I don’t need to know how Matthews works, what colour their office walls are etc. The way they have dealt with this is what has driven a hard opinion.

Art B Logistics:
The whole timings of the incident and the response of the insurance company kind of threw the situation into

Death does not respect convenience. The tone in their e-mails cites their barely hidden annoyance at this inconvenience - they had to cough up to repatriate the lorry and pay for a driver to stay in a hotel. Hardly sensitive and appropriate reading for the family of the deceased.

Art B Logistics:
Its a terrible situation for all concerned and just how do you get the situation resolved ? Where on earth do you start ?

Well, given Matthews are not the ones who have lost a family member and are the ones who found their insurance suddenly lacking, perhaps they should take their responsibilites seriously and pay to do it?? What would they do if one of their vehicles wasn’t covered for removal. They’d pay.

Art B Logistics:
Its clear an offer was made to the family to cover initial costs in this situation as NO ONE could have actually known the cost
or indeed how to go about it ?

It’s clear some very insensitive and down right mean correspondence was sent. Also clear from the correspondence the motive behind the offer was to silence the family

Art B Logistics:
The only option I feel Matthews has is to engage a Solicitor to act for the company and to go between them and the family to keep things calm
now and allow things to proceed with all speed. This “Attack” Mentality will achieve nothing at the end of the day.

Having messed up speaking to the family without using what is really emotional black mail in their correspondence their only option is now to go through a legal team? Perhaps their other option would have been to spend the money on repatriation instead of a solicitor. They could’ve picked up the phone, explained their insurance had let them down, offer sincered condolences and said to the family “don’t worry, we’ll get him back, the insurance ■■■■ up is nothing to do with you, we’re his employer it’s for us to sort”. But they didn’t, the way they handled it is what has people’s backs up I’d say, not the money.

Art B Logistics:
I am sure and yes i mean sure they are decent people who will do all they can to assist in anyway they can…It just needs calming down
…The priority is to allow the man to be repatriated and arrangements made with all speed and utmost respect to him and his family.

It looks like they’ve done quite enough.

Trevor Matthews

In case you fancy sending the boss a message

I don’t think this is a good idea. Some people don’t know when to stop and act as appallingly as the company has. There are weirdos out there. I don’t think it’s correct to share this personally. But that’s me, even in these situations you have to keep balance.

£21.5k raised by people who didn’t know him but care enough to want to help,wouldn’t suprise me if Matthews set up a Gofundme page to get thier wagon back home!

I still feel its best to draw breath and take stock to allow the arrangements needed to be made.

If… your in possesion of ALL the facts then fine but please deal in facts and not hearsay or
statements on the various social Media.

Calm…and reason will prevail in the end.

Art B Logistics:
I have read all the posts…Seen all the Facebook coverage on this matter and clearly there is now a whole lot of
“Misinformation” about this matter.

Please explain the misinformation over the main fact, that is a driver died abroad while working for them and they didn’t have the decency to bring his body home, but paid his partner a sum of money on the condition she didn’t go to the media?

Art B Logistics:
I have known the company for over 25 years within the industry and I can assure everyone that this is NOT how they
work at all and the whole attack mentality is giving them No option to help the family at this terrible time.
The whole timings of the incident and the response of the insurance company kind of threw the situation into
dissaray when clearly they were under the impression they were covered for such an incident as they indeed have been in the past.

If they’d helped the family straight off, they’d not have had the attacks, ok so they had a problem with the insurance, and that might have thrown them if they believed they were covered, but they still should have brought the man home.
I’m sure if they’d explained to his partner that it’s not covered by insurance, but we will sort it, however can you give us a bit of time to find the best way to repatriate you partner and we will keep you in touch with all developments, I’m sure it would have been accepted.

Art B Logistics:
Its a terrible situation for all concerned and just how do you get the situation resolved ? Where on earth do you start ?

Yes it is a terrible situation, especially for the family, made worse by the poor handling by Matthews. You start with a bit of compassion.

Art B Logistics:
Its clear an offer was made to the family to cover initial costs in this situation as NO ONE could have actually known the cost
or indeed how to go about it ?

Where is this clear? Unless you know more than an outsider does?
And even if they gave a payment as an initial payment to help his partner, they should have made it clear and not say this was to stop them going to the press.

Art B Logistics:
The only option I feel Matthews has is to engage a Solicitor to act for the company and to go between them and the family to keep things calm
now and allow things to proceed with all speed. This “Attack” Mentality will achieve nothing at the end of the day.

There seem to be people who have have little or no knowledge of the company or its Directors jumping on the bandwagon to attack the company
and its Directors.

The best thing for Matthews to do now is leave well alone, they’ve done enough harm, the only way they could of handled this in a worse way would be to have charged his family for getting the truck back.

Art B Logistics:
And no…I am not connected to the company in any way shape or form.

Mmmmmmm Ok if you say so!

Art B Logistics:
Now…The priority is to allow the man to be repatriated and arrangements made with all speed and utmost respect to him and his family.

Well it’s probably best if Matthews stays well away from that, enough damage done.

Art B Logistics:
I still feel its best to draw breath and take stock to allow the arrangements needed to be made.

If… your in possesion of ALL the facts then fine but please deal in facts and not hearsay or
statements on the various social Media.

Calm…and reason will prevail in the end.

Well, that’s just it I have reacted on the facts I had. The press release from the company setting out their stance. The email correspondence to the family and what the family have said in reaction. It is enough evidence to legitimately form an opinion.

If the correspondence seen by the public was false or incorrect then You/Matthews would surely have released a statement to the contrary. But they have not.

Art B, I have to say you, sorry your “acquaintances” at Matthews would be well to treat public opinion with a bit more value and respect than all this. There has been a constant tone of trying to silence, from the family to public opinion. It’s controlling and belittling. People don’t react well to being controlled by big business that has done wrong during painful periods.

1/ An open hands “we are truly sorry. What a bloody mess we made of it” .
2/Offer proper assistance and human suport to the family.
3/State publicly that it was inappropriate to prioritise and vocalise that it was costly to repatriate the artic.
4/State that it was highly insensitive and vulgar to send the family an e-mail citing the new driver had to stay in a hotel which was “understandable given the circumstances”

This is about as good as it will get for halting it further. It may not change opinion of the situation beyond current contempt but it is the correct thing to do and may stop opinion getting worse.

This is an update from Pamela regarding Paul.

Hi Everyone

When I first heard of Paul’s death on Monday 1st August me and my Son’s were just 3 voices trying to get Paul home.
Today we have the voices of over 7000 people behind us who have succeeded in helping us.

I have just received word Paul will be back in his home town of Horbury in Wakefield West Yorkshire in 5 - 7 Day’s.

I would just like to thank Malcolm Harper for everything he has done for us Paul could not of asked for a better friend.

I will never be able to put into words how grateful we are to all the HGV drivers and the trucking community you have all come together on our behalf like a real band of brothers Paul would be so Proud.

My family and friends and my two son’s. Thank you.

Caroline Ingham at the British Consulate in Milan for all her assistance.

ITV News for bringing Paul’s story to light. The team at The Sun newspaper and all the other local and national newspapers that have contacted us and given us support. Thank you.

The lovely people who didn’t know Paul but still shared, messaged and donated to help bring him home you have taken so much weight off me and my family’s shoulders. Thank you.

Last but not least the lovely lady’s Gabriella and Caroline at Heavenly Harvests in West Yorkshire who are generously gifting us Paul’s funeral flowers. Thank you.

Originally we set out to raise £10.000 but with all your support we have more than doubled that amount which will cover all Paul’s repatriation and funeral costs.
It has been a very stressful time for me my family and Paul’s friends and what makes it worse is knowing all this could of been avoided if the company Paul worked for had just brought him home.
Your support and kind comments have been a comfort to us all.

I also wanted to say we have not accepted or received any payments from any local or national newspapers.

I am going to keep Paul’s funding page on as a memorial to Paul and a thank you to those who have helped bring him home. If I delete the page we would lose all comments, updates and donators information.

I will update you with the date, time and location of Paul’s funeral and you are more than welcome to come and pay your respects.

I can only thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.

Paul is on his final journey home!


Pamela & Family

Art B Logistics:

The idea isn’t to win US over Mr Matthews, do the right thing by Pauls family is all anybody is asking.



Funny thing is what’s the betting this all came about because of a decision a employed middle manager made? Who thought he was doing the right thing and saving the company a few bob. I’ve a feeling the owmers/directors would probably have seen the bigger picture had they been involved straight away.

Just a thought I’ve no actual experience of Matthews

It’s inconceivable something this major to a small family business would not have been discussed at family level. And even if it wasn’t the directors that made the decision to treat his poor wife this shamefully the company had ample opportunity to back track and do a u turn in period following the decision. My view is that they are simply a callous lot and thought they could save a few quid.

Its a big company rather than a small family business, wouldn’t have been all that major until the crap hit the fan


How often do drivers die in a company truck?
I’d have thought the death of a driver in any firm would attract the attention of the big bosses, even more so if they die in one of their trucks…